Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/946

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918 INDEX. p·g,_ Pago. Bud, Webber H, Rni—Coutinued. _ _ payment to ., . ... 574 appropriation for, of buildings for Post- Reeaer, Cyrus, Office Department ,. _ . . 1 92, 423 pension to . . . ... . 636 of legation buildings at Tvkw ---· _ ·-·-·- 447 Referees, of buildings for Coast and Geodetic Surpayment of, appointed by Court ofC1aims.. 242 vey .. . . .. ._. -: .. . . 202, 493 Reforn School, District of Columbia, for ohice of Fish Commission .. . .. . . 494 appropriations for me - .. 126, 223, 314 for United States court-rooms ...- .-.. -2%, 511 lor repairs, etc., to the. .. . . 510 deficiency for .. ..- . I . .. . . 467 accounts of, ordered closed .. . . ...- 314 for building occupied by city posboffices 512 revenues derived from, to be credited to Reporting, United States and District of Colum- appropriation for, debates, etc., of the bia .. . . 314 scum .. . . ..-162,390 Regan, Mathew O., of House .. - . ...--..-. 164, 393 increase of pension .. --- .. 542 Report, Beyer, David B., appropriation for printing, etc., of Court of payment to .. . ... - ... . . . . 577 Claims . ... . ...·. . ..-.·- 425 Rcyiatw of the Tnqniry, of Signal Service .. . . , . 505 dm ies of tbe,rolating to navigation to de- of Commissioner of Africultnre ... 277, 520 volve on rho Commissioner of Navig¤· of Bureau of Animal industry for 1865-. 520 tion . .. . .. - . ... 119 for transportation of. and maps to foreign _ appropriation for salaries, ctc., in cmco countries .. . . ---. ..·-·. - --220, =>07 of .. .. . . . . 170,400 of preliminary examinations and surveys Reg-iatratioci of Louern, Poctol, of rivers and harbors to be made to by executive departments, without registry Secretary of War .. . . . V . . . . I54 · fee, etc. ; proviso. .. . . . . ..-. 158 printing and distribution of extra mpios of Bogidered Package Envelope:. annual, of health oilloer of the Disappropriation for. . . .-.. 157,387 · trict of Columbia . . .. . . , 335 Registers of Land Opicca, . printing of extra copies of, of International appropriation for salaries and commissions Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, of .. .. .. ... ...210, 498 Alaska, authorised .. - . 518 denciency appropriations for salaries and printing and distribution of, of Commiscommissions of ---. . ...- 245 sioner of Education .. . . ... . 519 to be allowed per diem in lieu of subsist- printing of sixth ond seventh annual, of ence .. .. ... 498 Direemr of the United States Geo- Bogiatrrs and Receivers, logical Survey . .. .. .. . . 5\9 appropriation for oxponscsof, in inveatiga.- of sixth and seventh annual, of Director tio5 alleged fraudulent entries of of the Bureau of Etlmology .. .- 519 lan . . .. .. ...-. 498 ontlaeliritialnnsvalanclnnilitaryoriera- • Raiclert, William, tions in Egypt .. . .. 520 payment to .. . . . . 582 on the operations of the French navy dur- Bcid, Janes H., ing the recent war with Tunis-- 520 , pension to .. --. - . ..-. . . . --.- 641 on the war on the Pacific coast of South Reinhardt, William, America, etc .. .- .. . 520 pension to . - -- .. 546 of Committeeon Military Affairs ... 521 Relic] of American Seann Abroad, annual, of Smithsonian Institution, to be appropriation for .. . . . . . . 234, 330 printed ar; Government, Priniiug Of- Relacf of Settlers Within Railroad Limits, noe . .,.. ---- .. . . .. 520 act relating to, repealed .. .. .. .-.- .. 296, 338 Reprcaanralircn in Corpus, Roseau, John, appropriation for eompeusation and milepayrneut to adminismratrix of . 566 age of .. . . .. -. .. .. .. .. 162, 391 Rcnfro, John A., Reasoning American L ihkrnsji om Shipwreck, payment to . ... . . .-.- 567 npnuprintiuii for acknowledging services Rent, nf ninsturs, etc., of foreign vessels appropriation for, of building and furnish- | for . . . . ... 234, :i;i0` ing same for completing volunteer Republic of Tens, registers of regiments, War Depart- d•·Ii¢·i•·n•-y appropriation to enable Treasment . · . . .. . 180 urvr United States toredaem promisoftopographefs office, Post·OH·lce Depart- sary unto of the late ,,,,,_ , _,__ _ ____ zlib ment . . --. --. . - ... 192 Republican River, buildin}; for money-order choo. . .- . 192 nppi·opri:itim1 for replnce·nie•nt of bridge rooms Ol' B¤l'€¤lI of Labor . ..-. --. 906 swross the, near Fort, Riley, Kam; ,. , 220 money-order odioe, deficiency approprim Raanler, Jmm Maria (widow), tion for . . . . 247 pension m .. . . . ., . . .,_.. ,, .,,,., _ 664 buildings for consular and diplomatic Ruurrey, service .,..., . . . . . 134,324 appropriation for, of public lands.. .. 211,499 for, of prisons in foreilgn countries . 234,330 Retired Liar. for remixes to be mw: as posnollices ..156, 386 , crenuwl for enlisted nun of Army and Mafor Senate committee rooms .. . . 390 i rinu Corps ... .. , . .. 305 tbr additional folding room .. . . . 39E! I appointment of one pusswl assistant engr of buildings under Treasury Depart- l neerun, to becl1iofengineero¤,Nav;· , 340 HWD1 ..---- .- -.-- - -----··--- - .-..- l73,403 . Hppollntment of one general, or general of buildings for War Deparimeut lS2,4l2 ! in chief, to tho, Army .. 434 of Otllce of Public Buildings and number of odieera allowed to compose Grmmcln . , .. ..-.. . . 182,413 the, Ai-my, im;;-snail _____ ______ 435 of buildings for interior Department; Reuben, Janus, prov iso . .. . . .. . . . . 189, 420 payment in _________ _ _ ______ _ ___________ 90 D