Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1587

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mmmx. 1 051 Intenmfiqm{{ Exhibition. Barcelona, Spain, Page- ! weighing, etc . Pagé appr0py1ation for expenses of representa- to shipper for false billin etc 858 tion at . ... 620 for inducing discrimingéionsl l I · l I I - 858 Internatiqnrgl E¥h ibition. Brussels, Belgium, Interstate Conxnwrce-Contirnued l l. ·i I appmprxat on or articipatin in . . . . 622 scc 0 m' ’· 1M.,,»,...»m;l gg-ggition, M.»u’3»m, New t§ip§§‘2O ';‘iEL?£’€ 3&E£¥l2‘,1‘E¥>‘;I;gei¢\;eg 858 ~ · roceedm .. ' appropyiatnon for participating in 617 maypsend for ggrsons and papers Internatwnal Exposition, Paris, France, subpoenas from circuit courts to acceptance of invitation to participate. . . 621 evidence ... . . . 859 commissioner-general, etcqtobeappoiuted 621 criminatiou of party not to ekcixsell _ 859 appropriation for expenses .. 621 written reports of investigations tq be under Secretary of State. ... 621 made; record; copies . 859 agmcultuml exhxbxt to be prepared .. 621 publication of reports and decisions .. 859 reports to be submitted to Congress .. 622 application to circuit courts for hearings International Geodetic Association, on violations .. . . . 859 acceptance of invitation for United States pleadings; report to be prima. facie of ‘ to become a party to .. 1019 facts . . . . 860 apgwropriation for contribution to expenses 514 injunction; attachment for disobeviug or contribution to; proviso .. 948 process ... E . 8 60 International Industrial Properly Bureau, ine; enforcement; appeal , 860 appropriation for ,. 287. 737 district atbomcyto prosecute; expenses. 860 International Law, Digest of, proceedings in matters requiring jury trial, 860 supplement to be pregared ... 328 order 0 court; jury, etc .. 861 International Marine mgfcrcncc on Safety jury may be waived ; appeal; costs ; of Life and Property at Sea, courts deemed always in session. . . 861 foreign nations to be invited to send de1e· 243 mduct eg of Commission .. 861 gates to .. ries o ommissioners .. 861 delegates to be gppointed by the President 243 Commission to appoint secretary; salscopc of the co crence ... . 243 ary .. 861 appropriation for expenses . . 243 other employees; officers; witnesses; expay 0 delegates 243 pauses 862 facilitigzs to be furnished by Secretary of 944 make anfxual report to Congress; list of avy . . ~ employees .,.. 802 authority to terminate by January 1, 1890 244 exceptions to provisions against lower report of expenses .. 244 _ rates, g·tc._ . 862 International Money Orders, cxrcuit and dmtrnct courts maycompcl commaximum amount raised to $100 ... 654 mon carriers to afford equal facil- . Interoceanic Canal. (See Maritime Canal ities to shippers Z .. 862 Company of Nicaragua.) procecdgngs by persons discriminated Interpreters. Indian, " agamst . . ._ 862 appropriation for . .. 218, 982 mandaynus to xssug. . . : ..,. 862 Interpreters to Consulates, = pending dgtarmmation .. . . . . 863 appropriation for ... 254, 704 other remednes not exclqdesi .. 863 Interpreters to Legations, Interstate Commerce Cmmmssmn (see also appropriation for .. . ..,... 248, 698 Interstate Commerge): Interstate Com merce, _ approprmtnou for Commnssxoners, secreamendmeuts to original law .. . . . 85:• tary ... . 5:29, 954 common carriers to print and keep open for _ for salary of secretary ... 5:29. 9M inspection, schedule of rates, ctc. . S50 fonj expenses <»f:_ rqport ...,. 520,0:1; contents of schedules . 855 deficxemcy upsroprmtmn for ..,.. 54 to be in large type, posted in conspicuous of unexpen ed balance for eqxqseq. , , 579 places at each station, etc ... _. . . 855 to makg rules, etc.._tq prevent dlS(‘l‘I!{\lllllof rates of freight shipped across foreign S___ _ ttqnstlygnsumnclmw telegraph hues, ·0unt .. . ... oo mves nga 1 s 2 I » gotvds xlxnble on failing to comply . . 856 copies of contracts to be tiled L ... 384 ten days' public notice to be given of ad- _ mmua]. etc,. reports (0 be filed with . vance in rates, etc z ... 8·»6 punishment for fzulure to report .. 68.: three rln,ys’ notice of reductions SQ!} may prescpbc form of schedules to be __ elm-incinnu from ublisbed rates unlawful 806 [ · Fublnslyed by common camers .,,,, 8.), copies of suhedqxles, contracts, etp., to _ ; to app_y to c·1rcu1t courts to epferce pos;- he film} with Commission .. S26 l mg, ctc., of schedules by common _~ of joint tariffs with connecting lines. 8g4S _ _ cpmers . ._ ... , . , 5,, jnint tariffs to be made public . 826 i to mqmre. etc., xpto management of bum- _ ten du ¤’ notice of advance . 8o6 uess,_etc.. of common carrxers . 8gS three enwsf notice of reduction ... 8·}6 to enforce 11{te-rgtata commerce act .. Sari deviations from joint rates unlqwful. 827 to request q.lSU'lCt attorney to prosecute _ form of schedules may be prescribed. . 807 VIOIHYEIOHS . _ .. _ .. . I . 828 tiling and publishing schedules c0m· __ to malke wrxtteu report of investigations. . 8·>9 pcllcd by maudnmus .. . ... Sv); copies to complamaut and common car- Q_ failure to comply a contempt of court. . 8·j» [ _ ngr .. L ... L29 injunction to restrain. uqnl compliance . 80] i publication of x:ep0rt¤ ,.,... $,9 violations of act no be a mxsdemeanor 8-} to apply @0 CITEUQS court to enforce pm- 8*9 time: imprisonment I ._ . . . 2. .. 807 1 _ VISIODS 0_ { {ct _ . pumshment for false bdlmg, classxhcaucm, m cases requmng jury-mal ...