Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/18

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X vm LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Saint Clair A. Mulholland. An act granting an increase of pension to Saint Clair A. Mulholland. 655 A ril18,l882. . . - ·.. .-- . .. . . -..-. . ... A. lloenpard Company. An act authorizing the Public Printer to pay A. Hoen and Company, of Bal- _ - timore, Maryland, for the lithocaustic illustrations made by them. April 21, 1882 . .. 055 Am; Atkinson. An act granting u. pension to Ann Atkinson. April 25, 1892- ---_- ---· - ·---- ---· ·--- 655 Levi Anderson. An act granting an increase of pension to Levi Anderson. April 25, 1882 .. 656 George Andrews. An act granting a pension to George Andrews. April 25, 1882- ---- --·-_·--_-—· ---- 656 Charles H. Orduag. An act granting an increase of pension to Charles H. Ordvray. April 2a, 1882. 686 Rosetta L. McKay. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Rosetta L. McKay, April 25, 1882 . . 6e6 Sylmdcr Jackson. An act granting a pension to Sylvador Jackson. April 25, 1882-. ----·----- ---- @*6 susan R. Johnson. An act granting a pension to Susan H. Johnson. AX¤1_25, 1882- ----- . -------·- 057 Flora C. .lIcCaslin. An act granting a pension to Flora C. McGee1in. pl’ll_25, 1892 ---·· ·- -------- b§7 . Mary T. McCauley. An act granting a pension to Mary T. McCew1ey. $3111 25, 1862- . --.-- - -.-.- 6¤>7 Richard M. Baker. An act granting a pension to Richard M. Boker. Ap25, 1882 --.- ---- 657 Elizabeth 8. M Bale;. An act ganting a pension to Elizabeth S. M. Finley. April 25, 1882. .. 657 841-dl .1. Hooper. An act granting a pension to Sarah A. Hooper. April 25, 1882 .--.-...-. 658 John IC Chase. An act granting a pension to John F. Chase. April 25, 1882 --...- _- ---. -... " (i58’ Dennis Sullivan. An not granting an increase of pension to Dennis Sullivan. April 25, 1882. ... 658 Benjamin F. Dobson. An act for the relief of Benjamin F. Dobson. April 25, 1882 -. . .. 658 Jane Daelany. An act granting an increase of pension to Mrs. Jane Dulany. April 25, 1882 658 Claim allowed, etc. An act for the allowance of certain claims reported by the accounting officers of the United States Treasury Department. May 1, 1882 .. --.. .. . . 659 Brig General Armstrong. An act for the relief of the captain, owners, omeers, and crew of the late United States private·armed brig General Armstrong, their heirs, executors, administrators, agents, or assigns. May 1, 1882 .. -- --. ...- . . . . ..-. 697 Jeaeph . Slovene. An act for the relief of Joseph L. Stevens. May 4, 1882. . - ... .-. . .. 097 M. J. Kelly, et cl. An act for the relief of Chaplain M..}. Kelly and others. May 4, 1882 --.. .. 608 Henry Smnebridgs. An act granting an increase of pension to Henry Strawbridge. May 4, 1882. .. 698 Jobs leylor. An act granting a pension to John Taylor. Maw $-1; .. . . -. .. .. .. .. .. 698 Margaret McCormick. An act granting a pension to Margaret Cormiek. May 4, ISQ . .. 698 Christopher 12 Dunham, deceased. An set granting a pension to the heirs of Capt. Christopher T.~ Dunham, deceased. May 11 1882- .. . . . . . ... . . 698 Joh Weber. An act for the relief, of John Watson. May 11, 1882 .. . .. ... 699 Bun Jqferda. An act granting a pension to Susan Jeifords. May 11, 1882 .--- . . .-.- . 699 David G. Hutchinson. - An act granting apension to David G. Hutchinson. May 11, ISE! . .. 699 _ Francis Reichert. An act granxing a pension to Francis Reichert. May 1 18&..».;.,.,. 699. _ Andrea Gooille. An act granting an increase of pnsion to Andres Guillei · ll, IH .. 1:a*:.'tt**’ii§~,_ William H. Hill. An act for the relief of William H. Hill. May 11 18&Z. . . ... 700% Elisabeth Fulh. An act granting a pension to Elizabeth Fulks. Mia 11, ISQ. .4 .. --;. 700 Eli D. Walkin. An act or the relief of Eli D. Watkins. May 11, 1882. ‘ . . .. . . . 700 Coflnerisne Silver. An act granting a pension to Catherine Silvey. May 11, 1882 . ... 700 Mary Shaw. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Mary Shaw. May 11, 1882 .. . . -... .-.. 700 Sally 0. Mulligan. An act granting a pension to Sally C. Mulligan. May 11, 1$2 .. . . .-.. 701 8d1y Hell. An act granting a pension to Bally Hall. May 11, 1882 .. . . . .. . .. 701 Louise Beidridgs Hof An act or the mlief of Louisa Bainbridge Hoi May 17, 1882 .. . . 701 Jute! Phree. An actgrantingapensientoJeue F.Phares. Ma 17, 1882. . . . . . ..-. 701 Earl S. Ratklnm. An act granting a pension to Earl S. Rathbnn. ·May 17, 1882 .. . 101 Abagail S. Tilton. An net granting an increase of pension tonbagail S. Tilton. May 17, 1882 .. 702 Mary J. West. An act granting an increase of pension to Mary J. West. May 17, 1882 .,.. 702 Hugo Elcilcoltz. An act Erantm a pension to Hnigo Eichholtz. May 17, 1882 .. . . . ... 702 Cherie; F. :661 Ssgrry Smith. An act ortho relief of Charles F. Benjamin and Henry H. mit . ay , . .. . . . . . . . . . . ...,.. .,... 702 Almiro Farnaworth. An act for the relief of Mrs. Almlra Farnsworth. May 23, 18-12 . . , ,,,. 702 Thomas J. Wlmrton. An act for the relief of Thomas J. Wharton. May 23, 1882 . . . ,,,_,,, ,___ 703 Martha A. Hilliamaeu. An act granting a gnsion to Martha A. Williamson. May 23, 1882 . . . 703 Modern Smith. An act grantingna pension Modena Smith. May 23, 1882 . . ... . . . .. 703 Willie; Thomas. An not grant g a pension to William Thomas. May 23, 1882 .. . . . . 703 Cecil Cla;. An act granting an increase ofpsnsion to Cecil Clay. May 23, 1882 .. . . . . 703 Arthur l ’. Eastman. An not for the relief o Arthur W. Eastman. Ma 26, 1882 -. .. . .. 704 Timothy E. Ellmerth. An act for the relief of 'Dimothy E. Ellsworth. hay 26, IBQ . . . 704 Moses R. Russell. An act for the relief of Moses B. Russell. May 26, 1% .. .. 704 Benn! W. Ds . An cet authorizing Samuel W. Dabney, United States consul at Fayal, to accept a medal from the French Republic. Ma 26, 1882 . . . . . . 704 Willie1a A. Gardner. An act authorizing a duplicate choo; in payment of pension to William A. Gardner, of Frederick County, Maryland, in lieu of one lost, Jima 7, 1352 ______ _ _____ _ _____ 704 Frank Eitzmiller. An not granting a pension to Frank Kitzmiller. June 10, 1882 . 705 Justus Beebe, Anantgrantjngapengiontajngtng Beebe, Juno1D, 1;-82 _,,_ ,..,, ..,,. , .,... , 705 Eeinurd Farr. An act granting a pension to Edward Farr. June 10, 1882 . . . . 705 George E Blackman. An actinereasing the pension of George H. Blackman. June 10, 1882 .. . 705 Hwy Blowers. An act granting a pension to Mary Blowers, Jam 10, 1532 ______________________ _ fg Erwin Bllldin. An not granting a pension to Lewis B1¤m·]j¤_ Jung 10, 1Q ______ ____ ____ _ _____ __ 706 Cofvliwe Chow- An Mt granting a pension to Caroline Chase. Jung 10, 1882 _,,___ _ _____ _ ________ qq; T’¤·¤·¤ J'- €`¤.f¢·‘· M Mi gnnlws o pension to Thomas J. Cofer. June 10, mso .,.,,,,___ 706 Hes-tos An act granting a to Merton Stnucliii'. June 10, 1882 .-.. ... 7M N¤¢I•¤•¤l J- Collis An not gmnting gn pension to Nathaniel J. coma. June 10, 1882 . . 700 Charles K Prank. An act for the rehefqf Chu-1% H_ Hank Jun. 10, lg __________ _ _____ ______ 7m- MMT U- Newt- An not granting a pension to Mary (J, lim-ny, Ju, 10, 3g ______ _ ___________ qq;