Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/976

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'\ LONVENTION-INTERNATIONAL. AUG. 22, 1864.. 949 ART. Any muchantman, to what- ART. X. Tout betiment de commerce, Merchantvessels ever nation she may belong, charged ex- Ev. quelqne nation qu’il appurtsienne charge performing h o s- clnslwely with removal of sick and wound- exclusivemenb de blessés et de malades pits} duty to be ed, lsprotsectedhy neutrality, but the mere dont il opere 1’évz1.cuation, est convert: por treated as neutral · fact, nored on the shlp’s books, of the ves- la neutralité; mais le fait seul de la visite, visited by enemy’a sel having been visited by an enemy’s notiiié snr le journal du bard, par un croi- cruiser renderin cruiser, renders the sick and wounded in- sour ennemi, rend les blessés et les mnla- sick and wounded capahle of serving during the continuance des incapable do servir pendant la durée incapaoitatedfrom of the war. The cruiser shall even have de la. uerre. Le croiseur aura meme le further war servthe right of putting on board an officer droit ge mettre a bord un commissnire ice. in or ler to accompany the convoy, and pour accompagner le convoi et vériiier thus verify the good iaith of the opera- alnsi la bonne lei cle Popération. . tion. [nhemerehants ship alsoearriesacargo, Si le batiment de commerce contenait Cm-go of merher neutralitywill still protect.i|:,provided en outre un clmrgement, la nentralité le chant ship prothat such cargo is n0h_of a. nature to be couvrirait encore pourvn que ce charge- tected; when;pr0- confiscated by the belhgerents. ment ne fnt pas de nature 5. etre coniisqué viso. par le belligérant. The belligereuts retain the right to in- Les belligérants conservent le elroit Bi ht of bam _ urdiet neutralized vessels fromall commu- Ninterdire aux batiments neutmlisés cing g nication, and from any course which they toute communication et toute direction may deem prejudicial to the secrecy of qu’ils jngeraient nnisibles au secret de their operations., In urgent cases special leurs operations. Dans les cas nrgents, conventions may be entered into between des conventions partioulieres pourront commsmdersdu-chief, in order to neutral- etre faitee entre les commandants-en-chef im temporarily and in a special manner pour nentraliser momentanément d’uno the vessels intended for the removal of the maniere spéciale les navires destinés a sick and wounded. Pévncoation des blessés et des malndes. A1z·r.XI. Wounded or sick sailors and Am`. XI. Les marins et les militaires wounded,, sick · mldiers, when embarked, towhatever na- emharqués, blesses on malades, ai quelque sajlnm and B0]. tiomthey may belong, shall beproteeted nalrou qu’ils appnrtiemient, seront pro- dim-8, when Bm. and taken care of by their captors. téigs et soignés par les capteurs. bgrkcd, 0W_ Their return to their own country is urropatriement est soumis ou: pres- Remmtonativo subject to the providons of Article VI. of criptions do Particle six de la Conven~ country. the Convention, and of the additional Ar- tion et de Particle cinq additionnel. tic e V. AELXII. The distinctive ilagtobeused ART. XH. He drapeou distinctifh join- White dag with with the national flag, in order to indi- drcan pavilion national pour indiquer un red cross, etc.,used cate an y vemel or boat which may claim navire ou une embarcation quelconquo qui by vessels _ claimthe benefits of neutrality, in virtue of the réclame lo bénélice de la neutralize, en ing neutrality. `nciples of this Convention, is a white vortn des principee de cette Convention, gig with a red cross. The belligerents est le pavilion b • acroix rouge. Les may exercise in this respect any mode of belligérants exercent a cet égard toute veriiication which they may deem neces- vérihcation qu’ils jngent nécessaire. sary. Military hospital ships shall be distin- Lesbatimentshopitanxmilitaires seront Military hospitguished by being painted white outside, distingnés par une peinture exetéueure ala painted white, with green snake. blauche ayec batherie verte. _ etc. Arr. XIII. Thehospitalshipewhichare ART. XIII. Les navires hospitaliers, Hospital ships, equipped at the expense of the aid socio- équipés aux this des sociétés de seoonrs etc., and staff to ties, recognized by the governments sg- reeounues par les Gouvernements s1gna— be treated as neuing this Convention, and which are - taires de cette Convention, pourvns do tml. • nished with a commission emanating from commission émanée dn Souveram qui aura the sovereign, who shall have 'ven ex- dormé Yauknrisatdon expresse de leur arnie— press authority for their being gated out, ment, et d’un document de Pantorité and with a certificate from the proper maritime oompétento, stipulant 2;1’1ls ont naval authority that they have been été soumis A son contre e pen nt lenr placed under his control during their in- armement ot a leur depart final, et_2·u’ils ting out and on their final departure, and étaient alms unulnement approprr an that they were then appropriated solely but de leur mission, seront considérés to the purpose of their mission, shall be comme neutree amen que tout leur personconsidered neutral, as well as the whole nel. seront respectés et protégés par of their staili They shall he recomzed les belhgérants. and pmtecced by the belli erents. . _ _ They shall make themselves known by Ils so ferent reeonnaitre en hinant avec Flag sign, etc., hoisting, together with theirnational flag, leur pavilion national, le payillon blano of neutrality. the white flag with a red cross. The dis- L croix rouge. La marque dutinotave de tinctive mark of their sud', while per- leur personnel dans l’exerc1ce do see fone- _ Article IX. It is not, however, found in the original French text adopted by the Geneva conference, October 20, 1868. _ _ By an inasruction sent to the United States minister ets_ Berne, January 20, 1883, the right is reserved to omit this paragraph from the Enfish rext, and to make any other necessary corrections, if at any time hereafter the dd1tionalArticles_shall be completed by the exchange of the ratifications hereof between tho several signatory and adhering powers.