Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/944

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916 INDEX. rage. P¤g<·- Pnblir I.andN4·rrice, , Publicalionu, _ _ appropriation for . .. .. . . 209, 408 , rate of poem? 011 ----·- - ---—· · -·—-· · ---—- 56* delicieucy appropriation for. 245,2.%.%.461 · Publicaiians of eparlment of Slate, _ _ Public Lands. l appropriation for printing and distribution appropriation for care, etc., of ... 209, 495 ! of ¤0¤¤¤}31' and other !‘¤P°i't¤§ Pi'°‘ for expenses of depositing money received E viso. . 235, 3*24 from gale of ___,,, , ,_,__ , __,. _ _,_,_ 210,498 Puebla Agency, AV, Mg;;,, l to meet expenses of protecting timber appropriation lor support, etc., of Indians on ..,, . ,.,, . . _ _,. 210,498} at . .. 93,379 for protection of, from illegal and il·audu· r Purman. W. J., _ lent entry .. . . .. .---. 210, 498 ‘ payment to ..-- .--. .. 202 tor surveys and resurveys of the .. .211,499 i Pyramid Lake Agency, Neu., _ for geological survey and classification of appropriation for support, etc., of Indians its . . . .. . . 212,500 at .. - . . .. 93.379 deticieucy appropriations for, service 245, 255 claimants toon Rancho do Napa, Cal., olloived one year in which topresent 49 Q• claims . . . . . . . . granted to the Iron Mountdn Railroad re- Quackenbush, Stephen P., stored to the public domain .-.. . 61 payment to . . . . . .. ...- 453 sale of, of n hndoned military reserva- Qaapaw Indiana, tions . . .. . . . . - 103, 499 appropriation for education, etc., of ... 84, 372 inclosure or occupancy oi) without title un- Quarantine Stations, luwlhl .. . - - 321 appropriation for establishment and meinmaintennnce of inclosnres on, forbidden,. . 321 tenance of . . . . . . . . 207, 356 Public Mmwya, Quarla, Richard C., ' appropriation for collection, safvkeoping, payment to . .,... . . . . 566 transfer, etc., of .. . . . . 204, 493 Qearternaster and Oosuniuary Depot, Saint deficiency appropriation for expense of do- , Paul, Min., pushing . .. - . . . 16, 462 l appropriation for completion of public Public Printer, l building for -. -. .. .- . ... 508 appropriation for compensation of -...1%, 394 } Qnusrternaster-General, Amy, or pay of clerks in office of .-- .--.165, 394 ’ appropriation for salaries, etc., in olloe of .180, 411 for contingent expenses of omoe of. 165, 394 l for additional clerks in odiee of . .. .180, 411 to enable the, to purchase site and erect g for per diem pay to agents, etc., in lieu store-house in connection with Public { of subsistence . . .. . . 180, 411 Prim ing Office .. . . . . .. . . . . 482 ‘ to transport property, etc., for surveys and for salaries in chico of .. L .. 2%, 513 Departments at Washington .. -- 111 for material, etc., for use of .. . . %, 513 Quarlcrnrasteh Deparlment, Amy, payment to .- ... -. .. . . 454 appropriation for supplies etc., of the,. . 106,3*8 nties of, relating to indexing, etc., of Con- or extn-duty pay to enlisted men .. 242 greseional Record . . 6 delieiency appropriation for regular suppnohilnted hom printing any matter not plies for . . - . - ... .258, 474 authorized by low .. 227 for incidental expenses - . . . 258, 474 authorized topay Albert Ordway, etc. . 254 for miscellaneous items of the .. .. .- . 456 to print certain documents relating to draught and pack animals for the, number customs revenues and domestic ex· limited ... --. -. - 109 pprte; distribution .. . .. Z0 appointment of post quartermastcr eerto liver volumes of Congressional geunts in the, authorized .. . . 109 Globe to Department of the Interior, grade of sixth-class clerk in the, abolished- 110 etc. ; distribution .. . ... 272 purchase of supplies by, to be advertised. . 110 to print additional copies of certain puh- pay of civilian cmployés of the, limited . . -111, 360 licntions of Tenth Census, when, cost, Queen. Rachel A., etc.; proviso . . .. . . 274 pension restored to. .. ..., 704 to have supervision o execution of illus- Qaeener, Cannell, trutions to Accompany annual report payment to ... -. . . . .-... 566 - of Bureau of Animal lndustry --. 277 l Queensland, Public Printing and Binding, convention with, concerning exchange of appropr ation for the distribution. . . 226, 513 I postal money-order-5. ... ,_-, 754 eiiciency for -- . ..-... . ... -- 15 Quibleh-•ue Indiana, Piblic Prixtisvy Qian, appropriation for support, etc., of . . . ..90, 378 appropriation to enable the Public Printer Qui! 'n, Anderson C., ' to purchase site und erect store-house payment to .. . . . . . . .-.. . . 566 in connection with . . . .. 48*2 Qui-nai·elt and Qeibleh-are Indian, Public Roads, appropriation for support, etc., of .-... 90, 378 all, declared ppnt-routes . . . - . . 3 Quincy Bay, Iowa, Pvblie Schools. strict of Columbia, l appropriation for improvement of.- . . . 146 upproprimions for eularies of eupcrintend- or Whipple Creek, in ...-., . ,..,. , ,,,,, 146 ents, teachers, etc., of .. 129,317 F Quincy, I Il., for erection, rent, etc., of ; proviso .130, 31u l appropriation for poet·oGce and courtdeiicicncy appropriation for support of house at .., , _,_,,.,,,, __,_ _,,, 196 the .-.. .. .-.. . .. .. 25l, 455 l for completion of . ., .,,,. .. ,.,, . 481 unupeocled balance for contingent ex- ‘ Quincy, Imm, °peuaen of the, xw-appropriated .. . 456 p appropriation for improvement of Minispart proceeds of sale of Holmead Ceme- sippi River nt. .-... . . . , 145 my transferred to contingent ex- Quinn, Eduard P., pcm! of the ... .. . .. -... 455 { pension to, increased ..,,.,.. , ‘ .`,,- 656