Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/952

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Q24 INDEX. Page. V Page Secretury of the N¢wy—C0ntinued. l Secretary of the T reaaury—Cont1uued. _ authorized to transfer steamer Bear to ; authorized to sell at public auction old Treasury Department . . 433 i United State scourt-house, Boston, to transfer a sailing vessel from Navy ~ Moss .. . ., . 479 to the United States Fish Commis- 49 at Phpadelphia, Pa .. . ... ‘ sion _ . ,,,... , ,,,,. . ..,., _ ,.,_ - 4 to trans er certain appropriations . . . 5 Secretary of the Senate, to transport silver coin free of charge appropriiation for salaries, etc., in officpw 389 dvzgep reqiiilestedz; prov1s§.- 1- . . . 493 o ...__,____,, , ,,.. ,,,,,, , _ to e i men om evenue arrne erv- Secrelury of the Smithsonian I natitution, ice for duty under Fish Commission , . 494 appropriation for continuing ethnological to transfer certain balances to pay for researches among the American In- extra work in Division of Warrants. 448 diane under the .. . . - ,. 214, 494 to pag;) certain judgmeptsipfb the Capri of Secretary of State, omruissionsrs o a ams aims appropriation for compensation of the, as- out of unexpended balance of Geneva sistant secretaries, clerks, etc .. 166, 395 award .. . ... . . . 34 to enable the, to pay expenses for Siamese all estingxtes for appropriations and for embassy .., 194 de ciencies in appropriations, etc., for expenses of international conference tobe transmitted to Congress through for fixing a common zero of longitude the, only . . .. .. . . . . . 254 and standard of time reckoning, to be to be classified, compiled, indexed, and expended under . . . . 194 printed . . . . .-. . . . . . 254 to enable the, to obtain dies, etc., of the to report to Congress number of special seal of the United States .. . . 194 employes in Supervising Arcbitect’s for compensation of pork commissioners, omce .. . . - - -. . - - - - 398 to be eapended by the .. . . . 236 to regulate per diem expenses of· internalto enable e, to procure duplicates of revenue agents .. . . . 404 medals presented by George W. Irv- 279 plans of constriuctigp] oi; abptments Igor proin .. . ,... . . . . . . .. tectiono pn `c ni ings at n or, toeuabdethe, tocomply witbrequirements - Me., to be approved by .--. . . 479 of 34:21 regulating fees and practice in 324 Beorclary of War,f t f h extr itxon cases .. . ‘ appropriation or compensa ion o the, asdeiiciency alppropr?tion for pay of sten- M6 siptant secretary, clerks, eh-., in office 0 p ertot e 0 .. . . -. .. 179,410 judgmciiltz of the Court of Commissioners for improvement of navigation of Liissis— of Alabama (ilpims rio be reported by, 34 sippi River to be expended under dito Secretary the reasury rection of the . . .. . 1 authorized to procure evidence and docu- for contingent expenses of office, bu— ments relating to French spoliation reaus, etc., of the . ... 181 claims . . .. . 284 for Signal Service, to be expended by additional appropriation to procure evi-the . . . . . . ..-. . 217,504 dence as to French spoliation claims for relief of suierers from overdow of to be expended by the .. .. .. 446 Ohio River to be expended under { to pay executors of Charles E. Hill for loss direction of,. . , A ... 267,268 B"' offstiarpgrr Keorgeor .. . . - - . . 436 to enable the, to acquire title to Fort Brown slay 0 I c canary, Reservation, Texas . . . .. 507 appropriation for compensation of the, as- to approve plans, ctc., for bridge ov•·r Saint sistants, clerks, etc .. . .167, 396 Croix River, Wisconsin. ,... -. ,.,.., 14 for Bureau of Engraving and Printing, of bridges across the Wisconsin, Saint to be expended under the .. .. . -199,487 Croix, and Chippewa Rivers, in Wisto enable the. to pay for extra work done consin ..,,_ , _,_____ 42 in his Department .. . ... 448 of bridge across the Missouri River-, Dougauthorized to release, etc., marine hospital las County, Nebraska ,. , ,, . ,,_, 43 and grounds, Natchez, Miss., to the of brid§e across the Missouri River, in American Baptist Home Mission S0· Ric ardson County, Nebraska . . 46 ciety ; proviso..-. .. . .. 21 of brid e over the Cumberland River at to adopt measures, etc., to vent ex- Nasiville, ’1`enn-._ L- .--. 47 portatiou of live stock agezted with for construction of bidge across Lake pleurmpneumonia . . . . . 32 Champlain, Vermont . . ,., .,__ , __,_, 49 to advertise for bids for rebuilding reve- for bridge across the Missouri River at noe steamer Richard Rush . 199 . Leavenworth, Kaos ,, ,,_________ ___ 51 to fi; pay for lalgiii, etc., in Bureau of 99 for bridges authorized to be constructed ngraving an rintin ...- 1 acrosst ewillsmotte River 0m on. 53 to report to the Speaker and President of for bridge over the Missouri Rivbr atgSib— Senate, at each session of Conpress, ley, Mo . . .. 67 amount due and allowed to c aim- 254 for bsudge across the Mississippi River at ants, etc. . . . ... uiuc Pau Minn... . .,,____,_,, 105 to prescribe rules for agents and others for bridge froin Tonawanda Island to presenting claims, etc .. . , .. 258 Nort Tonawanda, ,,,, _ __,________ 106 to convey certain land to the city of for bridge cv er the Missouri River at Providence, R. I., for widening 33 f White Cloud, Kang ,,_, . ___________ __ ]_]3 street .. ‘ 1 or construction: of bri across the to palm *‘ Old Settlers or Western Cher- Mississippi River, beggeeen Hastings o eeslandianlsgalrggioiinrzdnstbem under W i f and Bed Wing- .. , 285 aut ptem r , 18s0i,.. . . . or construction of bri:] e across the to sell certain property, etc., at Detroit, i Mississippi River, betiveen Hastings Mich .. . . . . 339 * and Sami Paul .. . ..,, __,_ _ _____ 236