Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1179

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1 ] 52 INDEX. Pago. Page- Rod Rigger, 11,1;,, Rehkopf, Magdalezza (mother), ~ appropriation for improvement of - - . 693 ]>8USi01l -----·—·—-··-- · ----- - - - - --·—-- - — - - *51 Red River Bridge Company, Reid, John A., _ _ __ authorized to bridge Red River uear Dvni- payment to administrator of . . .-.- 95: sou, Tax . . - - -. . . 28 Reid, John J, [led [liver, La , payment tv .. - .--·- - ----·------·----- 775 approprintimi for lights at the mouth of .228, 5145 Reighiar, Margaret J. (widow), construction of bridge :u;ro:~1s, nt Alcxun- ]N3llBi0!l - ..-·--.---- --- - ----- - -------···- 846 dries, La., authorized _... . . . 508 Ifeisingur, Ca lherivw (widmv), Red River, La and Ark., ]¤6¤Si0l1 -----· ---· ...- - ·--··--.--· ·--· ---- 866 aapproprinfinn for improvement of .-.. 322 Relatives, Dependent, Red kirer of the Nm-th, Minn., mts of pension of, iucreused .. . .. 5 appropriation for improvcmcut of 32b I Religious Societies, Utah, ibr survey of. .. . ... 333 mnyhold uvcessary realpr0pert_ybytrustecs. 164 construction of bridge across, rmthorizcd, Remington, E., and Soma, between Polk County, Minnesota, payment t0, drawbacks on exported arms. 919 and Dakota. .. . . . ... 474 Rcnuwal of Causes from State Courts, between Polk or Marshall County, Min- provisions respecting, to circuit courts 552 nesotn, and Gram} Forks County, Da- Renegar, G. E, kntmmxthorizcd . . .. 470 payment to - .. . .. 666 Red Rirer, Ter., Rvnegar, William, construction nf bridge across, at Br0wn’s . payment to .. . . . . . ... 766 Ferry, Tex., authorized . 63 · Rcuekcr. Jacob, near Denison, Tex., authorized .-.- s 28 payment to .. . . . . 775 Red Wing, Minn., Renjiu, Mary (mother), construction of bridge across Mississippi pension ---- .. - ... . . -- 909 River nt,:mtl1m·izerl .. .- 59 Renfro, Isaac, Red Wing Pontoon Bridge Company, payment to administrator of . . T .. 951 authorized {lo hridgn rhs Mississippi River Renick, Abram, at Req Wing, Minn . .. . . 59 payment to administrator of .. 676 subject to terms of vol. 18, chap. 224, p. Rennoe, Darid M., 62 .. . . . . . . .-.. . 59 G pension increased .. . . 817 Red Wood, Cal., | Benz, Agnes (willow), appropriation for improvement of harbor. 317 { pension .. . . . . ..-- 741 Roddick, William, Reports of Committees, pension . . . ... . . . . 925 may be reprinted .. . . , . . . , 341 Reading, John R. and W. E, Resmve Cities, payment tu . . : . --.. ..-- .. 957 cities with 50,000 population may be made, Bedrmptilm of AYGUOTIUZ ClH‘!‘mcy, national-banking system ._,... _,, , . 559 appropriation for psy ()i'Bl1[l6l'iIlt8[l(i8DS 183,606 [ Retail Dealers in Oleomargmine, tor clerks, crc., officc of ... 183, 606 I special tax on ,. . __,..___________, ____ 209 Redgravc, Dewitt U , 1 provisions of law applicable to . 209 payment 0i"jl1•igIll6‘1)iJ of Court of Claims to. 275 I penalty for carrying on business without Reed, Andrew S., . I paying tax .. . . . ... 210 payment to admi¤iSh'u|i0l‘ of ..- . . 765 to sell in wooden or paper packages from Reed, George, I original stamped packages . 210 payment in . . . . -... .. 666 penalty for violation , _ , _____ _ ______ 210 Reed, Henry P., i Rclz, Ferdinand, Henry Talbe and, pvllsifm ..·· - -·--·-·- - ·- --·..·. 932 payment of damages to, Fox and Wisconsin Reed, John, Rivers , _,,,_ , ,,__, _ _____ _ ______ 234 payment to administrator of . . 765 Retz, Wilhelmirm, Reeder, J. L., _ I payment of damages to, Fox and Wisconsin payment in admimstrator of. . 775 . Rivers, _____ __ ____ _ _______ ____ _____ 285 Reeder, Martha (jbrmarly Clifz), ! 1{o;·,muo.(,‘u¢gor Service, p¤ym6¤t· tu ...- --·· ·-.--·.. .· . . - . 950 2 appropriation for pay of 53];;,;-io; gm] ox. Reese, George, i penses ..._., ,_ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ ________ 226 I>|•)’m€¤¥ to -·---· · -·--- - --·-- - ··--- - ----- $80 1 for new Véswls for Mississippi River ,, _ 227 Reeve, Jvvvph T, : for warehouse, Woods Hol], Mass ,__,__ 227 r•&)‘¤¤¢M tv ··---- --·- ·----- -·-- ·---.- 666 L for steamer for Southern coast .,,,,,____ 514 Rcfvl-*4, DM??:!!! U-, _ I I _ _ t t f 566 g Repezue Marine, f pnymcn. o spccm 3i1I11B1H ru oro .. . { c e`cicnc appropriation orcx uses. ..,, Reeves, Whidieid, Q Revised Sta{¢t¢BF P pc 291 paymvnt to . . . . .. - ...,... 666 [ amomlod, Reform Sdwol, Washing/un, I). C., I ooogion 127 _______ _____ ______ __ ______ 445 nppropriatiuu for salaries, support of in- { motion 13R_ _______ _ ________ _ _____ ____;: 373 mates, ctc .. . . 133, 578 ] motion 304, ____ _ _____ _ _______ ____ ____ 9 fol' blliiding, Bti). - . . 252geqtigu 533_ ____ __ __" _______ _____ ____:: 83 Ewilfvf, Urfvid,, section 533 . ,,,,,, ,, ____ ____ ____ ____ 406 appropriation for preparation, etc., of. 626 · googioo 536 ____ ___ ______ __ ______ __ _ 442 distribution 0L tu libraries not dvposito- i ooogion 54()_ ______ _ _____ _ ____ _ __ 424 _ HBS ---· · ---· - ··-- ·-··· --·-· · ··-— --- 649 B€Cti0H 658. ..,,, ,_,____________________ 336 Register of the Treasury, i oootioo 1058 ______ _ _____ ____ ______ ___ 505 apfpropriatiou for pay of assistant ... U'3, 606 i section 1123_ _______ ____ ____ ___ "’ 4.44 or clerks, etc., ohicc of . -- - 183, 606 ; gggtigu 1661 _ _____ _ _____ ____ ````'` "' 461 Regianra of Land Opus, section 1889 - .. - n --`.·` 171 appropriation for salaries and commissions, - gggtign 25§§ ____ _ _____ _ _______ __:: ° 494 h¤¤** ·--·-- · ··--··- -··--- - ---- ***9, 5% i ¤¤<=¤<»¤ 2534 .. .. , _,,,. .,2: um