Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/489

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456 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 320. 1887. Schools. Eor suppolrt of tniol manual-labor schools, per third article of same treaty ten t ousau o lars · Fnrmcrs, ctc- For’pay of two farmers, two blacksmiths and two apprentices, one , miller aréd aplprentice,fand ltwodtegchefs, one shoemaker, and one carpenter ve thousand our un re do lars · Physician. h Fcirlipiiyl of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two una dollars- Irvu. steel, ctc- * For purchase of iron and steel, and other necessarics for the shops, as V°*- lh P- 730- per fourth article of treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, five hundred dollars; in all, forty-seven thousand . . _ one hundred dollars. Poncas. PUNCH-, _ ‘ _ v01_ 12, P_;gg·;_ For fourteenth of iitteen installments, last series, to be paid to them or expended for their benefit, per second article of treaty of March twelfth, eighteen hundred and nity-eight, eight thousand dollars; For this amonnt,.or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be used at the discretion of the President, to carry on the work of aiding and cnvnmnng. instructing the Poncas in‘the arts of civilization, with a view to their pelgsupport, for clothing, and for pay of employees, five thousand dol- For this amount, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary Snbsisn »· u. of the Interior, for subsistence of the Poucas, thirteen thousand dollars; p,.,,,,;,,,_ _ in all twenty-six thousand dollars. Provided, That the foregoing sums - - · shallzbedivided pro rata annong all the members of said tribe in the Distribution. _ . _ _ _ Indian Territory and nn Dakota Terntory. Pottawatomies. . PUTTAWATOMIES. P an n For permanent annuity in silver fourth article of treaty of Aunoise: c t m` gust third, seventeen hundredand i1inety-tlve three hundred and - , v Vol 7, r- 51- seven dollars andeighty cents; ' vn, 7 P_ 114. Forpermanent annuity, in silver,. per third article of treaty of Sep- [tember thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, one hundred and seventy- eight dollars aud ninety cents; V", -,_ ,,_ 18,1 For permanent annuity, in silver,per third article ot treaty of October geepnd, eiglhgeten hundred and eighteen, eight hundred and ninety-four o ars an y centsvon, 1, p, 317. For permanent aunniity, in money, per second article of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, seven hundred and fifteeu dollars and sixty cents ; _ vo, ,_ ,,_ 3.2,, For permanent annuity, in specie, per second article of treaty of July vcr 7, P, gn, twenty·uinth, eighteen hundred and twenty nine, and second article of treaty of September twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, live thousand seven hundred and twenty-fou: dollars and seventy-seven cents- Money in lieu of _ For permanent provision for payment of money, in lien of tobacco, , n»l·¤¤e·b etc: nron, and steel, per second article of treaty of September twentieth, {5;}- P- gig- eighteen hundred and twenty-eight. and tenth articles of treaties of _‘ · ·1’· • · Jn3g nfth aged seventelenlth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, one hundred an seven o lars an t irty- our cents; m,,ck,,,,m,,,_F,c_ Fer permanent provision: for three blacksmiths and assistants, and

 gl, p.   fe; man egllgtceel {lor slneops, pfrtthud article of tlreaty of Otctober six-

- y · _ - n n und aut wen y-six, secon ar `c c t t i' V°’· 7· l'· **20* September twentieth, eighteeh hundred and twenty-eight,0annl‘(sae¢?on0d article of ttrleaty oflJuHr twlepg-pinth, eighteen hundred and twenty- mne one ousau an eng o lars an ninety-nine cents · Salt. Fdr permanent provision for fifty barrels of salt, per seeiond article Vvl- 7. r- 320- of treaty oltiéluly twenlgyilnnnthegghteeu hundred and twenty-nine, one undredn a fifty-six ars an fifty-four cents - Interest. For interest on two hundred and thirtythousaind and sixty-four dollars and twenty cents, at five per centnm, in conformity with provisions