Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1642

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INDEX. 1595 p pag, s . Chess Balls, nn Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway duty on. . . R ... . 600 Company-Continued. _ Chess Men, may purchase r1 ht of way through Indian duty on . 600 and Territories granted Chester, Pa., to Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska construction of public building at, author- Failway Commny . . . . 181 ized. ._ 112 Chicloahominy River, a., appzghggm .. . . 372,949 appropriation £or improvement of . . . . 439 _ _1 »_ _ OI'S\I\'VGy0. . a 0‘L1;;$r i;pmeJ‘1;(t'of ... 489 and Chattanooga National road pit, gzytbe purchased', . , . 835 certain declared approaches to 333 - an part . .. deficiency appropriation for nre escape . . 518 .. 334 °"°”°".,,,,.,"°,,r.".'?.,.. @.1..-""’“"""’..,,·t... sq t,’§.5"‘°"l°“°‘“tr'$,’£’°‘}“Sm ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ 532 ... ,990 un er con 0 ar. . _ Cheyenne and Indiana, agreements with present occupants .. 334 • agreement with, for cemion of lands rati— commission to have charge of ... 334

 . .f . . .        dutimofcoménissionbi ... .. 335

approp on or expenses o men . . opening an repair . . 335 or trust fund, etc., interest .. . 1025 marking' lines of battle 335 for payment to Choctaws and Chicka- 1025 tDi1IStlt;It.§300Dd0lDD?tl0D p . 335 saws . to mar ocationso troops engag ; Cheyenne and Arapaho Indiana, Northern, ‘ monuments ,.. 335 aggrropriation for fuliillingtreaties with.348, 996 historical tablets to be erected ... 335 or additional subsistence . 352 marking of positions by State authorities, _ dehcgmpwpmhon for . 549 b .. . 33350 Cheyen , su Secretary s ap . appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. .338, 992 regulations . 335 ‘ or support, etc., of: 350, 1004 punishment for offenses committed in. . . . 335 deuciency appropriation for support. . 549 appropriation for expenses .. 336 Cheyenne River 337 990 Oh Spr improvgncperlgs, etch 978 ' oragentat ... , icamauga a held as, or removing buildings, etc 1009 deficiency appropriation fgr completing, Ohwaao, 111., etc . . 38,516 appropriatiorzgpr salaries, assistant trees-245 925 Chickasaw Indicgns, mu h 839 992 ‘u.rer’s ce .. , a `tionor 'g tywit .. for public building ... il. . .5372, 349 gon- reimbprssment to generadatlunda for marine hospital approac es, . 2, 9 or trust- un interest, natio fun . , toni Government eahibit, Columbian 949 for lands by Cheyennes and 1025 _ xposition . . . . Arapahoes; vision ... for improvement of harbor 433 rights as to coal mines, etc., not aifected for spryley ol; gliannel between. Du- 460 Ch by mt to Clhoctaw leases 642 ut , o t . ic w 'ver, iss., for revenhle cutter at .. 958 appropriation for improvement of . . 443 lease of Government pier at, authorized. . 685 bridge across. authorized in Green County. 553 proclamation declaring dates of opemng Chickering, John W, and closing of Exposition at ... 1562 deficiency appropriation for .. 533 term ogcirclgijt pourt of appeals at ... 827 Root, 588 Chuago rea a er, ‘ u on . approygriation for lighthouse and fog sig- 375 Crimgéeepahg, gw, uuground .. 605 Ch' Expose.U it '· - I World; · appropriation thr lighting .. 378, 956 wagoExpositim.( S Ch1}e_¥Ch·rks. Executive Departments, Chicago, Hannibal and Springfield Railroad authorized to tpgnpnister oath of office to 1 C y, ap in ree 87 may bridngleanlilissouri River in Boone Chief Judge of the Supreme Court, County, Mo. . 637 appropriation for .. 267,947 Osage River, Benton County. M0 .. 639 ChiefSzgnal Qylcer, Army, Chicago, Henderson, Bowling Green and duties of. . . Z _ . .. 653 Chattanooga Railway Companyi may be detailed in charge of Weather Bumay bricye Green and Barren Rivers, y. 476 reau .. 653 Chicago, ansas and Nebraska Railway Childrfn, t f d 19 d d C , employmen o , un er ... un ergroun may tra;)i:£x(?711Iht of way through Indian forbidden; penalty 1105 and Oklalhmmlgugemgopiwmm RCE}- Chgldiren, Minor, h ed 90 d cago, Roc an ac` c- o eceased persons w o serv ays _ way Companny t ... 181 duringlthe war, entitled to pension. 183 ChwagobRock Isla and Pacific Railway catizse of deat neetd not result from service. 183 om ny, 1*3. 0 nsion; receive mo er’s pendefieiency ggprorariation for freight, light- 508 mldepnon her death or rennarriage, 188 huse ppies. ... · un` 6 . . ... for frgiggghuoyage ... 2.03 if pennanen:ly_ wto con- 183 assay ces ... . . . . tmue urm e or isa .. international exchanges . 866 commencement 0% pension .. 183