Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1061

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1 034 INDEX. ·1’nge. _ Page. Agents for Payment of Pe*nsions——Coutinued. i Agriculture, Department o_f—Cont1nned. appropriation for clerks, fuel, rent, etc. . .122, 440 1 appropriation for superintendent of experiofficial mail matter to be carried free .. 122 { mental garden and grounds 496 Agents, Indian, j for purchase, etc., of foreign medicinal appropriation for pay of at agencies .. 29, 449 { plants . 102 compensation of, limited. .. . . 30 I for musuem, curator, etc. . .. 102 for travelling and incidental expenses oi, i for curator of museum, etc ... . . 496 and of their offices ,. . .. -.. .30, 451 E for seed division ; chief, superintendent, deficiency appropriation for pny .. 307 etc .. . . . . . . . . - - 10:2 Agents, Special, for seed division; chief, superintendent, deficiency appropriation for, to examine etc .. . . ..-- ... ..- - 496 books, etc., at sub-trensuries, etc -. - 6 for seed division; distribution of seeds, Agnew, John, etc .. . . . . . . . . . . 102 payment to. . . ... 654 for statistician, clerks, collecting, etc., Agricultural Experiment Stations, _ statistics .. . . . . ... 103 established in connection with colleges { for smtisticinn, clerks, etc .. . ... 496 for the benefit of agriculture . .- 440 for forestry division; chief, investigm scope of researches. .. . ... 440 tions .. .--. 103 Commissioner of Agriculture to advise, fnr· for forestry division ; chief. . . . . 496 nish forms, etc .. . .. 441 for repairs of buildings, furniture, etc..103,49S annual report to be made to the governor- 441 for books, periodicals, etc., for library.103, 499 reports of progress to be published 441 for bureau of nuinml industry . . .. .103, 499 appropriations for expenses to be made l for preventing spread of pleuro-pneufrom proceeds of sales of public monia . -.  ;- . -. 103, 499 lands .. . . -. .. .. 441 for quarmitine stations for neat cattle -103, 499 to be paid quarterly .. . . . . . . 441 for investigations, travelling, and miscel- _ one-iitth of first, may be used for bnild— lnneousexpenses; botanicaldivision. 496 ings, etc ... . ... 441 pomological division ... . . 497 amount appropriated to be only what is microscopical division ...,,.. , 497 necessary for support ---. .. 441 chemical division .. . . -. ..,,,, 497 legal status of colleges not aiiected ... 441 sugar manufacture; proviso .. 497 may be applied to State stations .. ...- 441 entomological division -.. ...,,,,, 497 appropriations subject to assent of legisla- silk culture; sales ..,,,,. 497 tures .. . . .. . . . . 442 silk~cn1ture associations . ..,.. .,,. 497 first installment may be made on assent of economic ornithology tmdmammalogy. 497 governor .. . .-. . 445 labor, material, etc., experimental gar- Agricultural Ifeport, den and grounds . , , . , , ,,,__ 497 appropriation for publication of; distribu- museum . .., , .,,, 498 tion, 1886. . .- . . 347 seed division; distribution of seeds, for 1887 . . . . . - . - ... _ 649 etc. .. . 498 Agriculture, Commissioner of, division of statistics. .. .. 498 appropriation for pay of . . . .-. .. 100, 495 representative International Statisbond .. - ... . . . . . . 499 tical Institute- . 498 appropriation for printing annual report of ; for expenses, etc., division of forestry. -. 499 1886, distribution .. . - , . .-, . 347 for nrtesian wells, Oregon or Washington for 1897, distribution .. . ,... 649 Territory . ... . ,.,. . 10:3 to act on board of appeal from decision of to be located on public lands . 104 Commissioner of Internal Revenue as i for distribution of tes plants; closing up to imitation butter being deleterious. 212 { tea farm .. . . . . . . ... 104 report of, on International Sheep and Wool 5 for postage , . .. ... 104, 499 Show, to be printed; distribution.. 347 3 for contingent expenses . . . .. ..104,499 Agriculture, Drpart·n•ent ol, » for printing and binding . . 255, 543 appropriation for Commissioner, clerks, » deficiency appropriation for entomologicnl etc . -.. . ... . . 100, 495 . division . .. *273 for botanist, assistants, investigations.. 100 Q for labor, improveuient of grounds .. 273 for botanist, assistants . 495 Z bond of Commissioner . . . 499 for pomologist, disseminating informa- i machinery purchased to be wholly of dotiou . .. . . . . 100 i mestic material .. . ... .. 499 for pomologist . .. . . . . . . 495 ‘ Ah Kid, for rnicroscopist, assistant, investign- Y twelve months’ pay to heirs of ; proviso.. . 891 tions . . . . . . ... 100 nrrenrs of pay to legal representative of -. 891 for mieroscopist, assistant .. ..-. 495 Ah Sam, for chemist, assistants, experiments- ,,- 101 5 dam of death of ,.,__ _ — 8.33 for chemist, assistants .,,. , ,..,. 495 E twelve months’ pay to heirs of ; proviso,. , 853 for mannfaetnreof sugar. . . , 101 { arrenrsofpsy of, to his legal representative 853 machinery to be builtin United States. 101 i Ah Yoo, for entomologist, assistants, investigar I twelve months’ pay to heirs of; proviso .. 891 tions .. . .. - 101 l arrears of pay to legal representative of -, 891 for entomologist, assistants --. .. 496 i Almapee, Wis., for oruithologist, assistants, etc --.. 496 g appropriation for improvement of harbor - 315 1'orinvestigatinghabits, etc., of birds and _ Q Aix-Ia-Chapelle, mammals ,,,, , ,... , _..,.. . . 101 i appropriation for consul at ,,___,_,_,,,_, 113, 483 for silk-cnltnreexperiments;—sales. . 101 ‘ Akers, Andrew L, for Woman’s Silk·Cn{ture Association- -- 101 _ payment to .. ..- . .' ,.,._. , ,___ 770 for superintendent of experimental gar- Alabama, den and grounds, labor, material, i appointment of judge for southern district etc .. . ... . . .--. 10:2 . nuthorizecl . .. .. -... 213