Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1664

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1628 mnsx. A ‘ Page. · _ Page. Treasury Departnzent—Continued. Treasury Department—Qont1nued. _ appropriation for standard weights and 0 20 deficiency appropriations for conhngigitm 910 measures: expenses .. 27 ,7 expenses .. , » for Director of the Mint, clerks, etc . .270, 720 miscellaneous . . . : .. 63, 568 for Surgeon-Serieral Marine Hospitaén 720 £or ligmstations . 569, 933 See, , et ... or sa es ... for insprlgzlorfggheial sseamboat inspec- , for collectingcustomsrevenue.603, 909, 933, 936 tion service. clerks, etc ... 271, 720 ger debenture and other charges . 2 . gg? f t' t s 271 721 or revenue-cutter service ...,. fof(l:11$13(1']:1£llIj1%;\1;1€H131?}I3I?)d11i!(i3tOIS, deputies, ’ estimates to be submitted, etc .,. 907 etc .. . . . 272, 722 for coast and geodetic survey .. 907 for salaries, etc., assistant treasurers’ for light-house establishment .. 908 oirices ... 272, 722£0I' Iréiblicémildings .. 908, 913 ints and assay offices . 274, 724 or tab ommission . fo? expenses of government in the Ter- for Fish Commission . 909 ritories , 276, 726 £0l' datflonal gluseuna . 339 f civil ex nse und . . ... 505, 939 or`am -a dwe . ` fg; paper gi inlernalgevenue stamps,18 904 for punishlgig violations of internal-rew _ 910 sa ries, etc .. 5 ,enue ws, for puzhishing violations of internal- 8 954 for replatying excess of deposits to ims;10 936 revenue laws 51 , po ers . . ... , for exlpuenses,eprie(v($51hng sale, etc., of gor ilxpxznsles fslchooner Teaser .. a terat ,etc .. 955 01* . . c ean... .. for contingent expenses, independent for re-imbursing A. C. Egerter 911 treasury .. . .. 518, 955 for refund to G. Sutherland ... 911 for transporting silver coin, proviso ,,,, 518 for payment to heirs of C. A. J. Flemis- 911 for vaults or storing silver 955 ter . .. for re-coinage, re-issue, etc., minor for salary, J. MacGregor ... 911 coins ,... 519, 955 got Sixth A;;l;1t<g·’;oflice . for re—coining old copper cents . 519 or Alaska s cries . . .. I . . for re-coining gold and silver coins _,.. 519, 955 for Alabama ... . . 911 for distinctive paper, etc., U. S. ;oouri- zitor lriromsmna .. . . z ties . . 519,955 or easurer ... . . . ... for sealin and separati U. S. '- for refund to George W. Bishop. Q 912 ties . .. Ef(lllll1519, 955 for storing books, etc., National l3oard for witness destruction of U. S. securi- of Health ... Z 912 ties . , ,.._,._ 519, 955 for commission on methods of business 919 for custody of dies, rolls and plates 519, 955 in. . . .. _ ... t for public buildings. . . . . 519, 956 for James Gilbert I . 912 for suppressing counterfeiting, etc 520, 956 for decorating buildings m New York . 912 for investigating pay and bounty olniing for prmting and binding .. 926 of Indian soldiers .’ 520 for mterest on tonnage ues refunded. . 935 for custody, etc. ,o£ United States prop. pay-rollsbgetc., in Secpnd Auiditoréstgprce erty ... . . 520,957 to temporari ytrans erre ar for compensation in lieu of moieties. . .520, 957 _ Department . _ . 912 for expenses appraisers' meetings ,,., 520, 957 Treqhes (see cglao Conventions), for of anchorage grounds, 52 wig: gawau . ... i ew 'or 0 Wl cru .. for eprpenses under alien contract labor P with Tonga . .. . -. 1440 aw . 521, 947 Tre ren, Eliza widow , for collecting revenue from customs, pgnsion . .. 1144 additional. . , ... _. . 521 Trent, W’illiam D., ior eiigselnses, exclusion act. . . ézl Trpaymentlto exgcutors of 1234 or a sea eries .. · , ent, 1Vil iam ., for expenstep of l:ish_g‘o1nmission , Tpayuéent to adgiinistrator of . ... 1323 or preven on o epi em1cs .. 5 , " ren iver, r ’. '., £0r printing arid pénding . gig, appropriation for improvement of 412 or repairs 0 u1 in ... , _ of . 430 for nepresentation at ginciunati Exposi- 1 9 i Treizzpzillllllgl, d ion . . ..,. . ... 5 5 rtst f Lambert ... 158 deficiency appropriations for .. 5,47, 566, 907 Trl;;:;!; al PO m Ga 0 on got cogrpletingi silver vaultd .. 47 I Tiappgfprilatmn for consul at . 251, 701 or a 1ona compensa on 0 em- , "m e, 1 . . ployeerso QID refunding three per F l Tpaylpnenp to adinzinistratrix of . . 1234 cen. nrs ... o rin , ., for printing, etc., silver certificates and paynientatlbl? ... 1234 legal-tender notes . 5 2 Trinity River, Tear., for freight elevator . . . 47 appropriation for improvement of ... 415 for repairs . ... 47, 63 g Trqz eft, Thomas J, for internal revenue ... 62, 908 Q payment to administrator of . 1237 f for gollectiorsfk .,... . ... $32 Trout, William H., _ orm epen en reasury . T ym tto ... .. 1241 contingent expenses . .. 932 l Trldiotbeig, N Y., for government in the ’I’err.tories . 567, 909 appropriation for survey of . 430