Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/883

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 777, 783. 1886. 853 I CHAP. 777.-An not for the relief of Alexander K. Shepard. July 19, 18%. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in C'ongre.·ra assembled, That tho Secretary of the Alexander K- Trcasury bc, and is hereby, authorized and required to pay to Alex- Sh;P'“d· t t ander K. Shepard, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, tho sum of fourteen thousand °ym°° °' four hundred and fiftycigbt dollars and four cents, out of any money in tho Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 10, 1886. CHAP. 783.-An act. fox tho relief of Richnral O. Ridgway and others. July 26, 1356, Whereas from the time bonded warehouses were first established Preamble. until April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, the law had been uniformly construed and administered to allow for loss by leakage on spirits distilled prior to July twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty- eight, while in warehouse; and Whereas it was the uniform practice and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, approved by tho Secretary of tho Treasury, to collect internal-revenue taxes upon only so much of the spirits distilled prior to July twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, as were actually withdrawn from warehouse, under which established regulations large quantities of spirits were bought and sold while in bond; and Whereas in u few exceptional cases taxes were also collected on that portion of such spirits which was lost. by leakage while remaining in warehouse: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Pnymont to per- Treasury bc, and he is hereby, required to pay, out of any money in the ¤¤¤ ¤ ¤=•¤¤¤¢| TM Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the following-named persons, of g:t“3l:3’;°Q:?s Q: the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or their legal representatives, um, of g,,,,;;,, respectively, such amounts as shall be shown, to tho satisfaction of tho wmldmvn from Commissioner of Intcr¤a1Bcvcnu0, to have been paid by them as tax *¤¤>h¤¤¤¤- on distilled spirits in excess of the quantity withdrawn by them from warehouse: Provided, That tho amount paid to each shall not exceed P!¢>•!¥•¢•-_ tho sum hereinafter stated, that is to say:L‘"‘""“°“· To Richard G. Ridgway, eight thousand one hundred and sixty-threo dollars and forty-eight cents. To H. and A. C. Van Boil, one thousand six hundred und ono do1lm·s and forty-two cents. To John Stewart, two hundred and fort.y—ono dollars and sovonty- eight cents. To Walden, Koehn and Compnuy, seven hundred and forty-eight dollars and twelve cents. To Henry Wallace and Company, two thousand nine hundred and eighty-four dollars and seventy-two cents. To Boyle and McManus, three hundred and eighty dollars and thirty- four cents. To Samuel Macky, one hundred and two dollars and forty-eight ccuts. To Robert Steel, two thousand and ilfty-ono dollars and thirty-uino cents. To Lang and Bernheimcr, tivo hundred dollars and ciglxtyonc cents.

 To G. H. Vandikc and Company, three hundred and seventy-two dollars and twenty cents.

To Hugh W. Catborwood, administrator of the estate of A. J. Caplaerwood, deceased, eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and fifty-nmo cents. To H. and H. W. Catherwood, four thousand six hundred and fifty-six dollars and seventy-three cents. * ,