Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1067

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1040 isms};. Page. ’ Page- A2·nzy—Contin11cd. * ,1rl/mr, John, appropriation for contingent expenses of , pension. . . . . . . ... 8432 the Army . . - ... .-..99,401 j Arthur, William, office of Lientenant·Geucral .. .99, 401 , payment to administrator of . . 654 deparmicnt and division headquarters, Arthur Kill, Adjutant Gcncrz11’s Department. 99, 401 construction of bridge across authorized.- 78 all other not specifically provided for.. 401 { Arlyicial Limbs, cleliciency appropriations for .. ..- .295, 300 i appropriation for furnishing ... - .249, 535 pay of the ... 72, 292, 307, 299, 304 ( deficiency appropriation for G expenses of recruiting, etc,. . 292, 300, 304 i Artillery School, Fortress Jllemroe, Va., contingencies ---. . ... -.- . 292 * appropriation for expenses ... 251 medical and hospital department-292, 300, 307 Ash, Columbus, certain volunteer omoers of, 1:0 re- payment to . .-. .. 771 ccive pay, etc., from date of commis- Ash, John, jr., sions. . ... - 377 payment to execntrix of .. 955 grades in Adjutant-Goneral’s Depart- Ash, John, sr., ment, rearranged; promotions .. 434 { payment to administrator of .. 954 hospital corps organized ... 435 Ashbrook, Thomas V., purchase of old Produce Exchange payment to executors of .. . . . . 954 building, New York, for purposes of Ashby, G. W, of the, authorized . . 2 payment to . ... .. -. . . 937 school of instruction for cavalry and Ashby, John L., light artillery established at Fort payment to .. . ... . -.. --.. 654 Riley . . - . -- .. -. 372 Ashford, Pleasant, Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., _ payment to .. .--. .. . . 752 appropriations for grounds, expenses; dis- E Ashland, Wis., bursoments ..,... . . 245 appropriation for improvement of harbor.. 316 for painting, etc . . . ... . 399 i Ashley, John, ior medical supplies and service 400 T payment to .. - ... .-.. 654 Army Ojioera (scc Omcers, Army), [ Ashley, William, appropriations for mileage ... 95,396 payment to administrators of . . ... 654 Army Pensions, i Ashley River, S. C., appropriations for payment of . .. 122, 429 appropriation for improvement of V. 320 Arnold, D. S., ( Ashley, Wetherbcc and Watson, refund of tax to - 800 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to- 277 Arnold, Hays (or Hayae), Ashtabula, Ohio, payment to administrator of .. 937 appropriation for improvement of harbor.- 314 Arnold, Martin B., Ashton, Charles, payment to executor of ... - . -. 654 payment to .. . ... 872 Arnold, Samuel, Ashlon, George, payment to .. . . .. 677 twelve months' pay to heirs of ; proviso-. - 891 Arnot, John, jr. (lalcaReprescnlat·ivefi·om New arrears of pay to legal representatives of .. 891 Y ork), Ashuelot, United Statca Steamer. printing of euloges on, authorized; por- payment to officers for losses incurred by trait .. ---. . --.. 646 g wreck of .. . 890 Arrears of Taxes, D. C., j one years sea pay to relatives of deceased interest on, to be 6 per cent. if paid No-men .. . . . . . .. . . 891 vember 30, 1887 ,--, ,_,_ 560amount to be deducted from pension 891 Arrow Rock, illo., ? legal representatives to have arrears of assignment by Hannibal and Southwestern _ I pay -- . . . .. 891 Railway Company to Central Mis- r Ashworth, Andrew J., sonri Railway Company of right to _ payment to . ... .-.. 654 bridge Missouri River at, ratified.- . 12 { Ashworth, C., Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa., _ payment of judgment of Court of Claims to- 277 right of way across grounds oi granted to Askew, Thomas, Schuylkill River East Side Railway pension ,.., _,. ,,,., .. ... .. . .. 723 Company . .. ,.. 17 g Askic, Isaac, location to be approved by Secretaries of 1 pension .. , . . . 924 War and of the Navy - . 17 ¥ Aapimrall (Colon), Arsenals, } appropriation for consul at. ... . . 111, 482 appropriations for, at Benicia, Cal . . -243, 530 Assay Officea, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa ..,..., 243,530 ; appropriations for salaries and expenses . 190, 613 Rock Island, Ill . . .. . ..243, 529 g Assesaofa Office, D. C., Springfield, Mass .. 243, 529 [ appropriation for salaries and cxpensesu 130,571 New York .. . . . . - .. 244 ; Aaainabaine Indiana in ;lIOH¢¢ma, for repairs, ctc .. ...- .. -.. .243,530 i appropriation for support, etc , of .. . -41, 461 Vlhitcrtown, testing machine -... ... 530 deficiency appropriation for support of.- . 293 Artcsian Well, , Assistant Attm·ney-General, Interior Departappropriation to sink, in Eastern Oregon mont, or Eastern \Vashington Territory-. - 103 i appropriation for pay of clerks, etc.,office to be on public land ...-.-.. .-.- --.. 104 , of . ..-.. . .-.-. 199, 622 Arthur, Chester A., [ Assistant Attorney-General, Post-Ojico Departallowance to. in accounts as collector of cus· ment, toms New York City -. . .-.. 790 _ appropriation for . . . ..-. --.-207,630 deficiency appropriation for amount duo,. 261 I for pay of clerks, etc., office of .. -.-.205,628 Arthur, Jane, Assistant Treasurer, New York, payment to administrator of .-. -.. 771 E appropriation for additional clerical force- 234