Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/364

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FOR/I‘Y—N1NTH CONGRESS. Sxcss. I. C11. 929. 1880. 329 accordance with tho plans, specifications, and rccommcmlntions of tho Mississippi River Commission: Provided, That 110 portion of this appro- Prvriwo. prmtion shall be oxpcmlcd to repair or build lavccs for the purpose of reclaiming lands or preventing injury to lands or private property by overflows: Provided, however, That the Commission is authorized to repair and build levees if, in the1rjudgment, in should be done as part of L<>vm¤. their plan to aiibrd ease and safety to the navigation and commerce of the river and to deepen tho channel. And provided further, That no works of bank protection or revctmeut shall be cxccutcd in said roaches or elsewhere until aitcr it shall be found that the completion of tho pormoablc contracting works and uniform width of the high-water channel will not secure tho desired stability of the river banks: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the construction of rovctment works where the banks are caving at Greenville Reach, Delta Point, in front of tho cities of Vicksburg, Memphis. Hickman, and C0- lumbus: And provided _/int/cer, That contraction works shall be built at the same time in the wide portions of the river immediately above tho said rcvctmcut works. Of the amount heroin appropriated for the Lower Mississippi, seventyfive thousand dollars are to be expended in continuing the work in progress ut New Orleans; one hundred and eighty-seven thousand tivo hundred dollars for tho rectification of thu Rod and Atclmfalaya. Rivers by preventing further enlargement of the latter stream and restricting its outlet capacity, and for keeping open a. navigable channel through the mouth of Bod or Old River into the Mississippi; thirgy-seven thousand ive hundred dollars in improviu navigation in the rceuvillc Roach, by provcntingtho bank at Grccuvigo from further caving; seventy-five thousand dollars in deepening tho channel at Vicksburg by dredging through tho bar existing there; but this lustnamed sum shall not be expended unless after another examination or survey the Commission shall deem it advisable; and if they shall not, then thirtyseven thousand tivo hundred dollars shall be expended in tho improvement of navigation at Vicksburg by constructing suitable dikcs and other appropriate works, and fiftysix thousand two hundred and fifty dollars in completing the work on the river at Memphis; also eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars for work on tho river at Hickman, aud eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars for work on the river at Columbus, Kentucky. For examinations and surveys at South Pass, of tho Mississippi River, South pany pursuant to the act of March third, eighteen hundred and sovcutylivc, §”"““°'·*°“' ton thousand dollars. °" °m '°y°' For survey of the Mississippi River from- tho Head of tho Passes to its 3 u y v E y rl- 0 m headwaters: Continuing survey thirty thousand dollars. gclo;ro1f:;¤:uIjs•am¤ For gssugiu g the wu ters of the Lower Mississippi Bivor and its trib- (longing. utaries, as provided for in joint resolution of the twenty-iirst of February, eighteen hundred and seventy-ono, tivo thousand dollars. For continuing the removal of snags, wrecks, and other obstructions Re m o v u 1 or in the Mississippi River, fifty-six thousand two hundred and hfty dol· ¤¤¤s¤»¤¢¤· IMS. C0[umbiu River, _ For guugin g the waters in the Columbia Bivcr, ODG thousand dollars. g•§§¤¤{g;_ Hu to Sm:. 2. That in places where h:u·bor·1i¤cs have not been ostablmlyod, be ugablishojf and where deposits of debris of mines or stamp works mu be made mthout iuinry to navigation, within lines to be established by the Secretary ‘ of \V:u·, said omcer may, and is hereby authorized to, cause such hues to be established; and within such lipes such deposits umy bcmado, under regulations to be hom time to {211116 prescribed by mm. Sm:. 3. It shall uct. be lawful to cast., throw, empty, or uulado, or New York mnoamso, suifer, or procure to be cast, thrown emptied, or uuladou, either bvgombmn _ db from or out of any ship, vessel, lighter, barge, boat, or other craft, or Pom. iu_ *· hom the shore, pier, wharf, or mills of uuy kmd whatever, any stone, slate, gravel, earth, slack, rubbush, wrock, filth, slabg odgxugs, sawdust, slug, or cindcrs, or other refuse or |D1u•WlI»tB0f ony kmd, unto New York Harbor: Provided, That nothing herein contamod shall ox- P~¤i•¤·