Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1770

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. mma; 1 723 -S¤f¤¢ Grwhgggn, Minn., · S sam ma m».-cmamma I°‘°` reservoir restored to bli d mam' . 169 approprh "hui13m' g ‘ Saint River, Wis. aruguhfirfn.? ’ 373 qpprmhm for mprovcment of ... 448 fomimpgovqment of harbor . .. . 450 Sami FM, . term of cxrcuxt court of appeals at 827 apprmration for consul at ... 277, 1057 Saint Louis River Minn. and Wis t ·· D · I Saint Rim', Ark., brid§) '2:cr0ss, anthorized ... I., . . 781 apprgpnahon for improvement of .. 445 Saint is Hm, Minn., l dencnernlcglt appropriation for improve- 550 appropriation for survag of . . . .. 460 0 .. ’ ‘ Saw Rim, Mo., 8a:¤':¤ym¤$P¤=rt'•»;lh€g¤%, or mas in approprntxon for inaprovoment of .. 451 sold for direct taxes .. , 828 Sai of cut-o canal . 451 Sag? .2lgn-y'a1Church, , _ , _ un of uties to .,... 1425 S(;pl 2m for consul at ... 277, 1057 Saint Mmjytg Rigw, Mich., t of _ _ s BFWOPHBUOD - , li ll apprgvnatnon fog consul at ; .. 278, 1058 ‘ falls; ____ T 447 Samt clena Pamh, S. C., _ for im vamant of ... 977 repayment to owners, cbc., of lands m, for uggbT{10uSB patrol steamer. . . . . .. 954 _ sold for direct taxes .. 823 for lightin .. 954 Samt Ignatius Mission, Jacko Reservation, Saint Mary’s Igivcr and Canal, Lfonf., _ wrecking privileges to be extended to appropriation for lndxan school . . .859, 1013 _ American and Canadian vessels. . . 120 S"ZI",€;£°'£.T'§0'Z‘?%;”¤.uv"’e { 459 ‘“"" ’°‘"" 5°;,£$“"°'°’ ...1 1 y 0 . a't . . .279, 059 Saga Jghwfc Bread or Beans, Suigog Pa:2 Mira: 00mm6m agen

 .. - .- . 609 construction of public building at author-

. n a, a ,, . 763 app;?n1at1’ 'on for consul at .· . .918, 1058 appropriation for . 9'2 Saint ohp, Brunswick, change il1_00IIStI'\1Gti0D of bridge across 0 aippropnatxon for consul at ... 277, 1058 _ Missamippi River at, authorized . . . 363 Saint John'; Rwer, Fla., terms ot court at .. . 73 apfpropriation for lighting . . .. 878, 056 Saint Bzulis Industrial School, Minn., for improvg;uent of ... $7 Sxpprgpfagzn for Indian pupils .. 1013 or survey .. . . m er rg, _ Jsnnnyey DT ... 457 apixmpriastahon for lnnnreztary of legation. .8am s Rwer c., or cou ·ge·ne a groduceofioreghJ0n,admi§tod tmc of duty. 615 Saint Roca Industrial School, D. C'., ’ Sami Johgz’s_ Unwcrmtg, Mum., apprggnristion for . . . : .. . .. 308, 1076 gppgpmhm for pupils 359, 1018 Sumt f t 278 1058 m ocqph, , a on or a ,

for t0zf harbor. gg SG’l
?iI , Iganish L,

ort- cuss depot . appro riation or cons at 277, I0?" Saint Joseph, M0., Saint Txomas, Port Stanley and, _ M appropriation for public buildiniié .. 373 appropriation for consul at 277, 1058 degciency appropriation for pub ’ build- Sal-Ammmniac, ing, tower-clock .. 864 duty on 567 termsof court at. . . . ... 106, 92 Sas-Soda, Inks Contrary gran to ... uty on 570 Saint Josgph Rwer, Mich., Salacine, · uippreprmtion for improvement of ... 447 on free list .. 609 Samt Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Salem, Muna., Baton Rouge, La., appropriation for improvementof harbor. 428 part of military reservation granted to, 503 Salem, Orgggn, f I d I I 859 as metery .. . . . appropna "on or n ian sc noo , 1013 Saint Lamfnce River, N K. Saleratus, · appropriation for improvement of, be- duty on .,.. 570 tween Sister Islands and Cr0ssOver 437 Salma, Iums., f bl b ld] t I l' ht . construction 0 pu ic ui `ng a ,aut nor- Saint L€;§lllTl1I’8 Creek, Md., ._ 180 appropriation for spr vey of ... . 459 appropriation for 373, 951 Sami Louis Bay. Wzs., Salkaehatchag Rwer, S. C'., gppmpriation forjnxprovement of harbor . 434 I appropriation for improvement of ..._.,, 441 Smnt Louis E:q.>omh0n.' _ , "Salhe. schooner, _ _ _ articles for, from Mcxmo, other American 5 payment of French spolxatmn clam; on tiglpublic? and Canada, 1:0 be admit- 5 _San al;cl011nt of ..., 898 d t r . .,.. u " y," ’g. articles solclf gc pg; duty . _ ... 55 payment of French spollation claim on penalties for wuhdrawals without pay- 5_ S H agcpunt of . . ,. 901 • tc ..,.. 0 " a y," g, Saint M0.. payment of French spoliation claim 011 appropriation for salaries, assistant treas- _ account of 902 urer’s 0E0e . 246, 927 "Sall y, ’ schooner-. for salaries, assay office ..,... 248,929 payment of French spoliation claim on for expenses. . . ,.. . ... 248,929 . account of 907