Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1800

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INDEX. 1753 United sums mmm-co v od. H"` · , C0 - P°¢°· mmm, Devi1’s Lake, N. as Ugitqdwam Cam mW3d` · . visions emsblxshed, four, m Washington wth, lgmn .,.. 73 judicial district _.. 45 F gg.¤0& ex .. ., . g two, jndicial district 129 1¤·erg¤éF¤u¤,1il£1i.`fZffICff".'IZ ``` vs, aismcflilraan estgrnblishwry `'`'``````°`' 94 Gra.ndForks,N.Dak .. 00mm' go · Bd `°```````' 217 Gmnvune, s. 0 ... III gi °a1g•;1vc$Xu4g¤s aid ``'“```` 225 Hannibal, Mo 106 fees in Jinterstate oommefrlce 783 g;nm:b ngh,{a ... 474 ssune as for like services .. 741 C_ ty& 0 369 ineeting of circuit court of a peals. . 1116 Kunst8L 1tyV 0 .. 369 Junsdictnon of, in Arkansas ang Texas E;  %; ... 4;; 0:: certain crimes in Indian Ter- , ... r1 ry 97 ggglsgapgllgs, Mmn gg of, 163 thistsg:& ;vu oma and , ... . . ero ee , a 86 Muskogee, Ind. T .,... 94 m violations of acts preventin alien mm s. Dak 14 .·mm,·g, - g gt.rosy.,Ma:::1;;;‘:;:;;;;:::::::1m,m me£2E,%°’m,m°2§2n;"a1··¢;;;e “’“ S;P&%g?%ék. .. . . 73 Iekes pnd connectingraters .. 424 , .. .. a ... roceedmgs m an a peal am., geattleé Wash _ 45 nment, etc., of nnported 138 S::;; &lls, S. . . . 14 prov1sion for holding courts free of rent, S F ] v w .. . ... % etc., Iowa, repealed . . ... 2 . . 502 S _ d B i search war;:ng m;é be 1ssued to seize

$, Wagnk ... . .. 51 suits bggerties        

win; wana, wash .. 45 w am 1K requiring. §vi¤éi1Hs1Qéé` Q)? eil} véglgg, . . . 123 ncsses, etc., in interstate commerce ·

 ,  pr gs .. '"44

m Idaho .. . .. 217 transfer of counties to northern district of ‘

 Wyonging   . . 225 Iowa  . . . . 767

terms ogcucmt court of appeals: Grayson érom northern no east- Bosto .. 7. . .,. cm , exas . .f . 687 geyv York ... 827 County fron: northern tosouthern 1} e phm . ...,,.. . . 827 district of Ohm ... 7 99

  .  . ... . . . gg Unjtg State,  

. . ms. ········ · ······· · ··•···- three sites for to purchased; .. 839 .‘%i,‘“°m..‘“"”f‘?;;;:i:;1:·:;;‘:;:‘:··:·:;·‘· 32 *PP*°P*‘*·*i°¤ *;;,,,,*0** ~*~¤¤; Gow- 83,, St.L0uis ..Z...Z.Z§.I..fZZ sm -"“°“ “K§’§, ‘g‘ ggé ··········· San Francisco 827 f’°"°,,i°"°"}"·t,,s w°’ °" " ·········· 839 well-;;;5¤~v$;r;pp»¤S mbusmd .. gg; “c§§€T0?';§,1?;a¤4gei;é;.e‘::g:;:;;:1;:::1 $3 ggmposaiizu .,.`.ZZZ`.Z'.`.`.Q[ffff§ZZZZZZZ 826 c10tm¤*m.i°liL§1€°;§ g;?£;£;?géZfjjfQj` gig terms . ,.. 827 couguemcpt of minors; military prison 840 appeals and wuts of error 827 commutation for good behavior 840 ?;r§i‘;Fc:7gtSg:g";f’tu;¥ gsm Q ---···-··-· dmpgdong Sitges of conflnennenti 840 certiorari to Supreme Court of cer- Se 01;);.s t from younger pus` 840 injunctions on interlocutory orders. ... 828 Upto"; Mary C" expenses of judges: mOmB m,iem etc 828 Unsngon. 1149 issuance of mandate on appeals, abc . . . 829 gu fm; *1ist

    #• é»..•.•·••.••.••···•.i..-  

issuance ofwrits,etc . . ..., 829 3 to ms hm". t f appeals from Indian Territory court to pp p 10 r xmprovemen 0 . . 439 supreme court or circuit court of Urugual/»_P¢'¤9“¤9 qvé, appeals ... 829 ¤1;PY¤£¤¤¤<>¤ fo1' mm15V3f to -·.-.. 272. 1053 appellate fgmdenon of circuit courts re- U;$*;;;Pg(‘8, f m 1 f '1_ D .. . 8 3 <>¤ POM 0 » 1‘€3S¤ry - f T {0 · 1 mt to ‘ ·t ment . 244 “"’°”.,.,.f.$2".§¤ 25g2E? . T? . . 7 . 830 M Kimi or, wm Mmmm .. 253 circuit court esta lished southern division Utah, western district of Missouri ... 106 appropriation for salaries government in 249, circuit courts to have jurisdiction in anti- 934) trust cases .. . ... . 209 for legislative expenses ... 249, 930 to punish as contempt, refusal to appear, for contingent expenses .. 250, 930 ew., in interstate commerce pro- ror salaries of commissioners .,,,, 250, 930 ceedm' .. or e uses: payment to etary. . .250,030 divisions gsltablished, Cedar Rapids, for oacers of election, etsé? 250, 930 northern district Iowa . 767 for redistricting, for legislature ... 930 western, northern district of Georgia for surveyor-general, c erks, etc ,. 262,942 established .,. 1110 for contingent expenses .. 262, 942