Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/210

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 371. 1882. 183 one-fourth of said payments to be paid to the Chiokasaws and threefourtbs to be paid to the Ohoctuws; and until the first of such pay- ments be made, no right or power to enter upon said lands; except for the purpose of surveying and locating its line of road and telegraph, shall be acquired under the provisions of this act; Provided, That if the mm, general councils of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, or either of them, shall within sixty days alter the passage of this act, by resolution duly adopted, dissent from the allowance provided for in this section, and shall certify the same to the Secretary of the Interior, then the compensation to be paid for the use and grants in this act made for such dissenting tribe shall be determined as provided in section three for the determination of the compensation to be paid to the individual occupants of lands, except that one of said appraisers shall be appointed by the council of the dissenting tribe; and the award made shall be paid as and under the penalties provided for in said section three: And pro- Promo. vided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to prohibit Congress from imposing such taxes as it may deem just and proper upon the rail- Bight of United road hereby authorized for the benefit of the Choctaw and Chickasaw f"‘*°° "° i";s'°'° Indians so long as they shall occupy and possess the territory or to °x°"°°°" prohibit any State or States which may hereafter be formed out of said territory from imposing taxes upon said road. Sec. 5. That within ninety days from the passage of this not the said Limit oftimefor company shall accept the provisions of this act, and within thirty days “°°°P*t1¤-Q; gg thereafter the said company shall fix and determine the general route mms mm of its line of road in accordance with this act by filing with the Secre- ofrond. tary of the Interior a map of preliminary survey, and by filing copies thereof in the offices of the principal chiefs of said nations respectively; and thereafter no claim for a subsequent settlement and improvement along such line within seventy-five ieet on either side thereof shall be valid as against the said right of way; and within one year hom the date of the acceptance of this act by said company as herein provided, the said company shall iile with the Secretary of the Interior a map showing the definite location of its line of roads and telegraph as designated in pcgngt, 1,,,,,,;%,, the that sectionofthis aotand shzllwmplete the said road and tele- ornsnwrmm. · graph throughthelandsofsaidmtianswithintbefurtherperiodofoue fw?. . ~. S10. 6. That the said right of way shall not be settled upon, by au· Settlements on · thority of aid railway company, by mm-citizens of said nations except right 9f way by such employees of said company as are necessary to the successful oper- E;’§:;;‘?°“” P0"" ation of said railway and telegraph line, and their families: Provided, H0és_ ’ °x° P` That only agents, operators, employees, and sectioumen shall be exempt Praviso. I y reason oi such employment from payment of permits, as required of other noncitizens of said nations. SEO. 7. That no greater rates of fare or freight shall be charged in Ram oftnm and the Choctaw or Chickasaw Nation, by said railway company, than the Wishilowest rate authorized by law in the States of Arkansas and Texas, or ‘ · either of them for services or business of the same kind; and said railway company agree to convey all passengers and to accept and trans· — port all Height that may be offered, and to bill any freight which may Swcialhmingof be oiiered for shipment from points on said line by persons lawfully re- freight. siding or doing business in the ,Qh0ctaw` or Chickasaw Nation to Ohicago, with the privilege of stopping said freight at Saint Louis, by the shipper, on the same terms as if the bills had been made for Saint Louis in the iirst instance. - Bmc. 8. That said company shall provide a sudioient number of tracks Tracks, ddings, to do the business that may be offered_, and shall permit any •¢¤- company to have the rights of user of its main tracks endings by the payment of n tixed charge as rental therefor. The mmntenanneot momwupm Itpentrncture, tracks, depots, and other buildings and appurtenances, Eagm ¤*°¤ °‘ std of stations and operetin expebgaucl such other expenses as mh imposed by law, ehé be upon the wheebge cl sack opming me Kllilftlh oveusoidmnd, eaeheompenypayingsuelnpmporuou ¤11v¤¤¤r •¤p¤¤¤¤¤