Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1718

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INDEX. 1671 _ _ Page. _ _ P . .M¢'l1tary Reservahom, Abando·ned—Cont’d. Milwaukee, Wes., _ age lands on Fort Ellis, Mont., to be surveyed, appropriation for Sol d i ers’ Home ex- _ sold, etc .. 747 penses ... 405, 982 in Nevada open to homestem entr; . 561 for removing obstruction of harbor at. . 22 Fort Lyon, Old Fort Lyon, and agosa for improvement of harbor 434 Sppings, Colo., open to homestead 561 ;or impplovlerfleinpl of harbor of refuge. . . 33; en ry . or- "c' . 5 Fort Sedgwick, IColo. and Nebr., open to for sglue of buildin; on site; old building, homestead entry .. 107 etc ... , ... 952 Fort Randall, S. Dak., open to homestead limit of cost increased of building; . .373, 952 entry ... . . 646 provision for payment of site, pub 'c build- 372 mifa u _ u}g...···· maym worn by Army and Navy 681 mgén register wd mforeign bum . Militia, · gum '

   S §r  . ..  

with cost of arms, etc., issued to. . 156 Mpeugicn " 1182 “PFY°Pri8ti°¤ for °XP€¤$€S -······-···· 309, 1077 provisions for town site entries on .., 1101 cr enccmvment expenses ·····--·--- 300.1077 maximum entry not applicable eo. ... 1101 deficiency appropriation for expenses.37, 512, 868 Mjmrag Rwwyces, fm' °3mP °XP°¤B°$ -····-·-·········· · · 868 appropriation for report on . 391, 972 Jfxg, I 586 Mgneral Substegphces, 581 tyonsngaro utyonme 'c . on condensed. . 586 M·i·n.eral Waters, on fresh .. 586 on free list, all, not artificial . 607 Mal Curankc Mineralogy, Specimens Of, duty 0D_ _: ________ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _________ `578 on free list ... . .. 610 MU Irons, Minerals, _ du on . me ,, ee free 1590 crude ¤¤s¤>¤¤d, etc -·-- - —--· 007 Mm * Mmmm 11 im · laim duty on , 573 P“Ym°¤* Ot of ¤° BPO hou C 0*1 **0* 907 {Mme Lau Indam Rewrmmgny Minn., I Mime, Icoun Hah. ..

    • 8*** 0* "°Y ““’°“8b· °° LW? F¤“°·.M*H° ‘ appommn ent or inspectors an Temmaes. . 1104

L¤¤¤:P::;* IAM S¤P°¤°* Wwe? 290 Oeligibility; dunes; mpm ... . . 1104 ·········•• : ‘‘·····‘‘‘‘·· ncation of unsafe condition; remedy. 1105 Miller, Addliw L-, outlets; ventilations . ‘ 1105 pension 1 1370 nalties for violations . . . 1105 Mak? and Murray. _ Ernace shafts; escapes; speaking tubes; payment of French spclieticn claim wad- safety catches . 1105 mi¤iS¢I8t01' of B\11'V1ViD§ PGN1I9i'- - · · 901 employment of children under 12 under Mggger, Ayfhur, Y _ _ ground forbidden; penalty.. .. 1105 Payment m ______________________,___ , , 1451 hoisting appmatus . .. 1106 Mz1M, gm-,-ge M_ (widgw)’ inspection; report of accidents ... 1106 pension ._... 1264 mgunctfpns to prevent operating; owner- 1106 M y , D_ M , _ s p . .. pension. . .` . . . . , 1281 iiispeptpigsl gc. K ... ééép ... 1106 Jygger, _],,;,,,, j,·_, em o s _ s w en enac o superpayment of F‘1·:=::!chfspoliation claim toad- 901 Mmga Zed;. ;;11B act .. 1106 ministra o . 4 · _ Miller, John An payment t0. .,.. . ... 1402 pension . 1181 Mwyo Creek, S- O-,_ Miller, John G'., appropriation folr improvement of ...,,.,, 441 payment to executor of .. 1452 Mm‘¢8¢€¤‘8 Plqmzgc cnf3a?`;/· 6 v-, 2 10_3 nal]", Lydia, · v a.p£rplpI'1a.t10I1 01* dI1Q8i: . .• ...1 . . 72, D- payment to admimstrator of . 1452 {I6_ €1€¤€5' appropriation OF $3 3U9S ···- · 500 Miller Mary L. (mother), Ml"l8t9*8, R9ll»g70u8» pension . 1304 not included in alien contract prohibitions 1085 Mlnedlsigam ... 1254 Mpyigclamation against unlawful killing of, ME", nbhgés gf, · · _ in 13ering Sea ...,. 1543, 1558,1565 deficiency a proprnatxon forcontested elec- Minneapolis, Minn., H tion Iilouse of Representatives .. 532terrtps ;>§l;3;;1r1t;¢0P;t€Iit;I_5; 5 ---·-·- Miller. Samuel, _ I Pm G ·, . . _. ~ ····· ·· pension ...,. _ ..,.. . ,. 1260immediate transportation prix ileges ex- F MMI,. Emily G0 (lmdmv), I _ tended to ., 17 pension . ,... 1165 , Minnesota. _ Mills_ S_ UU i apportionpienp of Representativesi . .1. . 735 .· · { { { . appropria ion or surveyor-genera ,c er s, "°"°‘°{£.§’.¥}1.£.§.7‘7'T‘T’TT‘T‘.?`?T‘..‘TTT?f‘§1§’f€13,8684 at .,. . .. . .., 262. 942 Milrny, _]0;m_ { for contingent exlpenses .. . 262,942 charge of desertion removed . 1302 I for lfneiks, Survey, ew. of 357

    .  1249 l for snirveys, Chippesvarresévatiolus. .,.. 1007