Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1630

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1594 INDEX. Page. _ Page. Portugal, P08i-O_0i0€8—COHt1DU€d.· _ appropriation for minister to ... 248, 697 classification, etc., asmstant cashmr .. 841 Possum, Loth. finance clerks, bo0k—kccpers ... 842 naval record of, amended ... 2 . . . 1245 stamp clerks .. 842 Post. John K.. and Company, stamp agents . : ... 842 claim of to be examined; payment ... 1309 superintendents of r(;1a.1%s. . I .. 3 E Post, P. S., assistant superinten en s 0 mai s ...,. appropriation for contested-election ex- superintendents of delivery 842 penses ..,. 546 assistant superintendents of delivery. . . 842 Post, The Wbshington, superintendents of registry 842 deti··iency appropriation for printing 913 assistant superintendents of registry. . . 842 Pqst-Ojfce Department, superintendent, money orders . 842 appropriation for Postmaster-General, assistant superintendents m0ney—orders 842 chief clerk, imipector, clerks, etc .291, 740 superintendents of stations ._. 843 for gen-ks, office 0 Assistant Atborneyém 40 glerks in céxarge of statioxfui ,. cneral . - , *7 oremeu 0 crews on worg sections. for First Assistant Postmaster-General, mailing clerks, letter distributers, disclerks. atc .., 291, 740 patchars. registry, money- order, for Second Assistant P0stmastc1·—Ge11- directory, nixie clerks 843 f e:;la:],§1eg;sa itc . . . . .291, 740 separator? assortzeri, Eager distributers, or u· sms an os as er- eu- recor , genera c we , in ui , eral, clerks, atc . ‘ . 29 1,741 special mail clerks, ralgrs, w?eig— for superintendent of dead-lather oficc, ers, supply clerks, time-keepers . . . 843 clerks, etc ... 291,741 stampers, mai1—messengers 843 for iulmrintendent of foreign mailségl 41 printers . . .. 843 c erks, etc ... , 7 ressmen, In mrs, etc . . .. 843 for superintendent of money-order sys- guditor, draughtsman, New York . 843 tem, clerks, etc .. 292,741 second-class offices; proviso . 843 for clerks, etc., office of mail depreda- chief clerk .. . 843 tions .. . . 292,741 mailing clerks, letter distributers, disfor bopographer. draughtsmen, atc 292, 741 patchers, registry, stamp, and for disbursing clerk and superintendent, moneyorder clerks ... 843 clerks, engineers, watchmen, laboggg 741 separators, assorpeys, paper distributers, em, cbc .. , neml delive and utilit clerks. 843 for contingent expenses . ..,.. 292, 742 stamgliers, mcssengxgrs, portersgianitnrs, for rent .. 742 ‘ and watchman  ; .1 843 for official Postal Guide . 293,742 promotions to be onlv on approval of ¥0r post-mute maps; sale . gg; POStm8St€I·G€D€I:2ll .,. 844 cr postage .. . .. , 2 roster of clerks to be submitted to Postfor postal service . . . 345, 841 master-General carl ,,,_____ for printing binding ._ . _. . . $48, 979 P08t_R0utc Maps, y Y `'`` 844 for r§g’:S°“t°t1°u at Cmcmmm ExP°m' 160 gglprognglation for puglication; sale .. 293, 742 deficiency appropriations for ... 580, 923 P tc 0 new '''‘'‘'‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 845. for printing and binding .. 57 08 ag€* . ‘ im- salaries . .. 64 P0"’“° °f· °“ b¤*b¤» Pl=*¤*¤» etc ---··- 347 for rent, Washington p0st»0fHcc ... 14 '°mge'S(“"Vp$* , , for stationery.p0sta1 service ... 922 °Ppr°p¥“m°" fm Hmnufacmmi distribufor office of Second Assistant .. 922 d H . mm ··‘· · · · · ; · ·. ·-······-···- - ···· 346, 845 for foreign mail transportation 922 P i cmncy appwprlatlou for ·-··· _ --··---· 1 4 rm D. 0. Adkisoyfs mm , 922 0** “"C'°?` $“"'”°€» for J .C. Knowlton 923 P“PP;`°P“’·*‘°“ for ············ · ·--···-- -346, 845 for rimt of post-office, Mount Pleasant, 99 fégrépgggbn for mmmfacm d. t ,b 0wa.. . . . . ... ..3 . T9? 15 Y1 11- {01. mnt_WaShinit0n, D_ C _____ _ . · _ I I _ 923 t10D .. . . .347, 845 for printing and iuding .. 926 1 P08m! C0”9"¢’8$» Vienna, .P0st·O_(7ice Iuspectmm, appropriation for United States delegates S45 Pagpggriation for . .. . ,. 345, 841 P08m} g¤1'6¤Yigf¢8 (sec also Parce1g-P0g(; on - 'ces. onven ions), approfriaticm for clerks Qu . 345, 841 additional act of Lisbon . 1339 a ditioual pay for unusual business. 345 Wlth Canada ... 1413 for reg; fuel, and light, first and second5g1g21d6d --·-·· . ... . ,..,,, 1423 c . . . 345, 844 vm exico . , ’ F { third·cl:i1s:noffices: limit .. ..346, 844 Postal Crimes, ’ · I U · 138) -01* misce eous cx uses 346 ¥ indecen, mr first and second cggss offices 844 i p;·;:l§;EuqA0??];a§?:;§f§r on wrap. 496 third class, to be allowed rent, light. and i punishment for, ugi ‘] t ````°'` fue] ,...,,. . .- 346 I counterfeit mlzglemaztco ISPOSG of 8*3 deécieggylapfmprbtivu fo1‘¢¤¤¤p0¤Safi0¤ 580 I fOr fraudulently assgxkingl { -§éf1};}§{;§ I c er ·s .,.. . . . address ` glgssiiicatiou of clerks and employees in idantiHcati•t;nez?;;:;],· .````'` Sim H t_1 _ y·_ eq ·••.-••. _ rs c ass o c .. l matter hm-mg fichtmm address to be asmstant postmaster. .. . .. 841 sent to dead·1atter officc . 374 zgcélrqtary and stenogmpher . . .. I matter relating to spurious · · ner .. . uommailable . . ... . . . U, 874