Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/29

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XXX LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Matilda Bleumner. An act granting a pension to Matilda Bleumner. July 9. 1888 1119 Peter Kham scm. An act granting a pension to Peter Thompson. July 9, 1888 1119 Charles Tidgnarsh. A11 act granting aa, pension to Charles Tidmarsh. July 9, 1888 . 1119 Aurelia Hillyer. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Aurelia Hillyer. July 9, 1888 . . . 1120 Rachel Plummer. An act granting a pension to Rachel Plummer. July 9, 1888. . , , .. . . . . 1120 Amanda W. Beach. A11 act granting n pension to Amanda W. Beach. July 9, 1888 . . . . . 1120 Mary J McGregor. A11 act granting a. pension to Ma% J. McGregor. July 9, 1888 ,.. 1120 Hettie K. Painter. An act granting a. pension to Mrs ettie K. Painter. July 9, 1888 . 1120 Sarah A. Roberts. An act granting an increase of pension to Sarah A. Wilcox, now Roberts. 11), Jul 9, 1888 . . ,.., p- Ann Atkilzson. An act granting an increase of pension to Ann Atkinson. July 9, 1888 ... 1121 Alfred Head. An act for the relief of Alfred Head. July 9, 1888, ,.. 1121 Christ her Cott. An act for the relief of heirs of Christopher Cott. July 9, 1888 .. . . 1121 Juliustgl. Monson. All act granting a pension to Julius C. Monson. July 11, 1888 1121 Philomelia L. Dartt. An act granting n pension to Philomelia. L. Dartt. July 11, 1888 1122 Francis M. Walker. An act granting a. pension to Francis Marion Walker. uly 11, 1888 . 1122 Stephen M Collis, An act to place the name of Rev. Stephen M. Collis on the muster-roll of the Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry as chaplain thereof. July 11, 1888 1122 Martha R Woodnzm. An act granting a pension to Martha F. Woodriim, widow of James · Woodrum, deceased. July 11, 1888 . . 1123 Sarah Ann Waters. A11 act granting a pension to Sarah Ann Waters. July 16, 1888 . ... 1123 Emil Schaftle. An act granting a pension to Emil Schattle. July 16, 1888 1123 W A. Hicks. An act granting a pension to W. A. Hicks. July 16, 1888 . .. . 1123 John C. Wa (mer. An act granting a, pension to John C. Wagoner. July 16, 1888 ... . 1124 John E gittag. An act granting 11 pension to John F. G. Mittag. July 16, 1888 .. 1124 Lewis Clblyea. An act granting a. pension to Lewis Telyea. July 16, 1888. . ._ . . 1124 Melia Bryan. An act granting a pension to Julia. Bryan, late nurse at Jeffersonville hospital. July 16, 1888 . . ... 1124 Luqy A. Noel. An act granting a. pension to Lucy A. Noel. July 16, 1888 1124 Frank H. Reed. An nc granting a. pension be Frank H. Reed. July 16, 1888 .. . . 1125 William Winans. An act granting an increase of pension toWilliam Winans. July 16, 1888. . 112.5 Edmund Ashworth. An act to increase the pension of Edmund Ashworth. July 16, 1888 . 1125 Edward Healy. An act to increase the pension of Edward Healy. July 16, 1888 .. 1125 Jennie D. Rice. An act for the relief of Jennie D. Rice. July 16, 1888 1126 Hiram Chilean. An act for the relief of Hiram Chilson. July 16, 1888 . . . 1126 Caroline R. Haseltine. An act granting a pension to Caroline R. Haseltine. July 16, 1888 1126 Jacob E Joseph. An act granting a pension to Jacob F. Joseph. July 16, 1888 . . 1126 Emily WZ Ogden. An act granting a. pensionto Emily W. Ogden. Jul 16, _1888 .. 1126 Outlen W Green. An act granting a pension to Cullen W. Green. July 16, 1888 . 1127 Himm Bateman. An act granting a. pension to Hiram Bateman. July 16, 1888 .. 1127 Benghmin R Howard. An act granting a pension to Benjamin F. Howard. July 16, 1888 1127 Griswold Rogers. An act granting a. pension to Griswold Rogers. July 16, 1888 .. 1127 Louise F. D. Hoit. An not granting a. pension to Louise F. D. Hoit. July 16, 1888 1127 William Knight, Jacob Parrott, John lVh0llcLm. An act granting pensions to \Villia.m Knight, Jacob Parrott, and John Whollam. July 16, 1888 ... 8 .. 1128 Levi M. Huntefs children. An act to grant a. pension to the minor children of Levi M. Hunter, deceased. July 16, 1888 ... 1128 W'illiam E. FVheeler. An act for the relief of \Vi.Lljam E. \Vheeler. July 16, 1888 ... 1128 Ruth Clark. An act for the relief of Ruth Clark. July 16, 1888 ... . . 1128 Elizabeth Terralls. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Terralls. July 16, 1888 . 1128 J. H. Corn. An act for the relief of J. H. Corn. July 16, 1888 ... . ..,..,... 1129 Jilargaret Lahey. An act for the relief of Margaret Lahey. July 16, 1888 1129 IVashir§]t0*n Tl Otey. An act to increase the pension of Washington T. Otey. July 16, 1888. . . 1129 James . G0lt.· An act to increase the pension of James E. Gott. July 16, 1888 .. 11*9 Manhattan Pickett. An act toincrease the pension of Manhatton Pickett. July 16, 1888 ... 1139 Charles W'. Sanborn. An act to increase the pension of Charles NV. Sanborn. July 16, 1888. . 1180 John Etzell. An act to amend an act granting a pension to John Etzell, approved March third eighteen hundred and seventymine. July 6, 1888 . .. 1130 Caroline Ruppert. An act granting an pension to Caroline Rup rt. Julv 17, 1888 ..,,,,,_, lm; James Turner. An act granting a pension to James Turner. Jeulv 17, 1888 ... . . . 1130 Elisha lVilkins. An act granting a pension to Elisha Wilkins. July 17, 1888 .. . . 1181 Perry D. Martin. An act granting a. pension to Perry D. Martin. Julv 17, 1888 ... . 1181 Milton Merwin. An act granting a pension to Milton Merwin. July li', 1888 .. 1181 Frank Oumdnik. An act for the relief of Frank Ourmlnik. July 1*7, 1888 ... . . . . i i 11;*1 Andrew T. McRe3[n0lds. An act for the relief of Andrew T. McReynol<ls. July 17, 1888. . I 1132 Jurlifh ,4. Kime . An act for the relief of Judith A. Kinse . July 17, 1888 .. U i 1];.0 1t;ViIli{¢m not forttgg relief of William N. Rob{. July 17, 1888 ,. i i i irginia er. ac gran ’ a nsion to Mrs. Vi 'nia Grier. Jul 19, 1888 ,.,, I ' J Martin N, Kellogg. An act gmntingpg pension to Marg? N. Kellogg. Jyuly 19, 1888 ...,,, (juthurgne ittlcsey. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Catharine K. Whittlesey. July ° Lo¢mdaShermam. An act granting ll pension to Mrs. Loamla Sherman. Jul i U i UI i 11:% AM G. Rankin. Axim gi-ming a pension to Abel 0. Rmikin. Jul 10. isssl . , jj [ f' }}§ Canis K llmler. Anaict granting a pension to Carrie V. Miller. Jully 19, 1888. , .,,.,,, , , i 1184 Jqwhq A. Jane;. An act increasing the pension of Jeptha A. Jones. July 19, 1888 ...,..,,. I -1134