Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/847

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820 CONVENTION—MOBOCCO. JULY 3, 1880. allowed to select but one interpre- qu’un interprete, un soldat et deux ter, one soldier and two servants domestiques parmi les sujets du from among the subjects of the Sul- Sultan, a moins qu’ils n’aient betan, unless they may require a na- soin d’un secrétaire indigene. tive secretary. These protected persons shall, in Ces proteges ne seront soumis like manner, be subject to no duty, non plus at aucun droit, impet ou impost or tax whatever, other than taxe quelconque, en dehors de ce tlgose stipulated in articles 12 and qui est stipule aux articles 12 et 1 . 13. ` Anrrcm 4. Amucnn 4. M,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of Ifa_Representative shall appoint un Bepresentant nomme un mumqgmmnon a subject of the Sultan to the office sujet dn Sultan a un poste d’Agent °¥i;;€°!;s· ¤ d *0 ¤1>- of Consular Agent m a town on the consulaire dans une ville de la cete, P° coast, such agent shall be respected cet Agent sera respectsé et honore, and honored, as shall the members , ainsi que sa famille habitant sous of his family occupying the same le meme toit, laquelle, comme lui-· dwelling with him, and they, like meme, ne sera soumise a aucun him shall be subjectto no duty, im- droit, impet ou taxe quelconque en gist ortltax xatever, otherlzthaa dehglrs de ce qui est stipule aux ose s 'pula in artices an arti es12et13· maisilwaurapas 13; but he shall xlrot have the rigthlt le droit de proteger d’antres sujets to protect any su jects o the S - du Sultan en dehors de sa famille. tan other than the members of his own family. _ He may, however, for the exer- Il ponrra, toutefois, pour l’exermenéegféhsggrmdnom have a pro- Idrewzegéfonctions, avoir un sol- _ Rights:; ¤1'¤i¤¤r¤ Officers in acting charge of Vice Les Gerants des Viceconsulats, gg? °°'“’“]‘ Consulates bcmg_subjects of the snjets duSultan,jou.i¤ont, pendant - Sultan, shall, during the exercise Pexereise de leur fonctions, des of their functions, enjoy the same memes droits que les Agents conrights as Consular Agents who are sulaires sujets du Sultan. subjects of the Sultan. Anrrcr.1: 5. Anrrcm 5. Ministers, Tl18GOVOHl1llBDt0fM0!000¢)I00- Le Gouvernement lhroeain re- $$6; ogmzes the right of Ministers, oonnait aux Ministres, Charges in ,,,],,,,,,0,, of mp Charges d’AHhlIC8 other Rep- d’Atl’au-es et autre Bepresentants me employee., resentatnves, which 18 granted to le droit, qui leur est acoordé par them by treaties, to select the per- les Traités, de choisir les personnes sgns whom they employ, eitlneillcin qu’ils cmp cient, soit gleur serévtice cir own service or that o t ir personnel soitacelui eleurs n- governments, unless such persons vernements, a moins, tggtefois, que shall be sheiks or other employees ce ne soient des Che ou autres of the Government of Morocco, employes du Gouvernement masuch as soldiers of the line or of roeain, tels que les soldats de ligne the cayalry, in additxonl to ghqatla- ggzde cavalerie, ergdehors des Mg; 8 m comman o cir n' reposés l rd . guard. In lilac manner they shall memeuts ne pourro:t?emg;loy’er annot_ be permitted to employ any cun sujet marocain sous le coup de subject of Morocco who 18 under poursmtes. _ _ prosecn on. chf’i{::;·t:•l¤¤8¤ ¤¤ It is ugeclfmmd that civil sluits ll rests eutendn que les proces ‘ commen oreprotection s all civils engages a nt la tection be terminated before the courts se termineront devout Tribuwhich have instituted such proceed- naux qui en auront entame la promgs. The execution of the sen- cédure. tence shall sufer no hindrance. Iiexécution de la sentence ne Nevertheless, the local authorities rencontrera pas Nempechement.