Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1020

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PROTECTION OF SUB-MARINE CABLES. Mmcu 14, 1884. 99) le Gourvernement dela République the Government of the French Re- Francaise, etc., etc., etc.; public etc., etc., etc.; Son Excellence le Président de His Excellency the President of la Confédération Argentine, M. the Argentine Confederation, M. Balcarce, Envoyé extraordinaire Balcarce, Envoy Extraordinary et Ministre plénipotentiaire de la and Minister Plenipotentiary of Confédération at Paris, etc., etc., the Confederation at Paris, etc., etc.; etc., etc.; Sa Majesté l’Empereur d’Au- His Majesty the Emperor of triche, Boi de Boheme, etc., Roi Austria, King of Bohemia, etc., apostolique de Hongrie, Son Ex- Apostolical King of Hungary, His oelleuce M. le Comte Ladislas Excellency Count Ladislas Hoyos, Hoyos, Conseiller intime actue], Actual Privy Counselor, His Am- Son Ambassadeur extraordinaire bassador Extraordinary and Plenet plénipotentiaire pres le Gonver- ipotentiary near the Government nementdelaRépubliqueFraneaise, of the French Republic, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.; etc. · Sa Majesté le Boi des Belges, M. His Majesty the King of the le baron Beyens, Son Envoyé ex- Bclgians, Baron Beyens, His Entraordinaire et Ministre plénipo- voy Extraordinary and Minister tentiaire a Paris, etc., etc., etc.; et Plenipoteutiary at Paris, etc., ece., M. Leopold Orban,Envoyé extraor- ctc.; and Mr. Leopold Orban, EndinaireetMinistre plénipotentiaire, voy Extraordinary and Minister Directeur Général de la Politique Plenipotentiary, Director General au Département des Afaires étran- of Political Aifairs at the Departgeres de Belgique, ctc., etc., etc.; ment oflioreign Aifairs of Belgium etc., etc., etc. ; Sa Majesté l’Empereur du Bré- His Majesty the Emperor of sil, M. d’Araujo, Baron d’Itajuba, Brazil Mr. d’Araqio, Baron d’Ita· Chargé d’Ad`aires dn BrésilaParis, juba, Charge d’Aifaires of Brazil at etc., etc., etc.; Paris, etc., etc., etc.; Son Excellence le President de la His Excellency the President of Bépublique de Costa-Rica, M. Léon the Republic of Costa-Rica, Mr. Somzée, Secrétaire de la Légation Leon Somzée, Secretary of the Lede Costa-Rican Paris, etc., ete.,etc.; gation of Costa-Rica at Paris, etc., _ etc., etc.; Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemark, His Majesty the King of Den- M. le Comte de Moltke-Hvitfeldt, mark, Count de Moltke-Hvitfeldt, Son Envoyé extraordinaire et Mi- His Envoy Extraordinaryaud Minnistrc plenipotentiaire :1 Paris, etc., ister Plenipoten tiary at Paris, etc., etc., etc.; etc., etc.; Son Excellence le President de His Excellency the President of la République Dominicaine, M. le the Dominican Republic, Baron de Baron de Almeda., Envoyé extra- Almeda, Envoy Extraordinary and ordinaire et Ministre plénipoten- Minister Plenipotentiary of the tiairedelaBépubliqueDominicaine Dominican Republic at Paris, etc., a. Paris, etc., etc., etc.; etc., etc.; Sa Majesté le Roi d’Espagne, His Majesry the King of Spain, Son Excellence M. Manuel Silvela His Excellency Manuel Silvela de de le Viclleuse, Sénateur inamovi- le Vielleuse, permanent Senator, ble, membre de 1’Académie Espa- member of the Spanish Academy, guole, Son Ambassadeur extraordi- His Ambassador Extraordinary naire et plénipotentiaire pres le and Plenipotentiary near the Gov- Gouvernemeut de la Républiqne ernment of the French Republic, Francaise, etc., etc., etc.; etc., etc., etc.; Sou Excellence le President des His Excellency the President of Etats-Unis de Colombie, M. le Doc- the United States of Colombia, teur José G. Triana, Consul Géné- Doctor José G. Triana, Consulral des Etas-Unis de Colombie a General of the United States of Paris, etc., etc., etc.; Colombia at Paris, etc., etc., etc.; Son Excellence le Président de His Excellency the President of la Répnblique Francaise, M Jules the French Republic, Mr. Jules