Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1668

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INDEX. 162 I', Emerson, Clinton H, . Ed ‘ ‘ Page` Paymcgi ghof mt _ _ 37 ngramgpmzgir Prmlmg, Bureau of—Conum na .. appro riati n frtrait f Ergazznéflgm, _ _ mai 1448 i?lKehe0 ,.#)ihi;:nFl;‘fl .. T). .674 .. r · · · . . . . . 0 , .. . . . .. . . 683 Emerson, Mary, _ _ of Nuttin fllggvton W .. 680 Epayment to r of . 1455 0; gandall, Samuel J 680 · Eduty 02 ew .. 000 f gc v$uber,i$1:%a§l? . . I I [XXII 200 m€7‘lI, ., ne, etc . ' payment t0, for testing machine . 1224 fg; land gg E151W1I 97'MM, foraddition to building .., 374 utygrnc 600 degicxency appropriation 160 Emelg g orengravmgsi enon list .. 005 ’ ,_Em“y,,, M, ’ Fultgn ti . . 509 payment 0: Fiench spoliation claim on ac- mnt; " al" coun 0 .. 907 ·· Emma," ummm, Ea uon for .. . ... . . . .208, 1081*. E:;vyi··igj_g,- i -------·-·-----·----··--- *448 eighty ¤¤.,T . . .. ww _ · P ·» mw on free hat, for the Government . 604 E,4P"'j•;_"i‘]1“·fd& ···---·--·-·—·-·-······· ·· - pubusned 20 yam. 004 »_ _ im Public bun _ W for exhibition by artists, etc ... 611

 *1***8 ······-- provisions for copyrighting .. 1107:

' ef-éuw use MW A""”’* ,, ,,, doom ················ · ···-- j · appilppenatxon for pay .. 149, 771*. puyméllt ¤iI;1;i·ench spoliation claim on ac- 908 for travel' mu ‘‘‘‘ 1* E ‘‘‘‘ [ · 77* E ,wCm·unn·, ...·..•·•¤··•·••.•.••••••• gmmu s part of asuvqq ..,., ... ‘. .. ssc ,0, §;’“*'“*= ‘‘·· 1;,,,, ···· · ·,,ei,;,;,Q5‘·"’“" ¤¤¤¤¤d¤•*¤¤r¤¤;v¤r¤¤<=¤¤¤1>¤*¢¤1<»s¤¤¤¤--- 836 ummm uml yuané - vrnqimu Cor _ , my, rm- ’ 152- gw . _ { . 149, rn f,,°‘°”°’, ,,,,,,,, °’Pf"' °’ “’°"°d rw _¤¤¤i¤¤ <·fm¤1¤=¤s¤ <>f<>¤1¤¤r¤¤¤ mumuonor ° mw wd harbor duty ¤¤ 1¤¤d· honorably discharged wr g’l’|I·l1IG!\iIW|yB._. ... ... 456 ingerestunmmmed ""' ```° °"° `. Ezgineupqiufgzlclf, Mwn m”°q . T0 a en f three . 158; t“.P°*Pt» N- -······-··--·-··-- 155· 778 may beugischargedoafter not for maternal, instruments, hooks ..., 155,778 to receive tmveppay ’ 158 new storehouse . 778 {'`````' ' . . . . arrest 0 deserters .. . 158. d€H¤€¤°3’ WB?-P¤¤¤0¤ f°1‘ PHT ¤€¤1` 38 purchase of discharge . .. 158 es, ... · ‘‘‘‘ ` r·»~··¤·»·¤»···»·¤·»r¤<><>r¤· ¤··—¤·¤=·¤· ... 543 ‘“,,,,t,°"`@2§ £§.4t‘ ‘“‘ Engineers, Chief of, Army. Bei-vice ____ _ ’ 787. duties of, as to Rock Creek Park ...,. 492 additional Pey_ _ _ '`'‘` ‘ 787. E”$Ti”“’°8 Qlliw of Chief of- A""'!/» service during war computesll appropriation for clerks, etc .. . 252, 932 time with referenee to retina employmgg or iragsmen, etc., limit 932 Arluy and Meme Gorge g' 504 appropriatgori rm- mxéries, ew .. 295, °f,;0{,‘¥, _'??'?' °°°”“°“ Y ““'““““’ Me deficiency appropriation for contingent I E°°t D°°°“°"* D°P‘"`t"“"t of A9`"' 0`:;§•?e°“m,sétE l;lji£12’ 869 approigistion for entomologist, assistants, mms for work on which engaged. · 1005 _ . . ,. ..: . . ... 283, 1045 E I d Robert 4 for investigations, etc . . .285, 1047 "U '"P · • " 1333 history of cotton·b0ll worm . 285 Eng]5,;%;fi];}[r` ·`'```.``'°``°'```'``d gl? silk €XP€fime¤ts: sales, proceeds _ __ 235 brid mm, authorized_ I I · _ O I _ v e U I l I _ I _ 088 e cnency appropriation for mw esngaung E I Jam"' msects. . ...,. 525 rigryment of judgment of Court of Claims 890 E7&*:f:01:)il9»Paper 599 to ..., · ·-··- ; ··---- . - . . Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, Em>¢l{>P¢¤; B08f¢1lS¢fv4ce,_ appropriation for chief, assistant, clerkséllz 992 ¤PPT0l;:m°¤ fo1‘ registered packagpés 1081 tc ...,..1... , ..» ··-·-····-- · ··----·.· . . . . , ‘ for labor and expenses ... 377 , 958 Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenifor wages of plate printers, etc ... 377, 958 I potenlfary. for materials 377, 958 I ap riatnons for salaries, etc . 272,1053 for engraving portrait of Beck. James ‘ a (see, also, Contagious Diseases), B ...,. . .. 1111 I provisions_ for preventing interstate . 31 of Burnes, James N . 673 I reappropnatnon of unexpended balances, of Cox, S. S .. . . . . . . ... 676 1 for suppressing ..,... . .. -387,,96})