Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/7

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. V11 Pago. Collection dialvjlctn, Cali/`ornia. act: to amend scctious twenty-five hundred und eighty-two, twenty-uvu lnumlred and exghty-three, twenty-six hundred and seven, and twentysix hundred and enghfyfour of tho Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to the collection districts of Cgglifurpig, June 16, 1852 _____,____ _ _____ , ____ _ ______ _ _,,__ _ _,__,,,,,,, ._ _,., ,. 105 Land districts, Nebraska. An act to create two additional land districts in tho State of Nebraska. Jung 19, _____ _ __ ____ _________ __ ___ _____ _ _ __________ __ __ ____ ___________ _____ Harbor of refuge, Sand Beach, Lake Huron, Michigan. An act for tho government uml control of the lmrbcrof refuge at Saud Beach, Lnko Huron, Liichigau. June 19, 1832 __,, ,.__,_,_,,,, 107 Disbursement of Congressional pay. An act to provide for the payment of the salaries and compansatmn ot members of the houses of Congress mul their omcers and employees in curtain contingcncncs. Juno 22, 11582 ..,__, , ____ , ______ _ _______________ _ _____ _____ __ ____ _ _____ _____ 103 Public building, Erie, Pennsylvania. An ucc to provide 2. building for the use of the United States

 circuit and district courts and post-office ut Erie, Pennsylvania. Juno 27, 1852.  . ... 168

Brndgea, Arkarwas. An acr authorizing the Texas and Saint Louis Railway Company to build certain bridges in the State of Arkansas. June 27, 1882 . . . , . . ,... . ..,,, , ,_,,. 109 Claims fog- suppression of Indian hostilities. An act to uuthorizc the Secretary of the Treasury to cxammc and report to Congress the amount of all claims of the States of Texas, Colorado, Oregon, Nebraska, California, Kansas, and Nevada, and tho Territories of Washiugou und Idaho, for money expended and indebtedness assumed by said Stmcs and Territories in ropclliug invasions and suppressiumlndiun hostilities, and for other purposes. J unc 27, 1882.. [11 Bridge over Missouri Rircr. An act amt orizing tho Sioux City and Pacilic Railroad Company to construct und maintain a railroad bridge ovcrtlnc Missouri River. J uno 27, 1882. . . . 112 Rock street, Georgetown, D. C. A11 act to vacate ss certain part of Rock trout, in Georgetown, in the D strict of Columbia. Juno 27, 1882. . . . .. ,.,,.. ,_,, .. . .___. . ,,,., 114 Southern Maryland Railroad Company. An act to authorize the Southern Maryland Railroad Com- · · puny to extend a railroad into and within the District of Columbia. J uno 27, D:82 . · H4 National Bank, Kulzloum, Pennsylvania. An act authorizing tho National Bank of Kutztowu to change its location and name. June 27, 1882 .--. . ..-- .. .--. .. 115 Lando of Miami Indiana, Kama;. An act to amend section two of nu act entitled "An act to provide for tho salc of the lands of the Miami Indians in K:mso.s," approved May fifteenth, ‘ eighteen hundred and eighty-two. Juno 27, 188*2..-. . ... . . ... 116 Boehm Art and ind»stri¤lEz7uib6lion. An act. to admit frac of duty articles intended for the oxhibition of nrt and industry to be hold at Boston, Massachusetts, during tho your eighteen hu.n— drcd and eighty-thru. Juno 28, 1882 .,.. . -.. ... -.- . -- ... 116 Army appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of tho Army for tho fiscal year izgxégng June thirticth, eighteen hundred and eightythroo, and for other purposes. Juno 30, Military Academy a pr•pm‘a.t~ions. An act makin up ro rintions for tho sup orb of tho Military . Academy fonptho fiscal your ending Juno ghirtmthl; eighteen hundred alnd eighty-thrc¤, and for other purposes. J unc 30, 1882. . ... -. -- 123 Springfield Street Railway Company. An act granting to the Springfield Street Railway Company the right to lay trucks in Mill street, in Springfield, Massachusetts July 1, 1882 .. .--. - 126 Capitol grounds. An act to regulate tho use of tho apitol grounds. July 1, 1882 -... .-.. 126 Criers, mpreme court, District of Columbia. An not to authorize the supreme court of the District of Columbia to appoint two additional criors. July 1, 1882 . . - -.. .. . . 127 Soldiers' monument, Birmingham, Connecticut. A,11 act donating condemned cannon and cannon-balls to the Soldicrs’ Monument Association, Birmingham Connecticut. July 1, 1882 128 Anna M. Rau Post, N0. 94, G. A. R. All act granting conclomncd cannon to tho Arma M. Ross Post, ' Number Niuoty-f. ur, of the Grand Army of the Republic, of Philadelphia. July 1, 1882 128 Consular and diplomatic appropriations. An act making appropriations for tho consular and diplomatic service of the government for the decal your ending Juno thirtioth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and for other purposes. July 1, 1882 .. . . .--. .-.- 128 District of Columbia appropriations. .An act makin? appropriations to gdb for tho oxponscs of the vcmmnnt of the District of Columbia or the fiscal your ong J uno thirticth, eighteen _ huu5:cd md eighty-three, and for other purposes. July 1, 1882 . . .. .--. 135 Boidgcncroa Arkanaua River. An not to authonzo tho construction of a bridge ncrbss the Arkansas River as the town of Van Buren, Crawford County, Arkansas. July 3, 1882. --. 144 · Bridge over Mississippi River. An act to authorize the Bocklslaud and Southwestern Railway Oomgungéo construct a bridge over the Mississippi River at New Boston, State of Illinois. July Shoskono and Banuock Indians. Idaho. An act to accept and ratify an agreement with tho Shoshone and Bannock Indians for tho solo of a Eortion of their reservation in Idaho Territory required for the uso of the Utah and Northern dilroad, and to make tho necessary appropriatmn for carrying out tho same. July 3, 1882 -.. . . . . .L.. . ... .. . . 148 Mound City National Cemetery. An act making an appropriation to construct around and approaches from Mound City, Illinois, to tho National Cemetery, and for other puxgxoscs. July 3, 1882.. 150 Donation of condemnd canon. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to oliver certain cannon for monumental purposes to the Grand Army of tho Republic, at Wesl·minstor, hiapsachusotfs; also to tho Danville Light Battery A, Illinois National Guard, at Danville, Illmom,for mounmontnlpurposcs. Ju1y5, 188*2 .. . . . . . -.. .. .-. .. . ... .. 150 Jef C.Daoia Pool, No. 16, G. A. R. An act authorizing tho Secretary of Wu to deliver to the Job`. C. Davis Post, Number Sixtccn, of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Vinccnnesylndnana, six coudcmucel cast-iron guns, for monumental purposes. July 5, 1882. I . .. 150 Alley-sraya, Wasloington, D. C. An not to authorize the changing of al.loy·ways in the mty of Washington. July 6, IBB2 ..;. . . . . . . . ··-- . .---- - ----- - ·--··--···-------··- 151 Battle of Monmouth. An ccc inc regard to a monumental column to commemorate tho battle of Moumouth. July 6, 1682 . . . . . . . .. ... .. . . .. . .. 151