Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1729

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1682 INDEX. Page. Page. North River Bar, M O., Noxubee Rwer, Mus., ap mpriation for beacons ... 955 appropriation for irpprovemcut of ... 443 Nortg River Bridge Cmn£any, Noyes, Eveline A. (wwlow), may bridge Hudson `ver at New York pension .. ... . . . 1253 City .. 268 Mayes, Margaret Proctor (undaw), incorporated ... 269 pension .. . .. . . 1351 may issue bonds to aid in building bridge . 270 Nuckolls, William, powers . ; ... 270 payment to . ... . ... 1302 compensation for use of bridge .. 270 Nuevo Layecio, reports to be made to Interstate Com- approprmtxcxi for consul-general at . . .276, 1056 merce Commission 270 for clerk hue ... 280, 1060 examination of accmmts; basis of tolls. . . 270 Numbering Houses, D. C'., reduction of tolls ... 270 appropriation for expenses of, m alleys, no contract as to rate of toll . 271 suburban streets, etc .. 1069 directors and officers ... 271 Mmlist, Ura Ambrose, meetings of stockholders; elections . . . . 271 charii of desertion removed . 1369 ca ital shock; taxation, etc .. 271 Nurem rg, Nod};:, River, Mass., appropriation for consul at 277, 1057 np priation for survey of . . . . . 459 for clerk hire ... 280, 1060 2:: survey of, at Salem 459 Nursery Stock, North River, Wash., duty 011 586 appropriation for survey of .. . . . -464 Nut Oil, Nortgem and Northwestern Lakes, on free list, not specially provided for. . . 608 appropriation for urvcy of .. 978 Nutgalls, Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians, duty on . ... 568 appropriation for fulfilling treaties wilzh.343, 996 on free list, crude ... 605 or commission to treat with, for re- Nutmegs, moval, ctc. . . 343 on free list .. 610 for support, ew., of ... 1005 Nuts, for additioualmbsisteucc .. 352 duty 011 587 deficiency appropriation for . 549 ou free list, crude, not edible . .. 605, 606 Northern Pcmjic and Yakima Irrigation Nuts used as Drugs, Company, duty on 568 granted right of way through Yakima In- Nuts, Wronaght Iron and Steel, dism Reservation, Waslniugton. . . . 661 duty on . . . . ... 580 Northern Pacific Express Company, Nutting, Charloltc B. (mother), deiicieucy appropriation for trausporta- pension 1343 tion .. 864 Nutting, Newton W, late member of the Northern 1’amOffic Railroad Company, House of Representatives, sale of certain ébrfgitcil lands of, to pos- oulogies OI1, to be printed 680 scssors ti e rom company au- up ropriatiou for portrait . . 680 thorized .. . ... 498 Nu:vpVo·m·ka, Northern Pamfc Railroad Indemnity Lands, ou free list . . .. 608 settlers cn, may transfer entries to other unoccuxwd land ... . . 647 0• Northville, Jgic i, Oak Bay, Wash., ap repria 'on or atc ery .. a. rction for surv of shi channel Nort£wast R§·ver¥ N. C'., pp gggvvgcn Pgrb Towixsend Bgy, Puget a ropnatmu or surve . uu , an .,.. ,. . 464 N Seal Rock. Oak Orchard, N. K, cmncy a'on orouse. , ation for improvement of harbor. 429 North•¤este1wi Great IE5}:-Mont., Oal§’ mcy, Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and I•'i¤tNstionslBa.nk of Fort Benton may Tgrxgnatiou for Indian agent at ... 337, 990

  Te, ctc., ho. ..,. 690 Oa , {hg.,          

· · agnroprm on or xmprovomon 0 harbor. pension . 1254 Oa m, Nmmlk, Cqnm. OD me list ... . . 608 uppropnatmu for improvement of harbor. 428 Oar-Blocks, Norway, and duty on 583 · nppmprhtmq for minister. . ... 272, 1058 Oatha, Customs, Norwood, Wflbam, may be administered by general appraispeusgou . 1308 ers, etc .. . .. . 188 Notanes Puplic, abolished; exceptions ... 140 cmpl¤y0dmExecut1ve Department forbid- declaration in lieu of, on goods e rtod . 140 den to charéggee for administering maybe admiuistarcdby dcsig¤a.t;{)?:lcrks, oaghs of 0 toemployees on ap- etc ... 511 pomtment my romotwu ... 371 Oerths in Pension Cases, Nottage, Mary J. (wz42m), may be taken before any 0H1cm- who can

per;s10u  . ...,.,.. 1148 administer  209

1\0ttmghqm, certificate of official character of mon appropriation for consul at 277, 1057 administering, having no 679 Nottoway fhpcr, Va., Oath; of Ojicc, approprmhgn for survey of .. 464 no charge for administering, by notaries Nom-aq, Wdlmm M, in Executive; wmmm to em-, pension . . ,,,.,,,,.,..,., 1% ployecsappom orpromoted...».. 871