Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1772

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INDEX. ] 725 _ Pane. . Santee Agency—Contmued. Savannah River, Ga. and S. C'., Page aptprogrlatron for matron ... 348 construction of bridge across, authorized . 472 San ee iver, S. C., Savannah, Americas andllontgomery Railappropriation for improvement of .., 441 , way Oompa , . Santee imw Indians, ma Bridge Chattghoochee River,Ga 482 appropriation for fnliillin treaties with. . 348 Chance River, Ga . 483 Smm?§9ym<gd;a!11;§: <>§v¤E1¤¢¤w¤¤ ------ M9 smzze, Jam 1-12, . . . . doncieuc appropriation for services as ap muon for fulélmgtrea , th. . . 1001 - - · _ Sa"}::;;, Cape Verde Island', Wm EEE, v. District of Co 514 appropriation for consul at 279, 1059 M“ ````'`'``````' Sm"'? g de [ { ’ Sapayxnentof llrench poliation claim to ad a pr1a' tion or consul at . . .277 1057 . . S ‘ ` Sa5,lz,mm’ em, ’ Sa mimstrator of . , .. 904 I-ity0n .. .. .·... ·.. TN. Santo Dgmmyo, duty on cross-cut . . 580 S3>l;¢;1;opdationforconsulat . ..279,1059 55;.:; ap ’ tion for consul at 278,1058 ¤¤ ¤¤ » i GW ---·-----·.·.··----· 5 Sa , Sawyer, Fi A., · appropriation for survey of waterway dehoiency appropriation for . 884 from Dcghoy .. . . . . 457 Saéumyy Carpets, 97 Sqpdo , , u on 5 a;Trop¤·iation for quarantine station 387,969 Sayre, Lydia W (mother), or wharf, machinery, etc .. 969 pension . 1208 Scrap, Catharine (widow), 1152 Suda Fw", th d f uno ..···· . »L... rcveut esm 0, in Sarasota Bay, Fla., · - · appropriation for improvement of ... 442 gdmqf, fablumbm `°```````` 691 S¤~¢vv¤ M<>•¤·¤¤¢¤¢ A¤<>¢*¤¢iv¤· dedciency a priation cor judgment ww of ¤¤¤¤<>¤to¤¤v¢¤=¤·i frvm ¤¤¤¤¤·1 m ot Columbia ... mo Burgcync .. Schwan Frank, . duty 0; 586 to .. 1434 8“’°W'°‘* D¤' ,¢°°ll;’mch . chin to Scpoymeiit of iludgment of Court of Claims to 534 sa': ,,,,·;z;-····¤····¤·¤·»?»··¤·.=···=···>··~¤·*·~····¤·¤·>=¤ p;.';.??!:.???? ?": . im ”' * °· . s¤mmma_mmig` s ia (widow) duty on .. . . . we . · ,,6,, du? ···‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘ :2 . .. )I . .. 1178 01] . , .•. · Barbara ivfdmu $°“°'1*°'d· E"""’°”‘lg ("""°"’)· 188., l. . I . . . (. . ... 1150 QDSIOD . ... .·. "Eidm, 'S“”k·.O“th“"m° (wMm°)’ 1207 Scpaymenttldlfihitfi . . 1346 Sauce, '`'`````````````Schneider, Christiana (mother), ’ _________ _ _____ _ _______ 586 DS10H . 1 156 $3;*2 1g‘jm,'°“°, °‘u° sclriewz Fam Lands, s. 0., on free use . coo Sc¤¤¤¤ ggwmz ¤¤¤¢¤d¢d ---- · -·----- 468 Sa t kRiver,O¢mn., · . .· . . $¤¥m?¤;a survey of .. 457 wlwmm Mu ¤f 1¤¤d¤ <=l¤¤¤<>d by ¤<>¢- _% Sa t· ’ v I, I.-... .··· ···.. I a?;>g;;·ropersiation for imdprovement of harbor . 429 School Sections, _ Sault Sainte Mark, ich., on lands ceded bylndnms reserved for certain lands relcasedto 220 States or Temtories ... 1044 Saunders, Hiza Jana (mother), Schools, D. (see Public Schools). pension ,,,.. . . .. 1379 Schools, Incliamf _ t d t 338 gm Sausage Skim, I apipropna. ion or superm en en ... , on fnee list . . 609 or support of, etc ... 357. 1012 Schrader, harlea L. Sapv:yq;{e`;{¥,$’Fmnch spoliation claim to ad- l payment to widow’of ,., 1451 ministrator of . 901 I Schram, Ann Maria Bullock, _ Savannah, Ga., fusion . 13o4 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 431 } Sc roeder, Leqnhard, 8,;- sm-my of water way to Femandina, 457 > Scplaypiengpf Judgment of Court of Claims to 889 Fl ,... . .. .. ner, ugene, _ _ |creased bl' b ld t 726 d ii iency a propriation for t t f 881 imitotgmznn pu ic ui mga. , e0_ p esae0... sale of old site authorized . 726 Schuyllmll County, Pa., · _ I _ Savammh River, Ga., _ _ claim of, to be audited and paid ,,,_, 1.6.3 a ropriation for lighting . 378, 9u6 _ Schnylkill_River, Pa., px): improvement of ._ . _ 442 I appropnation for improvement of ,,.,,__ 438 bridge across, authorized m Effingham , Sczdmore, George H., _ Coumv ... 474 ( payment of Jumnent of Court of Claims to 536 at Sistefs Ferry. .. , . . . . . 311 z may accept m lfrom Emperor of Japan 1577