Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/124

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78 · FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 57, 58. 1888. Other ¤<>¤¤v¤¤1¤¤ Sec. 4. That all railway companies desiring the use of said bridges, ny °°°' · or either of them, shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relative to the passage of railway trains over the same and over the approaches thereto, upon payment of a reasonable compensation for such use. °* W”'° Sec. 5. That the brit} authorized to be constructed under this act.

 °t°` shall be built and locatgdsunder and subject to such regulations for

the security of navigation of said rivers as the Secretary of War shall prescribe; and to secure that object the said company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary o War, for his examination and approval, a design and drawings of said bridges, and each of them, and a. map of the location, giving, for the space of one mile above and one mile below the roposed location, the topography of the banks of the river, the shoreflines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the currents at all stages, and the soundings, accurately showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge or bridges, and shall furnish such other information as may be required for afull and satisfacto understandingof the subject; and until the said plan and location diy the bridge or ridges are a proved by the Secretary of War the brid e or bridges shall not be built; and should any change be made in the plan of said bridges, or either of them, during the prog-— ress of construction, such change shall be subject to the a proval Changes of the Secretary of War. And the said structure shall be clhangecl at the cost and expense of the owners thereof, from time to time, as:. the Secretary of ar may direct, or the whole of said structure may be removed at the expense of the owners thereof, if the Secretary of War may, at any time. so direct, so as to preserve the free and convenient navi tion of said rivers,_and the authority to erect and continue any ancliill of said bridges shall be subject to revocation by law whenever the public good shall, in the judgment of the Secretary of War, so relrprire.

¤¤ Sec. 6. at this act shall be null and void if actual construction.

of the bridges herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date thereof. Amendment. we- Sec. 7. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act isahereby expressly reserved. Approved, April 4, 1888. Aprn 4, rm. CHAP. 58.-—An act to provide for holding terms of the United States courts af:. ""’;i—‘ Mississippi City. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatryes of the Misnimippi. di I I United States of America in Congress assembled; That the counties; mM_ j" ° ‘ of Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Marion, Perry, and Green, being a. part of the southern judicial district of Mississippi, shall be known as reps of courts se he southern division of said district; and circuit and district courts,

  • §€§_§f.§b_,m_ for the transaction of business plertaining to the rsons and prop.

1=-S·.¤¤<=·6¤8.p· 121- erty in said southern division, s all be held at ldigsissippi City on the third Mondays of February and An st in each year. Jnrimiccicm Sec. 2. That the said courts to be helnlldt Mississippi Cit , as pro-. vided in section one of this act, shall be possessed of and shall exer— cise all the powers and jurisdiction now possessed or exercised, or which may ereafter be granted to or exercised, by the circuit and district courts in said district now held at Jackson; and all laws. regulating and defining how suitsa ainst persons or roperty located or found in judicial districts shall Se brought shall be a plicable to~ and Tvem the bringing of suits in said division; and all laws touching the removal of causes from State courts to United States courts shall apply to said courts hereby established; but all crimes and offenses eretofore committed within said southern district shall be