Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1021

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992 PROTECTION OF SUB-MARINE CABLES. limzcu 14, 1884. Ferry, Député, President du Con- Ferry, Deputy, President of the sei], Ministre des Aiiaires Etran- Council, Minister of Foreign geres, etc., etc., etc.; et M. Adolphe Aifairs, etc., etc., etc.; and Mr. Cochery, Député, Ministre des Pos- Adolphe Cochery, Deputy, Minister tes et des Télégraphes, etc., etc., of Posts and Telegraphs, etc., etc., etc.; etc.; Sa. Majestéla. Reinedu Royaume— Her Majesty the Queen of the Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d’Ir- United Kingdom of Great Britain lande, Impératrice des Indes, Son and Ireland, Empress of India, Excellence Ie tres-honorable Ri~ His Excellency the Right Honorchard Bikerton Pemell, Vicomte able RichardBikerton Pemell, Vis- Lyons, Pair du Royaume-Uni de count Lyons, Peer of the United la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, Kingdom . of Great Britain and Membre du Conseil privé de Sa Ireland, member of her British Majesté Britannique, Son Ambas· Majesty’s Privy Council, Her Amsadeur extraordinaire 'et plénipo· bassador Extraordinary and Plententiaire pres le Gouvernement de ipotentiary near the Government la Bépublique Francaise, etc., etc., of the French Republic, etc., etc., etc.- etc. · Sdn Excellence le President de His Excellency the President of la République de Guatémala, M. the Republic of Guatemala, Mr. Crisanto Medina, Envoyé extraor- Crisanto Medina, Envoy Extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire dinary and Minister Plenipotende la République dc Guatemala a tiary of the Republic of Guatemala Paris, etc., etc., etc.; at Paris, etc., etc., etc.; · Sa Majesté le Roi des Hellenes, His Majesty the King of the M. le Prince Maurocordato, Son Hellenes, Prince Maurocordato, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre His Envoy Extraordinary and plénipotentiairc a Paris, etc., etc., Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris, etc. ; etc., etc. etc.; Sa Majesté le Roi d’Italie, Son His Majesty the King of Italy, Excellence M. le Général Comte His Excellency General Count Menabrea, Marquis de Valdora, Menabrea, Marquis deValdora, His Son Ambassadeur extraordinaire Ambassador Extraordinary and et plénipotentiaire pres le Gouver- Plenipotentiary near the Governnem ent de la République Francaise, ment of the French Republic, etc., etc., etc., etc.; etc., etc.; Sa. Majesté l’Empereur des Ott0· His Majesty the Emperor of the mans,SonExce1lenceEssad Pacha, Ottomans, His Excellency Essad Son Ambassadeurextraordinaire ct Pasha-, His Ambassador Extraorplénipotentiairc pres le Gouverne- dinary and Plenipotentiary near ment dc la République Francaise, the Government of the French Roetc., etc., etc.; . public, etc., etc., etc. · Sa Maiesté lc Roi des Pays-Baa, His Majesty the King of the Grand Duc de Luxembourg, M. le Netherlands, Grand Duke of Lux- Baron de Zuylen do Nyevelt, Son cmburg, Baron de Zuylen dc N ye- Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre velt, His Envoy Extraordinary and plénipotentiaire a Paris, etc., etc., Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris, etc., etc., etc., etc.; Sa Majesté le Schah do Perse, His Majesty the Shah of Persia, M. le Général Nazare-Aga, Son En- General N azare-Aga, His Envoy voyé extraordinaire et Ministre Extraordinary and Minister Pleniptlgnipotentiaire a Paris, etc., etc., potentiary at Paris, etc., etc., etc.; e .: Sa Majesté le Roi de Portugal et His Majesty the King of PortudesAlga.rves,M.d’Azevedo,Charg6 gal and the Algarves, Mr. d’Azed’AiI'a.ires do Portugal a Paris, etc., vedo, Charge d’Aifaires of Portuetc., etc.; gal at Paris, etc., etc., etc.; Sa Majesté le Roi de Boumanie His Majesty the King of Rou- M. Alexandre Odobesco, Chargd mania, Mr. Alexander Udobesco, d’Afi'aires, par interim, de Rouma- Charge d’AKairesad interim of Rounie a Paris, etc., etc., etc.; mania at Paris, etc., etc., etc.;