Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1736

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mnnx. 1689 Parrnsla, Damel W, Paulding, Kemble and Comcpany, pension . . ._ . 1162 payment of judgment of urt of Claims Parry, Marton, · . to assignee of .. . .. 535 payment of _French spoliation claim to Pau , _ admmistrator of .. . . . . 906 aemion of alien, prohibited ... 1084 Partridge {V00d, Pavements, D. C'., on free hst, lengths for umbrella sticks, `ation for streets, etc ... 1. .297, 1066 _ .,... '. . 611 Pa . 297,1066 7* 04 . Ri , R. L claim to be examined; payment 1437 amopriatiotiyietior improvement of ... 436 Pasmgoula llwer, Misa. Phumbrobera, D. O'., appropriation for improvement of ... 443 interest allowed on loans ... 841 bn¢£a1¤$:r•;•:,authonzedmGrcenCounty 553 charge permitted on articles requiring 841 v 03F8H. . . apption for consul at . . . 277 1057 prosecutions' to be information f

 Piver, lil C'., ’ attorney .. ?¥ .   841

a forA1lmp1ovement of ... 441 Pawnee; Indian Reisrvation, Nel:} ,1mds f 60 Para aux eronc . _ time` orpayment y urchasers o bridge across, authorized . . 480 lands forfeited for pnonpayment; to be Busan Rover, J., · M abc m resold .. . 60 apptogiatinn or improvement , ve umee Indians, ewark ...,. . 437 a forfullillingtrea with. .344, 997 belowilfewark . 437 Palands ogtinclufdgd in Olzldahomatlerritory. 82 , orengn. wnee , a , , Agency,

n of baggage. etc., in transit of. 141 m 0tiox;fm Indian agentzt .. 337, 990

1 7 R' ' duty on manufactures of . .. 601 construction of, public building at, author- Ibtapuo {Id., of 459 ized .. é . . . a on or survey . appro riation or . Pa River,N K RL, P:g'pko for improvement of ... 437 Psppriopriation for improvement of ... 436 Q y! m 1 apprc;niationforCo r,a¤istan1;é59 939 appropriation fgr. 148,770 examiners, e .. . . . . appropnatums or, general expenses, for books; exchanges . , .. 259:939 toconstituteone fund ...151,773 fu phing, Officnal Gaém deficiency appropriation for ... 541.893, 896 zette 989 Pug Department, Army, patent drawmgs, etc . .. 259; 989 appropriation for pay of officers; lontobedonein aahington;oorii:acts259,940 gevity .. ...150,772 for investigations, etc ... 260,940 Pay, Manne Co?2•, for expenses International Bureau _. . .260, 940 appropriation or ... 202,812 deficiency a for photohtbo- Pay, Navy, _ graphing, etc ... - .. 39 ,878 appropriation for. . . ... . . 189, 799 wee y issue of patents . 39, 878 for continuggit ... lg, 839 Patents, ormisce eous , 7 delogatestoInternationalIndust1ialProp— denciency appropriation for . .516, 545, 551, 876, ‘ erty Conference, to be appointed. . 17 _ 876, 894, 896 Patents, Oormniseioner of, _ for miscellaneous ... ,.516. 517, ~ appropriation for, assistant, exammers, 544, 545, Ml, 846, 876, 894 etc ... 259, 939 for contingent ... 517, 800 Pate: Island, Wash., Samoarrdisaster 518 appropriation for l1ght·house, etc 955 for longevity, etc 517, 543, 551 Patrick, Isaac W., for receiving-ship duty ... 543, 551 accounts to be adjusted . 1009 for promotions, etc ... 517 Patten, Elizabeth (widow), 1282 Payfotgdunteggwm. . . . 896 Patterigrufor Machinery, etc., appropriation for arrears of . .. 407, 984 on free list ... . 607 Pgie ciitncy appro riation for arrears of . . .43, 896 E A., yma er-Generalza Opie ,

 record corrected ... 1240 appropriation for clerks, etc  252, 982

Patterson, Jane W. (cuter), Paymastegs _Clerks, Army, pension .. . . 1229 appropriation for pay  : . ._ ... 150, 773 Patterson, John T., _ or traveling expenses; limit .. 150, 773 payment of judgment of Court of Clmms Paynnasterd llfessewwgers, Army, to .. . . . . . . ... 534,586 appropriation for pay .. 1570, 73 Patterson, Samuel S., Peace Rwer,_Fla., · accounts to be settled ... 356 appropriation for survey of . . . . . 457 Pattersmi, Sarah L. (seater), Peanuts, · pension . . . 1229 duty on _ 587 Patterson, William, _ Pearce, Francis, pqymsnrot judgment of Court ofCla1ms to 890 pension .,... 1230 Patton, E., Pearl Buttons, pension .. . . ... 1377 duty on 599 Patuxent River, Mel., I Pearl, of, , appropriation for improvement of ... 439 on free list, unmanufactured 608