Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1025

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996 PROTECTION OF SUB-MARINE CABLES. DIARCH 14, 1884. Anr1cLn X. Antrioms X. . Evjdww ¤f iu- Les infractions a la présente Evidence of violations of this f"°“°“'· Convention pourront etre consta- convention may be obtained by all tees par tous les moyens de preuve methods of securing proof that are admis dans la legislation du pays allowed by the laws of the country on siege le tribunal saisi. of the court before which a case has been brought. Lorsque les officiers comman- When the officers commanding dant les batiments de guerre ou les the vessels of war or the vessels batiments specialement commis- specially commissioned for that sionnés a cet eifet de l’une des purpose, of one of the High Con- Hautes Parties contractantes au- tracting Parties, shall have reason ront lieu de croire qu’une infraction to believe that an infraction of the aux mesures prévues par la pre- measures provided for by this Consente Convention a été commise vention has been committed by a par un batiment autre qu’un bati- vessel other than a vessel of war, ment de guerre,ils pourront exiger they may require the captain or du capitaine ou du patron l’exhi- master to exhibit the official docubitiondespiecesoliiciellesjustifiant ments furnishing evidence of the de la nationalité dudit batiment. nationality of the said vessel. •Mention sommaire de cette exhibi- Summary mention of such exhibition sera faite immediatement sur tion shall at once be made on the les pieces produites documents exhibited. Eu ooutre, des proces-verbaux Reports may, moreover, be prepourront etre dresses par lesdits pared by the said officers, whatofliciers, quelle que soit la natio- ever may be the nationality of the nalité du batiment inculpé. Ces inculpated vessel. These reports procesverbaux seront dresses sui- shall be drawn up in the form and vant les formes et dans la langue in the language in use in the counen usage dans le pays auquel ap- try to which the officer drawing partient Pofticier qui les dresse; ils them up belongs; they may be pourront servirde moyen de preuve used as evidence in the country in dans le pays on ils seront invoqués which they shall be invoked, and · et suivant la legislation de ce pays. according to the laws of such coun- · Les inculpes et les témoins auront try. The accused parties and the le rlroit d’y ajouter ou d’y faire witnesses shall have the right to ajouter, dans leur propre langue, add or to cause to be added thereto, toutes explications qu’ils croiront in their own language, any explanautiles; ces declarations devront tions that they may deem proper; etre dftment signées. these declarations shall be duly ' signed. Anrrous Xl. Anricrn XI. speedy trials. Lg, prqcéduyg et; le jugemcm; deg _ Proceedings and trialin cases of jnfrgctjgng aux dispositions dg 13, lDfI'H.ClZl0llS of G10 pI`0Vl8l0HS ot {l11S présente Convention ont toujours U0¤V€¤¤0¥{ Shall always take Pima lieu aussi sommairement que les M Slimmfifily as the laws *}***1 mi? lois et reglements en vigueur le ¤l¤·U0¤S U1 YOYGB M11 P€I`mW· permettent. ARTICLE X_[]_ ARTICLE XII. Legishnivntvbv · Les Hautes Parties contractan- The High Contracting Parties ’°°°'”‘”°“‘*°d· tes s’engagent a preudre ou a pro- engage to take or to propose to poser a leurs legislatures respec- their respective legislative bodies tives les mesures necessaires pour the measures necessary_in order to assurer Pexecution de la presents secure the execution of this Con- Convention, et notamment pour vention, and especially in order to faire punir soit de l’emprisonne· cause the punishment, either by ment, soit de Pamende, soit de ces fine or imprisonment, or both, of