Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/499

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466 FORTYNINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 320. 1887. Hampton, Vs. For support and education of one hundred and twenty Indian pupils at the school at Hampton, Virginia, twenty thousand and forty dollars. Lawmmsxnns, For support and education of four hundred and fifty Indian pupils, at one hundred and seventy-tive dollars per annum each, at the Indian school at Lawrence, Kansas, seventy-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; pay of superintendent of school, two thousand dollars; purchase of material and erection of shops,_cottages, and outbuildings, and neces ary repairs, four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; in all, eightyfive thousand five hundred dollars. Lincoln: Inman- For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at Lincoln

  • i°¤·PW¤¤l¤ll****¤- Institution, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at a rate not to exceed one

' hundred and sixty-seven dollars per annum for each pupil, thirty-three thousand four hundred dollars. Saint Ignatius For support of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the Saint Ig- M¤¤¤i¤¤» M<>¤*¤¤¤· natius Mission School, on the Jocko reservation, in Montana Territory, at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, twenty-two thousand tive hundred dollars. Other season. For care, support, and education of Indian pupils at industrial, agricultural, mechanical, or other schools, other than those herein provided for, in any of the States or Territories of the United States, at a rate not to exceed one hundred and sixty-seven dollars for each pupil, fifty thousand one hundred dollars. · Trans rtation For collecting and transportation of pupils to and from Indian P0 . . of while. schools, and also for the transportation of Indian pupils from all the Indian schools, and placing of them, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control of such suitable white families as may in all respects be qualified to give such pupils moral, industrial, and educational training, under arrangements in which their proper care, supplprt, and tfducation shall bein exchange for their labor, twenty-eight. thousand ollars. iu2f3Q t'"';` INTEREST ON TRUST-FUND STOCKS. I Sec. 2. For payment of interest on certain abstracted and non-payin g State stocks belonging to the various Indian tribes, and held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eivhty-seven namely: nS;¢:‘s>k•¤¤ ¤¤¢l<>¤· For trust- fund interestnduc Cherdkec national fund, twenty-six thou- · sand and sixty dollarsfnggervkw Hd1w!- Il Far trustgund ipterest due Cherokee school-fund, two thousand four · un red an ten r o1larsti ¤=¤· Fpr trustifunél imterest duo Cldcknsaw national fund, nineteen thou- · sam eight nun ree and twenty e ollars · ‘hCnr»ctnw general I For tsrgtifniricl interest due Clnoctaiv general fund, twenty-seven "“‘- t iousan dollars- ` llgelaware gener- Fo;] trmst-tionaliimterestlelpc Delaware general fund, eight thousand ¤ uml- nine um ree ant t nirty a o lars- Iowns. For trlustfund interest due Io’was, three thousmidfive hundred and twenty dollars- Kaskmgkius, Pc- For trust-fun’d interest due Knskaskias, Pcorias, Weas, and Pianke- ‘,§‘,{:':;m3):Q_*f;_ “'“l shaws, four thousand eight hundred and one dollars; gc,,w,_]-,,,,,]_ For trust—fund interest due Kaskaskia, Wea, Peoria, and Piankeshaw school-fund, one thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars; Menoruouvvv- For-_trust·fn_nd interest due Menomonecs, nine hundred and fifty dol- Pu I f Img; in3allhpngety-four tlhousapd nine bur;_dred and forty dollars. _ rc rm-»·» sup- eo. . a no purc asc o supplies or which appro riatons a §‘£c°3_*;; herein made, exceeding in the aggregate five hundred dollars in val; ’ at any onetime, shall be made without first giving at least three wecks’ public notrce by advertisement, except in cases of exiency, when, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, who shall make official record of the facts constituting the exigency and shall report the same to Congress at its next session, he may direct that purchases may be