Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1541

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INDEX. 1 505 Paze. Pa e. Bruce.:}. E.. _ _ _ ‘ Buildings and Grounds. D. C'.—Continueel. g deficiency appropriation for. ... . .,.. 9253.])p1`0I)1`l31ZlO1l for Executive Mansion. Bnmsuvcly. _ E fuel and repairs ...,.. 965 appropriation for consul at .. 251, 700 for lighting Executive Mansion and pub- BI‘1L1l!?l('ll‘]l'. Gu.. _ _ , lic grounds. price .. . . 532, 965 approprnziuon for iinprovezneut of lxarbor 404 [ for rep ir of water-pipes and iire~ Sapelo Rl\’€1'·S()UI1(] and Iwlrlllbl. added to j plugs . .. 532.965 collection district .. 557 for telegraph between Departments. Brussels, etc .. 533, 965 appropriation for consul at. . 251, 700 for Wasliingtoiz Monument .. 533, 965 for clerk lure 703 for Medical Museum, cremating furnace 533 Brussels Elvhibifion. Belgium, ’ for pavement . ... 966 appropriation for expenses of participat· for Library of Congre building .. 966 ing in . . . . ... 622 Bulbs, Bryan. A. C., rate of postage on ... 347 payment to.. 1168 Bulger, Thomas, V Bryan, Ann (widow), payment to . . ..,... 1187 pension . . .1262Bulkley. Raignel and Company, Bryan, Be»y`amz'n C'., payment to, for wrappmg-paper, postal payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 593 [ service ... 56 Bryan, Julia, Bullock. David, pension ... . 1124 payment to administrator of 1236 Bryan, HC L.. Bull’s Bay, S. C., payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 24 appropriation for beacon-light ... 942 Buceg, Joseph, Bundy, Charles S., payment to administrator of 1321 payment t0, judgment against District of Buchanan, Catherine (widow), of Columbia .. 7 pension restored 1319 Bunnell, Jeremiah, Buck, Alfred E., payment to . 1238 pa ment of judgment of Courtof Claims to 23 Bunyea, S. W., Bud; C'. WC, payment to . 578 deficiency appropriation for salary .. 69 Buoyage, Buck, James A., apprzpriation for expenses of . . 512, 946 pension increased ... 1040 Bm-ba , Charles H, Buck, William H. IL, payment of judgment of Court of Claims pension increased ... 1116 to administrator of 594 Buckhemnon River, W Vu., Burchett, Armstead, appropriation forimprovement of 410 payment to administrator of 1320 Buckingham, Beughmm E, Burd, George E., payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 593 pgtyment of judgment of Court of Claims to 593 Buckles, Abraham J., Bu ick, Joseph C., pension increased ... 1170 deficiency appropriation for. as commis- Buckstajf, George H sioner, ox and Wisconsin Rivers. .22, 596 deiiciency appropriatiou for, as commis- Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy, sioner Box and Wisconsin Rivers. .2.2, 596 appropriation for clerks, etc .. . 284. 783 Bucksfaf, Robert, or construction and repair of vessels.467, 818 payment of damages to, Fox and Wiscon· for contingent expenses . 467, 8.8 sin Rivers .. . . . ... 18 · for extra tools. Mare Island, Cal ... 467 Buehler, WWII1am G., for purchase of steamtum . . . . 818 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 929 for imiprovin plant New ’ork and Nor- Buell, Jenny (widow), fo k yarzh .. . . 818 pension .. 1213 for civil establislnnent . .. 467. 818 Buenos Ayres, deficiency appropriation for . 1.1, 576, 918. 938 appropriation for consul at . 251, 700 for freight 577 Buffalo. N. K. Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, Aiuy appropriation for public building 81 appropriation or clerks. etc 282. 732 for improvement of harbor 402 or equipment of vessels . 461. 812 deficiencyappropriationforpublicbuilding 47 for recruiting and transportation . . 461, 81; Buffalo Bayou, Tex.. for contingent expenses .. 461. 812 a ipro riation for improvement of ... 415 for Naval Training Station .. . . 461. 812 Bu_5ln.ggm, Elizabeth (mother), for civil establishment 461. 813 pension .. . .,,. 1152 deficiency appropriation for freight . 11. 577 Buford, Edward, for transportation . ll. 918. 919 payment to ...,.. . . 1225 · for contingent .. 11,31, 68, 70. 576. 601.918, Buford, Frank G., l 935. 938 payment to . 1225 i for equipment. . .. 31, 918 Buford. Thomas. { Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Mzry, payment to loyal heirs of 1225 appropriation for clerks, etc 284. 733 Bugg, 1V illiam H., or surgeon’s neoessaries .. 465. 815 payment to administrator of 1224 for civil establishment ... 465. 815 Buildings and Grmmds. D. C., for maintenance of naval hospitals 465, 816 appropriations for improvement and care for contingent expenses .. 465, 816 of .. . . .. 531. 964 for repairs ... 465. 816 contracts for pavements ... 532, 964 for sick quarters, Portsmouth. N. H 816 srxr L-voL xxv—-415