Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/56

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 31, 32, 41. 1882. 29 the Army of the Cumberlsmd, out of the proceeds of the sales of any condemned 01·¢lua11ce or ordnance stores, the sum of seven thousand five lmmlrcd dollars, to be used in the erection of a statue or monument at; \\’aslniugt0n, District of Columbia, to the memory of Gcncml J ames A. Gauiicld. Approved, March 11, 1882. CHAP. 32.-Au nct authorizing aud directing the purchase by the Secretary of the Mar. 11, 1882. Treasury, for the public use, of the property kuowu as the Frcedmarfs Bank, und —————— the rcnl estate and parcels of ground adjacent thereto, belonging to the Fl'00tl!D{lll’S Sa vin gs uml Trust Company, and located on Pennsylvania avenue, between Fifteenth and l·`1ftecnth—uud—u-half streets, Washington, District of Columbia. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the P“*°]*¤¤° bij S°°· Treasury bc, uml he hereby is, authorized and directed to purchase, for ;°m;¥.':;;;:hqu:;:?g the use of the United States, all those lots and parcels of ground, with Bgm atc_ the improvements thereon, situated in the city of Washington, District; of Columbia, on 1‘cu11sylva11ia avenue, between Fifteenth and Fifteentham}-u.—lmlf streets, and belonging to the Frcedm:m’s Savings and Trust Company, known and described in the original deeds of conveyance to the said Freedmau’s Savings and Trust Company us the west half of D¢¤¤¤*i1>¤i<>¤ of lot uumbcred three, all of lots numbered four, tive, six, uml seven, and P'°Y""°Y‘ the south half of lot numbered eight, in square numbered two hundred and twenty-one, as laid out and recorded in the original plat or plan of the city of Wasbiu§t0u, in the District of Columbia, at :1. sum not cxceeding two hun and fifty thousand dollars, to be paid and by him placed to the credit of the commissioners of the said FPO0f1H13D7S Savings and Trust Company, or their successors, on the books of the Treasurer of the United States, for distribution among its creditors, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon proof Apprvpriativui of as perfect title and the execution to the United States of a deed good and sufficieut in law, and in form approved by the Attorney-General; T‘*l°· and said sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for that purpose. Approved, March 11, 1882. CHAP. 41.-An act authorizing the P0stmastcr—Geucral to adjust certain claims of Mm-. 17, 1882. Pcstmastcrs for loss by urglary, Fire, or other unavoidable casualty. -j—- Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United P t t , 8tatcs3fAmerica in Oongrcxa assembled, That the P0stmaster·Gcnera1 clm::f(?;{‘0:s°°;$,°;- be, mx he is hereby, authorized to investigate all claims of Postmas- gm, em; ters for the loss of moneyordcr funds, postagc-stamps, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, and postal cards belonging to the UDi(iB(1 States in the hands of such Postmasters, resulting from burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty, and if he shall determine that such loss P°Ym°¤* mm; resulted iiom no fault or negligence on the part of such Postmastcrs, to Q°:;‘;;°\;n‘a ’ ’ pay to such Postmastcrs or credit them with the amount so ascertained to have been lost or destroyed, and also to credit Postmastcrs with the amount of any remittance of money-order funds made by them, in compliauce with the instructions of the Postmaster-General, which shall · have been lost or stolen while in transit by mail hom the omcc of the rcmittiug Postmaster to the omcc designated as his depository: .P°ro· ?•‘°**•°•· vided, That no claim exceeding the sum of two thousand dollars shall be paid or credited until after the facts shall have been lgy ‘the Postmaster General uml reported to Congress, together with bm recommendation thereon, and an appropriation made therefor: Am! provided further, That tlus act shall not embrace any claim for losses as afereuid which accrued more than fiftecn years prior to its passage;