Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1760

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immx. 1 713 _ P . _ ’ Publac Paqk, Cal., Public Schools, D. C'.—C0ntiuued. reservatmn of a. certam tmpl: of land as. . 478 appropriation for additional grounds, settlemgnt upon, etc., forb1dden . 478 Twelfth street ... . ... 302 regu1a: :1 0T1s,ct2c.,by Secretary of the In- §0r gm seézgng division ... 1071 . nor . 4 .. or roo u 10'1 temporary lease; for buildings to accom- for eighth division . . : ... Iflél

 xqodate vxsxtors ... 478 for lpgh scpqql, Capu;01 Hnll. . .   1071

Public Prgntgr, for sxxth dnvxsnon; sale of old suse, etc. . 1071 appropnapou for, chnef clerk, etc . . . . .233, 914 limit on sites and buildings 302, 1071 or contingent ex uses . .234 914 dcficienc appropriation for huitors . 3*7 . . . E9 . » y_ pv p J Publzc Prgnting and uuhng, for coutmgent expenses .. 512, 513, appropréation for Public ter, clerks, 8_8, 868, 869, 869 e .. . ... 234, 914 for fuel . . ... 512, 513, 868 foh (Z0&§rcis, ew . x §0I' mauuuztraixning school ... 512, 513, 868 0 cn . or sites, e ... . 512, 513 division of ... 412; 989 persons affected with scarlet fever or iéor new type 4 diphtheria prohibited from attendor new presses .. , ing .. . . .. CS1 got luvmgfmploym . . . powers of (gommissioners in condemnaor pro ra eaves ... , ti 'tes .. . ...,.. . . . . CO2 for additional accommodation . 412 plans , egg.? tgbe made by inspector of purghase cg land by boqrd. . buildings; approval ... 302 con pnpna on pmoeedug gs .. . . . pucb;0 Age,,cy v¤>v¤;¤¤¤¤ for Mw b¤¤<1¤¤z ¤¤¤v<·¤d<¤<i 989 ap mp}-manu for Indian agent at ... sm, 990 f¤; ;}§gg6¤¤w¤1 Repom 1889 ------·--- gi! Em sugport, m., of Indians . zas,100<s

 1118 m &£c£éL0fpub]gcb®dmgat _____   733

for Disensesof the Horse . 1117 · · { gy] f Sum d $ th A l m m $¥g€g§?&1?D or . .. . . . . *1 f Bm €?“ °f JInd“SgY~ --·-·· gm appropriation for c onsul a.t. ... 279, 1059 <>5g:1<é:·§¤ <>¤- , ¤·¤¤¤¤ -·---~-· 16% page: soma coumwn D¤.¤:m¢, » · ····-·············· · --···-·· to comprise the State of Washmgton 363 Galvigmwé J -, ·----·--·--·-··--·-· 1113 pon or entry to be Pm Townsend .. asa KQ Y D· -····----········ gg mbwm§té: t; y aud delivery at Tacoma g · ·-···· •······•··'· ···· · SI1 E. . .. N¢§ ?H»§:;£? 2V ·--· - · -·-···· - · ·. g immediate transportation privileges t0. Tmp €¤1,1gac¤m WIIIIZIZZ§ZZ1Zj on p,,,,, $0,;;;,;; w,;;,;;, ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘·‘ wl}b°*» D**“d· - · ·-·····-·········· 679 appropriatiou for lightm .. 378, 956 £3$(*£;‘.”§"w&“.§}°1‘,1.§*“¤m..¤“°’ "§’:¤°‘§..m.;4.;,T ***5 £** gmx 0* ~*?B;i*·g·;$: ,,';m;{* ,,.,4

 , o ccausen , , an .
 popws .   ,.. . .. 1115 commission to pw PLM (0,. sgi? ca,

or mtemal commerce report 1889. Z 1111 nal Lakes mom vqashmgmm and Suglemmt of D1gest of Iutemahonal Sam?mjSh;0 452 W . . . .. . .. te , deficiency appropriation f<>r --·#- 1-15*% 709, 887 p  ?$a$d,2umh%;1z;§. . . 804 for D€Pa-Wm6m °f Agnculmre ·-·~···- 43 appropriation for . ... 804 fo1’ W0¤`k fo\’ GOHEYQSS -··-~ · ·--······— 43 I condemnation if necessary 804 for removing and gtgzirfg documents. . .43,ggg I Pulaski Cammy Ark · forncwc ueau ier . ’ " · for leave ggxbsence to employees . 159, 534 may coustmct free ]md’i§0C°°r°sS Arkau ,. for 20 per cent. to night force 534, 709, 887 f Pulaski sgggiveyg Lmle k ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "0 for reports, ctc., Eleventh Census .. 888 ma bmi a ee River at Hawkhw extra pain; emgloyees ou night work. . . IOS4 y vug g ‘ Om - ·’ · Pul , Pa ·. and Books. P,$g}&I‘§;$.‘“.,f,}1‘3f‘1 €?Ef"’°"*°*’ °‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 3°‘* ‘°“° ¤£muf2"M, me of mo .__..__ 599 appropriation for officars, etc .. 300,1069 PNUW _ - Img duty on wood ... . .. n2)!) gu teachers . .. t .300, _ N Y my increase of salaries, excephcm; g PM""?!/1 ¢{l€·_ · f ·· _ t H b 409 minimum . ... 301 ¤lPP¤`<>P¤‘¤%¤0¤ OT 1¤1PF°V€¤¤€¤ 0 ml 1- ~ report of names and salames . . . . 301 PN N- _ 609 no discrimination on account of mx; on freelxst. . ... estimates ... 301,1070 P""¤;€€· l_ 609 rm- night schools; expenses ,,,, 301,1070 l on re¤ ast ... , ,,_,,_ for jnnitors and care of buildings 301, 1070 [ Hmnfe ·$*{?'”€· 610 for rent; repairs; tools for manual tram- 011 lfé . . ... , __,_,, ing schoolsnetc . 301, 1071 1 P¤”€P8» ; 5, i 300 wm for fuel; furmture; contmgent ex- 3Pg’9P"a On 0* r?};, Q ·-·~···-··· > 869 peuses. . 302, 1071 g € c36g2Q!' agpfgpm 10*1 OY ·-······----- for text-books and supplies; distribution 1071 l PMLQO "gm`; · f ·» f for sims for buildings . . 302, 1071 I aPP’°lé¤i*¤§¤0¤_u0¤' SUYVQY 0 Water Way to for buildingh Azmcfstifxb. ... £ I- *3 6*;% ° ····· · ·······-·····-··· *‘ 1 ed ’ · in .. .. · na orca. a., §g; ?r?c?5si¤g §¤T1L2%>u5cling$ 302 appropriation for improvement of harbor 431 STAT 1.-4*01, XX\’I—IOS