Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/181

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 231, 1888. 135 CHAP. 231.--To amend an act entitled ‘An act authorizing the Postmaster-Gem May it 1888 eral to adjust certain claims of postmasters for loss by burglary, fire, or other un- jj avoidable casualty,' approved March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two. Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Represenfcdires of ihe United Sfafes of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled Eejfgygggigégsec "An act authorizing the Postmaster-General to adjust certain claims v01.2z, p.zs,émeiidof postmasters for loss by burglary, fire, or other unavoidable cas- 8* ualty/’ approved March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty- two, be and the same is hereby, amended so as to read, as follows: That the Postmaster·General be, and he is hereby, authorized to t0*;Qj3g;gSt§{éG§{;§;g; investigate all claims of postmasters for the loss of money-order for losses by casualty. funds, postal-funds, lpostage-stamps, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, and posta cards, belonging to the Unite States in the hands of such postmasters, resulting from burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty, and if he Shall determine that such loss resulted from no fault or negligence on the part of such postmasters, to pay to such postmasters, or credit them with the amount so ascertained to have een lost or destroyed, and also to credit postmasters with the amount of any remittance of money-order funds or postal funds made by them in compliance with the instructions of the Postmaster-General, which shall have been lost or stolen while in transit by mail from the office of the remitting postmaster to the office designated as his depository, or after arrival at such depository office and before the postmaster at such depository office has become responsible therefor; Provided, That no claim exceeding the sum of two grqvwos. _ thousand dollars Shall be aid Or credited until after the facts shall 52nd0m;?, have been ascertained by th)e Postmaster-General and reported to Con- *° C°¤g¤>S¤- gress, together with his recommendation thereon, and an appropriation made therefor: And provided further, That this act s al not embrace any claim for losses as aforesaid which accrued more than fifteen years prior to March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two; and all such claims must be presented to the Postmaster- agtq time General within six months from such latter date, except claims for p g “‘"“‘ postal funds which may be received, considered and allowed, if presented within six months after the passage of this act, in cases where the postmaster had, at or about the time of the loss, made report thereof to the Post-Office Department or to an inspector or special agent of the Department; and no claim for losses which may hereafter accrue shall be allowed unless presented within six months from the time the loss occurred. Sec. 2. That it is hereby made the duty of the Postmaster-General R¤r><>¤- to report his action herein to Congress annually, with his reasons therefor in each particular case. Approved, May 9, 1888. CHAP. 232.-An act to authorize the Kansas Valley Rail Road Company to eon-. May 9. 1988. struct and operate a railway through the Fort Riley military reservation, in Kansas, `K“`“"""_ and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senafe and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Kansas mggnsgguyalgrr Egl- Valley Railroad Company, a corporation created under and by vir- bum ,,m§.§,.§ t,,,} tue of the laws of the State of Kansas, be, and the same is hereby, gflgvphrggggélziggg empowered to Survey. locate, construct, and maintain a railway, tele- ley Reservation, Knngraph, and telephone line through that portion of the Fort Riley m1l1- S°S· tarv reservation situated south and west of the Kansas River, upon such a line as shall be determined and approved by the Secretary of War. . . Sec. :2. That said corporation is authorized to take and use for all wgfdth °* “¥h* °* urposes of a railway, and for no other purpose. a right of way one hundred feet in width through said Fort Riley military reservation