Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1558

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CONVENTION—GREAT‘ BRITAIN. JULY 12, 1889. 1509 _ 3. Embezzlement; larceny; receiving any money, valuable secu- ¤¤l;c¤*¤¤¤¤¤*- *¤· nty, or other priciperty, knowin the same to have been embezzled, °°"' ` sto en, or fraud ently obtainecf 4. Fraud bg bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director or 1"r¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤ breech member or officer of any company, made criminal by the laws of °"'"“*“ both countries. 5. Perjury, or subornation of P¤rJ¤r.v- 6. Rape; abduction; child-stea iplg; "dna ping. R¤1>¤.¤¤¤. g. ;1h1omse·bre;alcing or op·brea.Eu1g. Burzlnrmw. . rac y eawo na1ons. Hncy. 9. _Revod;, or conspiracy to revolt by two or more pG1‘S0¤S 011 b0¤1‘d °.¥1f§I’»:Zd m'"" gusihip on the highesxteas, against thelauithority of ttthe mgslter; wirongy gor royingavesse a sea,ora emto eso- %plt; on board a ship on the high seas, with intentpto ¢£> grievous 1 y arm. 10. Crimes and offences against the laws of both countries for the ¤•*¢ MM- ““£§$“”md°i£ °f ilwtfii "°1‘“`°‘}“""m· · t- · r th <=··-M 0n1s e orp 1c1 a10n 111 an o e · crimes mentioned in this Codvention or in the aforesaid, Tenth Article, provided such participation be punbhable by the laws of both countries. · Anrromn II. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered, if the ofence in re- H£mMw spect which his surrender is demanded be one of a political character, or if he proves that the requisition for his surrender has in _ facttbtesln rlplarde iwith a view to try or punish him for an offence of a po 1 1 c ac r. No person surrendered by eith r of the High Contracting Parties N° ¤·¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤- to the other shall be triable or tried, or be punished for any pgltitical g1°•i|¤J1°¤ii°e¤°Zei°° f" crime? on oiieuce, or fir any act connected erewith, commi pre- ° vious y o IS extradi ion. _ If any question shall arise as to whether a case comes within the dmdfhgpzgpwm provisions of this Article, the decision of the authorities of the °°’ ’ government in whose jurisdiction the fugitive shall be at the time shall be final. Aarrcun III. No person surrendered b or to either of the High Contracting big, g*;¤“_gr;¤· Parties shall be triable or be tried for any crime or offence, com- Db tm sr ¤ e" mitted prior to his extradition other than the offence for which he e'*"g‘ °*":'”z°3? or was surrendered, until he shall have had an opportun1ty of returning to the country from which he was surrendered. Anrrcm IV. All rt'cles seized which were in the possession of the rson to www fuzitive be sumeddered at the time of his appre ension, whether beting the §g{’§,§"°" “" '"°‘ proceeds of the crimeforfolgznce chargmk or beiiglmategrial as evi- ' m 'n proo o e C1'l1'l18 or offence, s a , so ar as practiblaiblelfancl if the competent authority of the State applied to for the extradition has ordered the delivery thereof,_be given up when the extradition takes place. N everthe ess, the rights of tlurd parties with regard to the articles.aforesa1d shall be duly respected. Asricnn V. If the individual claimed by one of the two High Contracting Par- ctfnqmwgtlpm by ties, in pursuance of the present Convention, should also be claimed °° by one or several other Powers on account of crimes or offences com-