Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1691

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1644 INDEX. Page. , Page- Indian Department—Coutinued. Indian Departmen t-Conpmued. appropriation for treaties, etc.-C0r1t’d. claim of Pottawatouues, m Court of payment to friendly Sioux. outbreak of Claims; papers, etc.. . ; . . . 1011 1890 .. 1002 disposal of Cherokee Strip ... 1011 payment to Chippewas ,. 1003 irrlgatiug ditches, Fort Hall Reservapaymeut to Weas, etc ... 1003 t10H . . ... 1011 for miscellaneous supports .. 350, 1004 for irrigating machmery .. 1011 for food, etc., in emergencies . 352 for payment to Delawares, trust funds. 1011 for general incidental expenses .. 352, 1006 for emergencies . . ... . . . . . . 1011 for negotiations for relinquishment of for support, etc., of day and industr1a.1 surplus lands .. . ... 353, 1009 schools ... . 357, 1012 for aiding Indian allottees . 1007 for interest on trust-fund stock 360, 1014 for survey of reservation lands for allot- for supplies, to be advertised for . 360, 1014 ment, etc. . . . ... 354 exigeucies; irrigation expenses, purfor allotments, trust patents . 354, 1007 chases from Indians . . . 361, 1015, for commissions; uegdtiags with Turf1e amouxit {or supplies, etc., immediategh Mountain ud 0 ippewa n- avai a. e . . . , diaus . ...,... . 354 diversion of surplus funds . 361 ,1015 to investigate, ebc., Puyallup Reserva- treaty funds not to be used 361, 1015 tion, Wash ... 354 report of diversions . . 361, 1015 to locate boundary of \Varm Springs purchase of stock, etc., from sub- Indian Reservation, Oregon, and sisteuce funds . 361, 1015 negotiate with Colvilles, Wash 355 transfer of funds for employees, etc . .361, 1015 for survey of Chippewa Reservation, rejection of bids; open-market pur- Minn. ... . ... 1007 chases ... . . 361, 1016 for saleaud allotment, Umatilla Reser- purchase of standards, testing machines, vat10u .. . . etc . . 362 £or farmers ... I . §g, sa. e of property not required; procee .s. 362, 1016 or mu nce .., . , · · · · · forjudgalidaucoms ww ’“““°”i?L‘2»{‘a%f§£"¤"i§’é’é‘?Tf”.Y"}?‘?.‘i’?f?`?’? TT?'?`? wm for vaccmatxou, etc . 300, 1008 Absentee Shawnaés 1018 f<>r <>xp<>¤¤<¤¤ s>f purchasiug Supplies--355,1008 appropriation for cohipeuéékiéll ```````` 1021 fvr t¤mSP0Fl*mg SUPPHGS ··--···-···- 356,1008 selections of allotments citizen for gurveying and allottiug reserva· watomies 1021 for Dggotiating for purchase of C£é€3§6’ 1008 clams of Pottzayvatomws referred to lands for Seminoles _____ 356 Court of Clalms ... 1021 t commission to Prairie baud Pct11a; gmt betweev Cm?!` and Prairie P°tmT 0 ggmgle and the Kickavws M- mm§¥?§3‘§£°§§r23£§;i°€Vae¤ z>¤;y4.;.;;g ‘°“ u . . 356, 1008 for Cherokee commission . . ,. 356 aDd.Ampah°°S ‘’‘‘‘·‘‘‘········ · · · 1022 for mimbursing Big Jim,S band Of Ab a,p€r0pr1at10u for allotments ... 1025 seutee Shawnees for losses 356 °’ mm f““d· ’*}“‘“"‘1 ‘“**“"“ · ·. ···- 1025 mode of payment ... was for P‘°‘Y"’°”“ *0 ¤h·><>*¤W M Cimafor services, Sac aud Foxes, Iowa . 1008 Saws for Cheyenne and Arapaho for Cherokee commission . . 1008 lands ‘‘·‘·‘··‘············ · ······· 1025 my J. K. ozmm, services .. . . 1008 _1ar4dS acquired ¤1><¤¤ to Serrlement .. 1026 for Cheyenne Agency, buildings, gw_ _ _ 1009 d1v1810n of Oklahoma into counties ..,,.. 1026 for stenographer, Commissioner _______ 1009 lease of School lands, Oklahoma . ..,.. 1026 for matrou to teach girls housekeep- ratitlcatiou of agreements with Coeur ing . . .. . . .356, 1009 d` Alenes .. . ... 1026 for George M. Chapman, inspector 356 appropriation for carrying agreements for rcimbursiug Joseph Dunlap 356 into effect . . . . . .. 1030 for accounts of Samuel S. Patterson to lands ceded open to homestead entry . . 1031 be settled. 356 patent of certain lands to Frederick Post 1031 go: rglanesgug age? . ... 356 t¤.ti£·lc$0{: df agreement with Fort Ber- 0r en}? 'arm: on ..,.., , , , _ 1009 0 u 'ans ... . . . . . 1032 for sgtthng Indians ou Jocko Rage;-va- appnjoyggiaigou for carrying agreement 011 ... . . . ..,,.., 1009 1¤ i" 00*5 --·---.---- · . 1035 for Isaac W. Patrick . . ... 1009 ratification of eemeut with ` gr iglams . . . ...,.. c . . ,:1 1009 aud Wahpae‘€ou Sioux .. 1035 r mves lga mg depredzmou claims .3;>6, 1009 approprnatiou for ca 'u ·a eemeut my damages m cm - · rm g g’ _ ppewas 3o7 mto effect ; payments . 1038 fo1·Ch1pgewas0f Mmnesota; reimburse- lands for religious uses. . . 1039 f Jgggg s . . . .. ..,, 357 additional allotments to be made; agents 1039 C m y or Mission Iudmus, laudgézsdgd open to homestead aud town . . . : . .. :. z .. ry . 1039 . for egg egwmt agamst Walham H. YBUEGGUOQ of agreement with Crows . 1039 for citizen I u I . i I . . · · I 1009 apprigxlglztigggt for carrying agreement 1042 mg`???.? Rm‘“”°'§§£eu§f§4i..???? mg £§’§£,°‘L232‘d’€“Z°e2’u.;"‘e"‘a ‘·‘· · M for §lSSO&Z;)D $:16 £im .. 1010 only .. . . . mes ea entry 1043 sae arm owu mpauy of forte` Ottawa s laude authorrzed ...,. 1010 lease ofhglklahama school laude aufhor; 1043 for Creeks, removing from Alabama. . . 1010 xzed . 1043