Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/961

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934 AGREEMENT-MEXICO. JULY 29, 1882. July 29, 1882. Agreement between the United States and Mexico establishing the recipro- —*"*_""_" cal right to pursue savage Indians across the boundary line; concluded, signed, and exchanged at Washington July 29, 1882. C qnt M Ming Memorandum of an agreement en- Memorandum de un convenio cele- P°“'“°°· tered into in behalf of their respect- brado en nombre de sus respectivos ive Governments, by Frederick T. Gobiernos, por Frederick T. Fre- Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State linghuysen, Secretario de Estado of the United States of America, de losEstados Unidos de America, and Matias Romero, Envoy Extra- y Matias Romero, Enviado Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- ordinario y Ministro Plenipotentiary of the Rqrublic of Mexico, ciario de la Republica Mexicana, provuling for the reciprocal cross- autorizando el paso reciproco de ing of the internatumal boundary la linea divisoria internaeional, de line by the troops of the respective tropas de los respectivos Gobiernos, Governments in pursuit of savage en persecution de indios salvages, Indians, under the conditions here- con arreglo d las condiciones que se ina/ter stated. expresan mas adelante. Anrrcnn I. . Am·fcU1.o I. Sc0pe_ It is agreed that the regular Se conviene en que las tropas federal troops of the two Republics federales regulares de las dos Remay reciprocally cross the bound- publicas pasen reciprocamente la ary line of the two countries, when linea divisoria entre los dos paises they are in close pursuit of a band of cuando vayau persiguiendo de cerca. savage Indians, uponthe conditions una partida de indios salvages, con stated_in the following articles. arreglo alas condiciones que se expresau en los articulos siguientes :- ‘ Anmcm: H. Anrricm.0 II. _ Pieces of @068- The reciprocal crossing agreed El paso reciproco convenido en

‘€3;L*’°°P° d°°‘ upon in Article I shall only occur el articulo I no podra hacerse sino

gu ‘ in the nnpopulated or desert parts por la parte despoblada y desierta ‘ of said boundary line. For the de dicha linea divisoria. Para los purposes of this agreement the un- efectos de este eouvenio se entienpopulated or desert parts are de- den por partes despobladas 6 defined to be all those points which siertas todos aquellos puntos disare at least two leagues distant tantes por lo ménos dos leguas de from any encampment or town of cualquier campamento 6 poblacion either country. ·· de ambos paises. _ Anrrcm III. Anrfouro IH. Restrictions. No crossing of troops of either El paso de tropas de uno u otro country shall take place from Oapi- pals no podra tenor lugar desde tan Leal, a town on the Mexican Capitan Lea], poblacion en el lado side of the Rio Bravo, twenty Mexi- mexicano del Rio Bravo-a veinte can leagpes (52 English miles) leguas mexicanas (ciucuenta y dos above edras Negras, to the millas inglesas) rio arribe de mouth of the Rio Grande. Piedras Negras hasta la embossdura del Rio Grande. · Anrxomaz IV. Aurtouto IV. trgivnpxgatgcgivug Th 00 d f th Gah B ic · e mmanero etroops El delasfuemas ue asen 4::. 8 of ng which cross the irontier in pursuit la frontera en perseeucizm do in-