Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/914

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886 INDEX. p,ge_ Page. Imports, Indian Sehoola-—Continucd.. certain , withdrawn from bonded warehouse 5 appropriation for support of,u.t Santee Sioux in-39 of duty ._ - - . . .. . - - . 57 and Crow Ag€¤CiES .. . . . - ---- · · - 375 manner of unlading, etc., Hom vessels .- .. 58 for pay of SIlp0l'mf6Dd0I1t of ..-..---·--· 77, 364 printing of certain documents showing, Secretary of Interior tc make annual rcew, from 1879 to 1852 ,. . . ..,... 270 , port of expenditures for support, etc., Increase of the Navy, of . . . . . . . . . ..-. 381 uppmpriation for .. ... . . . . . 292, 433 S Indaan Scoufs, Army, duiiuiency appropriation for .. . - . . 459 [ purchase of b01'S8S fol' .. . . . . ..---- » - - 109, 308 Increase of Wafer Supply of Washington, D. C., E Indian Service, appmpri itiou {br. A . . 72 i appropriation fOr . ...· - ----- 76,362 addit iouul appropriation for .. . ... 457 · for cnntingcut OXPPDSGS Of. . . . . - ...- 77, 364 Independent Treasury, A for gem-ral incidental cxpenses of ... 93, 379 appropriations for sala.1 ies, ctc., in .. 173, 404 , for punishment of frauds in ... ---·. 510 ibr special agents to examine accountsof. 175,406 [ diversion of certain appropriations for the. 384 for contingent expenses of . . -.. . 493 i claims for supplies, Bic., iu, Iludifvd 3Q1d deficiency for .. . ..,... -. 449 i allowed, ctc.; doiicioncy upproprmfor additional compensation to deposi· 5 tions in pay .. . . . -...--- 259 tary ut Tucson, Ariz . . . 449 g Indian Supplies, Index to Congressional Record, 1 appropriation for . . . . . ... 94, 380 duties of Joint Committee on Printing in { for transportation of .. .-. . .94, 380 ne ard to the .. . . . . 6 purchase 0 , to be advertised; cxceptiom.96,383 of Pnl5in Printer- -- 6 appropriations for, immediately avniluble.96, 384 rata of compensation for preparing semi- deficiency appropriation for purchase, ctc., monthly .. . - - - - 6 of . - . . ... . . 247 joint resolution of February 8, 1881, to pr0· bids for, may be rejected; purchase cf, in vida, atc., repealed .. . . 6 open market .. . ...·... 97, $84 Index, Journals of Congresa, false claims and vouchers for; penal ty, payment to assistant in preparation of --26, 391 etc . . . . . . . . . 97 to clerk .. - . . . .--. .. 391 purchased for fiscal year 1886 not to be de- Indian Afaira, livcred prior I.0 July 1, 1885 .. -. . 384 deticieucy appropriation for office of . 246,463 Indian Territory, Indian Agencies, right of way through, granted to the Gulf, consolidation of, authorized .. ---. 97 Colorado and Santa F6 Railway appropriation for agents at ... . - . -76, 362 Company .. . . . . . . . . 69 Indian Agents, controversy in certain cases, how deterappropriaticu for salary of, at agencies-. - -76, 362 mined . . .. . . .. . . .. - 72 ibr salary, etc., of special . .. 77, 364 right of way through the, granted to the Indian Commission, Southern Kansas Railway Company. 73 appropriation for expenses of the. 77, 364 United States circuit and district courts to Indian Department, have jurisdiction, ctc ..., . . .. .. 74 appmpriution for expenses of the -76, 362 negotiations to be opened with the Creek, Indian Depredazion Claéms, Seminole, and Cherokee Indians for appropriation for investigating certain,. . . 376 opening to settlement unassigned Indian Rumors, lands in . .. 384 appropriation for pay of .. . . . . 380 proclamation of the President warning por- Iwdian Lando, sons not to move or to settle in the, proceeds of sale of, exempted hom expenses ctc . . . 836 of publicdaud service .. . . . . 98 proclamation by President wamini persons Indian Homcateada, from settling cm Oklahoma in- 843 to be held in trust by the United States.. . 96 lndian Traderu, Indian Office, appropriation to ascertain and pay amounts deficiency appropriation for payment of due to, for supplies furnished Sioux temporary cmployés in the . 17 or Dakota Indians of Minnesota; appropriation for salaries, etc., in the . 186, 416 proviso . . . . 344 Indian Police, Indian Treaties, nvprfmriatiou for payof .. .. . . 94, 3G) appropriation for fulfillment of . . .76. 362 Indian keavrvutions, Indian Trust Limds, appropriation for maintenance of order, appropriations for interests on certain .. 96, 383 etc., 0n . - . · 94 Indiana Ch/utc, Ohio River, for survey, subdivision, etc , of . 94 appropriation for stone pier, ctc., on southfor irrigation, ctc., of ... -. .. 94 ‘ em side of ...,,,,,__ ,_,, ,_,, ,,,..,. 143 sale ci} authorized, when .. . . . Qu Indiana, sale, allotment, ctc., of Umatilla . . 341 appropriation for vaccination of . . 94, 380 sale of Sw and Fox and Iowa, authorized. 351 for, not Imving treaty stipulations .. 379 ¤ppl’0pl'iati0¤ fol’ - . .-. 353 for maintenance of, an Crow, Fort Belksnle and disposal of Government property nap, Foro Peck, and Blackfeet; agen- 0n -- -..-.. -..- .· . . 384 cicsiu Montana . ... 516 Indian School Buildings, to be sunbjcut. to same laws for punishment apruppristicnxtc., to be expended by Sec- -015 crimes un are exil other persons.. . 385 weary of the Interior nu crection,fur~ aah: of cattle by, prohibited, ctc . . 94 Hiivhiug, BIN} Hp5h' of .. . . .. 269 sale of intoxicating liquors tc, prohibited. 94 Indian Schools, i bandits of homestead laws extended t0.. . 96 upyrupriasiun for support of . .. 91, 381 g appropriation fm- . . .. . . 96, 380 tor buildings {br .. . . . . 91, 381census of, an agencies tobc taken annually. 98 for support of} ctc., wont of the Minis- i agreamcns with Mnxicu fur pursuit of hussippi ...·-·.----- . -.··- . - . . 92 1 tile, across boundary line extended,- 73l