Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/9

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. IX Page. Kickapoo Indian lands, Kansas. A11 act to provide for the salc of certain Kickapoo Indian lands in Kaus3S_ ,]q]y28’ 1882 _____ ____ ______ __ ______ _________,_,___ ________ ___, ___________ __ ___,__ 177 Ulc Indian Reservation, Colorado. An act rclntiug to lnuds in Colorado lately occupied by the Unccmpahgre and White River Ure Indians. July 28, 1882 ,___________ _ ____ _ _____ _ __ _ ___,__., 178 Bridge over Ric Grande River. An act to {\llL110l'iZ0 the construction of 0. street-railway and wagonmad brulgo over the Rio Grande River bcbwccu the city of E1Paso, Texas, and Paso del Ng;-tg, Mexico, July 23, ]§82_ _____ _ ____ , ______ _ _____ _ __ _ __________ _ ____ _ _ _ _,__, _ ______, _ , 179 Revised Stafules, sqction2133, amended. An act to amend scctiou tw enty—0uc hundred and thirty-three of the Rcvused Statutes, in relation to Indian mmcm. July 3l, 188) ,,_,..___,, _ ____,., 179 Railway mail service. An act to dcsiguzntc, classify, and (ix the salaries of persons in the railway mail service. July 31, 1882 .. . . ..., . ,,,_,__,._______________________ ____ ____ _ _____ 180 Right of amy. An act to grant the right of way for I'{lul`03(l purposes through the lands of the United States powder depot ucar Dover, New Jersey, July 31, 188:2 ___ _,,_,, ,, ____ _ ___,_,, 180 Indian industrial go.-Iaoola. An act to provide additional industrial training schools for Indian youth, _ and autbonzing the use of unoccupied military barracks for such purpose. July 31, 1882.. 181 Rsgkl of way. An act granting to certain parties right of way over lands and waters of the United Stance. July 31, 1882 .. . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . ,. 181 Copyright. At act to amend the statutes in relation to copyright. August: 1, 1882 . . ... . 181 Right of way. An act togrant; a right of way for 11 railroad and telegraph line through the lands of the Choctaw an Chickasaw Nations of Indians to the Saint Louis and Sam Francisco Railway Company, and for other purposes. August 2, 1882 ... . - . . .. . . . . 181 Oregon Short—Linc Railway Company. An act creating the Oregon Short-Line Railway Company n corporation in the Territories of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, and for other purposes. August _ 2, 1882 . . . .. . ... ... .. --.. .. . . 185 Lctlewcarrizra. An act to amend sections three and four of the act of February twenty·iirst, eighteen hundred and seventymiuc, to fix the pay of letter-carriers, and for other purposes. Aug- P ““°’·"’§’§é;·1;. ··‘·‘‘‘···‘·····‘ r ‘‘‘‘···· 2 ··‘‘‘·‘‘ ····· ···‘‘‘ ‘ ‘···‘ ‘‘‘‘ *82 asacnger act, . act to regulate the csrri e 0 passengers sea. An st 2, 1882 _ 18 River and harbor appropriations. An act making uggropriatious for theyconstructiiz, repair, and preservation of eertcin works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. August 2, 1882 . 191 Immigration. An act to regulate immigration. August 3, 1882 ... 214 Porta ¢g'del£vcry. An act to establish ports of delivery at Kansas City and Saint Joseph, in the tate of Misonri. August 3, 1882 .--. .. - . ... . . 215 Eartrndition. An act regulating fees and the practice in extradition cases. August 3, 1882 215 Mail service. An act to authorize the Postmnstor·General to extend the mail service in certain eases, and for other purposes. August 3, 1882 .. . . . . .--. . 216 Meridioml international con_fere¤cc. An not to authorize the President of the United States to call an international coutbreuce to fix on and recommend for universal adoption a common prime meridian to be used in the reckoning of longitude and in the regulation of time throughout the world. August 3, 1882 .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 217 Public building, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. An act to authorize the purchase of n site and the erection of a suitable building for the United States district court, p0st·0EBce, and other government 0Nces at; the city 0 Williamsport, Pennsylvania. August 3, 1882 . 217 Fort Larned military reservation. An act to provide for the disposition of the Fort Lsmed military reservation. An ust 4, ISQ ... - . -... ..1. .. . ... 217 · Land i21c, Wgahingfon, C. An act to quiet title to certain land in Washington, District of Gohim- 218 ia. u t. 4 1882 .. . . . . . - . ..-. .. . . .. Fort Benton nigluasry ;-narration. An act to restore the Fort Benton military reservation to the public domain, and for other purposes. August 4, 1882 .-.. . . . . 218 Lcgideuieo, cueutiec, and judicial appropriation:. An act making appropriations for the legislative, ‘ executive, and judicial expenses of the government for t c fideal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred am] eighty-three, and for other purposes. August 5, 1882 . 1 .-. 219 Dqfdcaey iona. An act making appropriations to supply dciicienciee in the appropriations for e seal year cudiui Juno thirbicth, eighteen hundred and eightywwo, and for prior yuan, and for those ecrti ed se due by the accounting 05cem of the Treasury in accordance _ with eeeticm fom of the act of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, heretofen paid from permanent appropriations, and for other purposes. August 5 l$2. ..-:-- 57 ._ Novel An act making appropriations for the naval service for the {ucd year cudmg une thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and for other purposes. August 5, 1882:- 284 Umatilla Indian reservation. An set authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to dispose of certgun lands adjacent to the town of Pendleton, in the State of Oregon, belonging to the Umntxllu Indian reservation, and for other purposes. August 5, 1882 - . . ... .. .· - ·--·- 297 Trade-mark. An act relating to the registration of trade-marks. August 5, 1882 . . . -. . 298 Right of mag. An act granting the right of way to the Arizona Southern Railroad Company through the Papago Indian reservation in Arizona. August-5, 1882 . 299 Maaier armorer, Springjield Armory. An act to Hx the compensation of the master nrmorcr at the national armory in Springfield, Massachusetts. August 5, 1882 ... ...- ---- -·· ·---- -· 299 Nelm Pool, No. 194, G. A. R. An set ting condemned cnet-iron cannon and cannon Balls for monumental purposes. August ?: 1882 .. . . . .. .. .:..:. ..._. -.=. 299 Public building, Bain! Joerg}, Missouri. An act to provide for the erection of e pubhe building m the city of Saint Jump , in the State of Missouri. August 5, 1882.. ...,., . . . . . . 29 Gran tounge of rend;. An act to provide for deductions from the gross tonnage of vessels of the United fates August 6, IBQ .. . . . . .. .. .. 300 Biplmnetic relation with Pcrsia. Ln act tc establish diplomatic relations with Persia. August 5, 301 1E..-.-.-. .,.. .. .. ...--... .. .;·,. .,..,. ,..-.. ..., ..., Bevis; Brahma, caution 2504, amended. An act to correct cn error in section twenty-ilve hundred mad four of the Revised Statutes of the United States. AUKBBU 7, IE6? -·-·····-· · ··--· ···- ······ 301