Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/446

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 216, 217. 1887. 413 at permanent form of government for the District of Columbia ”: Prorided further, That the Secretary of War shall, as soon as possible, Survey- cause a survey of the river to be made to determine the length, width, and height of said bridge, and thereupon advertise for plans and prices Advertisementsior the construction of said bridge, such advertisements to be inserted in one or more daily newspapers published in Washington, District of Columbia; New York; Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Philadelphia. Pennsylvania; Chicago Illinois ; and Richmond, Virginia, for the _ _ space of one week: And provided further, That the sum of five thousand 1 P‘¤'*_;'{)m°d*¤t°· dollars shall be available at once for such investigation and surveys Y "°" l°‘ and such contingencies as the Secretary of War shall deem necessary. Approved, February 23, 1887. . CHAP. 217,-An act to incorporate the trustees of the Young Woman’s Christian Feb- 23, 1887- Home in Washington, District of Columbia. it Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ·Repr¢~sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Mary G. Wilkinson, Ben- Dieiriet <>fo<>1¤m- jamin Il. Warder, Octavius Knight, Thomas P. Morgan, Eliza N. Blair, béfbstcesof Yom] Emma E. Dorsey, Nathaniel Wilson, Francis H. Smith, A. J. Falls, R. Womuurschdsmm D. Mussey, E. D. Powell, Caroline M. Lawrence, Frances E. Childs, H. Home, incorporat- A. Hall, Elphonzo Youngs, Addison M. Smith, and their associates and ***1- successors, be, and they are hereby, constituted a body politic and corporate in law by the name and style of the *‘ Trustees of Young Woman’s ··Christian Home"; and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have perpetual succession, and shall and may take, hold, manage, and dispose of, at all times, real and personal estate, and shall and may do and perform all other acts and things necessary or appropriate for the execution of the purposes, charities, and trusts for which the said corporation is created, and which are set forth in the second section of this act; and said corporation shall have power to adop and make such constitution, by-laws, and regulations rm may be appropriate and necessary for carrying out the purposes of the said incorporation, including provisions for the election of trustees and other onicers and agents of the corporation, the filling of vacancies occurringin such otnces and agencies, the taking holding, and management of the property of the corporation, and the sale and conveyance thereof, when necessary, for the purposes of such corporation, and the transaction of all other business appropriate and necessary to the purposes of such incorporation, with power to adopt and use a common seal for such corporation, and the same to alter at pleasure. Sec. 2. That the object purposes, and powers of said corporation shall 0*•J•°*¤- Ebe, and the same are hereby, limited to providing temporary home for young women coming to and being in the District of Columbia, who shall, from any cause, he in want of and willing to accept temporary home, care, and assistance in tho said District; and for the purposes aforesaid the said corporation shall have power to take, hold, use, and enjoy all such real and personal property, endowments, and contributions, whether by devise, gift, otherwise, as may be appropriate for the establishment, maintenance, and success of the said institution; and also to acquire, take, hold, use, occupy, manage, and own, either in feesimplc or by lease or otherwise, such real estate in the said District, not exceeding in its appraised value the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, to be used, held, occupied, and enjoyed for the purposes of such home, and for the residence and use of the proper and necessary officers, wmployees, and agents of such corporation: Provided, That the prop- Prwiwerty, whether real or personal, owned by the said corporation, and used P¤>1>er¤y_e¤empt exclusively for the charitable purposes of the said organization, shall f‘°’"“"'°°· be exempt from taxation. Approved, February 23, 1887.