Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/996

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 411. 1889. 95] d gm- one mechanician, at one thousand five hundred and sixty-Eve C£*g¤·fc3f¤¢¤ f¤¤=¢— o ars. · d llor one mechanician, at one thousand three hundred and thirty o ars. I For one mechanician, at one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For one mechanician, at one thousand one hundred and seventy- five dollars. _ For one mechanician, at nine hundred dollars. For one mechanician, at five hundred and forty-five dollars. For one carpenter, at one thousand five hundred and sixty-ive dollars. For one carpenter. at eight hundred dollars. ` For one carpenter and iireman, at five hundred and seventy dollars. For one nig t fireman, at five hundred and fifty dollars. For one map mounter, at one thousand and twenty dollars. For one librarian, at one thousand eight hundred dollars. For one clerk, at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. For one clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars. For one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars For one receiving and forwarding clerk, at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. For two clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each, two thousand four hundred dollars. I For two clerks, at one thousand dollars each, two thousand dollars. For on_e clerk, at nine hundred dollars. I For one clerk, at one thousand one hundred and seventy-ive dollars. For one map-colorist, at seven hundred and twenty dollars. For one writer, at nine hundred dollars. · For one writer, at eight hundred and forty dollars. For six writers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each. four thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. For one writer, at six hundred dollars. For one messenger, at eight hundred and sevently-five dollars. For one messenger, at eight hundred and forty ollars. For three messengers, at eight hundred and twenty dollars each, two thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. For three messengers, at six hundred and forty dollars each, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. For one driver, at seven hundred andthirty dollars. For one packer and folder, at eight hundred and twenty dollars. For one parker and folder, at six hundred and thirty dollars. For two aborers. at six hundred and thirty dollars each, one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. For two laborers. at five hundred and fifty dollars each, one thousand one hundred dollars. For one laborer, at three hundred and fifteen dollars. For one laborer, at three hundred and sixty-five dollars. For one janitor, at one thousand two hundred dollars. For two watchmen, at eight hundred and eighty dollars each, one thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. Total for pa of office force, one hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred, and five dollars. OFFICE Exrmzsus. 0¤°¤W”°* For the purchase of new instruments, for materials and_ supmlies required in the instrument-shop. carHenter—shop, and visgiu. and for books, maps, charts, an subscriptions, mne thousand ollars.