Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1156

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INDEX. ] 129 Nez Pmva I¤_df·w~ in fda1w, Pm E Mum, Scarborough .4., P“g°’ N;P¥):2£:1:¤;;3:'£2r3;1;;?·$:,§£<;.é,0f ...- . . .42, 462 Nplglyimgpglofjudgment of Court of Claims to. 281 _3PP¥'0Dfi¤ti0¤ for Support, etc., of . 42,462 payrngnt gc ____ ____ ____ ·y6·; JW9a"" River, N- Y-, North, Elizabeth D. ( fo»·meri;·1};;-»:!o;e3-U _-.. ' %PP¤‘¤t>¥¤¤ti0¤ for survey of .. . ... 334 payment to ______ _ ________ ; ____ __jf __ ____ 949 hfc-saving stationostablishod at mouth of, North Carolina, lwce Lake Ontarm ··-·•· ---··- ·---•· -- ~- 84 certiiiold cmcs 0; Ict;6ib0gk33f1oxec1g;i\•9 f 1118 Y ¤v1¤¤»¤¤¤9¤ f¤r <=¤¤¤¤1 an .. . ... 113, as g$$¤m0»’T.-$Z ..7. H`?. .?]`frf UTY 643 N`•¢h0l¤¤» David, terms of circuit court, eastern district, to ,`,il;‘;g`;;‘;’“;*}:’ -6--- ---- -· -—-·—- ---- ·--- ·--- 777 A h Pho holdlat Wilmington. .. , ,.._, 406 · _ » · 0 7* ·» 'orf aint, La *0 Michigan, Pcuswu -~··-· - ·---- - --·-- - ----- - ··--. 819 l` h sn s bl' h .,,_,,,,______ _ Mchvfvv, PM"? H-, 2:[§p:0;:g§0:fg;cs:1.`l:T}sg§11g lighthouse- gg? vaymvnt tu administrutrix of .. . .. 966 Nm-In Rim-, Mich,, iw6k'"; R“"¢l» ('”°‘h*")y 12 appropriation for survey of. .. -,., 333 ?P°¤¤*°¤ ·----- _ ------ _ ---- · --··· - -·- ---· 7North River Bar, M C., 1\?:er{z)Katharma (mdow), 861appmpriationlfor improvement of 319 ¤¤¥ ¤ ---- - ------··--- - ---.-·--·-----... for cern, Samue , Nicholson, Cordy (or Gorda) payment to surviving oxocutors of 763 P¤5’¤¤¤¤t *0 ¤d¥¤i¤¤¤U'¤t01Z of .----- - --·-·-. 949 Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians, N;‘h;l80:,t€LW9¤, 949 A doizcicngzr approprigtion for suppon, etc.. 293 __ 3 ¤¤ D ----·------·...-..----..- . 'or em eyeome n ianu, Lgslléuiqgpb Q_? alpproprjstiou fordfgiglling traattileis witg .35, 455 r . -··-—· · -···------- · ----· ~ -·-·- GJ UBB 0 unexpcn 0 u ance an of12C 0 M”dm¤¤¤» W- E C-, rcliovo distress among, on tho Rosepaymont to, for losses, wreck of tho Jean- bud aud Tongue Rivers, Montana _ _ 3 ¤0U¤ ·--- ·-·· ----···- . ----- -- ··--- - 852 Northern Kanauo Railroad and Telegraph, Nivgpo, _ appropriation for reimbursement to settlers Vgpprcgrlratgolx} for consul at . .-. ..111, 482 N ul- gon lagcgngruntcd to .. . . 550 r , cr ., or an om, , p¤ymG¤t to .. . .. - -.-. 665 payment to ...,,, _· .,.,, , ___,_,,,, ,___ _,__ *63 Nkqlauy and S’K0l’0m€t7• Agency, - Northwest Land District, Nebraska, I appropriation for pay of Indian agent st.29, 449 established ,, .__, , ,__,,,_____,_____ , _____ 20 Nix, Jqcob, 868 appointlrneut dof register and receiver anpcnsmn . . -- · . t orizo . .. . . . . . . .. 20 Nix, Williams YZ, Norton, Sarah E. psymout to ... . . ... . . 949 pension ..._... ’ .,. ,,,... _,,, .,,,., , ..,_,__ 893 Noble, Armalrong,Norwalk, Conn., \ p?yéueut torwidvw of . .- . 780 \ zpprcgsrialtigu for improvement of harbor . 311 [oe , cargo . I0 es, nite tales, payment to .. 673 of lar o denomination not to be printed in Noiscs, Loud, D. C., €iou of small notes retired .. -.-. 227 police regulations concerning, to be made. 369 Nottingham, Nolan,_Philongna (daughter), appropriation for consul at .. 111, 482 penswu e .. . .. - .. . . 732 Nolfrngham, C,. W., U Noland, Louiaa (undow), payment of judgment of Court of Clmms to. 282 pension . . ... . ... . 723 Nvwcll, Mariah E. A. B., .NoIen,JIarm• W, 63 A pango; . M... 828 payment to. . ...- . ... 7 ’oxu o Ever, isa. Nolen, Sarah, _ _ appropriation thrfimprovcrnant of . .. 321 payment to admnxstrztor of . .. .. 763 or survey of . . . .. - . . . . 333 Nolte, Wilhelm, 817 Nucklea, William, N53T;?;;;;;, ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *»·53?L$€?§£J3t;;a; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘ "‘“’ mvisiqug {or, with British North America, payment to heirs at law of . .. 950 P . . on denial UOIAMGIICBH fishermen of 47 Auero Laredo, f I cgrtgin rivi ages .. . ... 5 _ a propriatiou or comm at - . 115, 484 may be limitgd, qualified, ctc., in discre· { "NEcvo Montezuma," tion of the President .-- 472 y American register to be issned to foreign- '. . ... . ... ‘ "l' s ·s.. --- Xg:;»£ZyRs§q;:rv1;>,!:;,ronTw 4» E vnny gpl"; tcamor , IH pecuon . 369 gpprpprigtigu for im&fo\ZGmGHt Of. .-.. 327 i p3ylnB¤t to . . -... . .. -.. . . 673 bridge aaron, in batoom County, an- ; A uremlwy, _ ghorimd ,,.. . ... ... . ... 160 e appropriation for consul at . . 112, 483 Ngrgqm (gy Markham), I J., 949 for dstk him - . ·» .- - . . 116. 485 ps mont to . .·.--- - -·------~- N0? f GM 8 H., 1 0• pgrcftxgnt tggadmidstmtvf cf...· - ····-···· 763 IWGNQY, 5i F-[ _ yyyfozk, 7,;,, · e Info-nvnug statnon estabhsbed at - 84 appropriation for improvement of harbor . 313 _ Oakland, Cu ., yy."", ggpqpd G., 965 g Onipprodpjatiou {gr impyvemouggnf bnopor. 317* nant t0-. ... .. .. . -.. .. ¤ a · an gency ww, awnce, oe an , Nm, Lug, p,, appro nation for pay of Indian néent at. .30, 450 payment to, for losses wreck of the Jean- Oak Om£ard,Ai Y., motto .. ..-. 883 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 312