Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/337

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 707. 1890. 283 DIVISION OF STATISTICS: One statistician, two thousand five hun- Divisionof snmsuos. dred dollars; one assistant statistician, two thousand dollars; one clerk class four, one thousand eight hundred dollars; four clerks, class three, six thousand four hundred dollars; four clerks class two, five thousand six hundred dollars; five clerks class one, six thousand dollars; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each, seven thousand dollars; four clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; two clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; in all, thirty-six thousand one hundred dollars. DIVISION or BorANv: One botanist and curator of herbarium, mvuooornoomy. two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant botanist, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant botanist, one thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant curator, one thousand two hundred dollars; one botanical clerk, at one thousand dollars: one botanical clerk, at nine hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand six hundred dollars. D1v1s1oN or ENTOMOLOGY: One entomologist, two thousand five Div|si¤nctEnI¤>mo1. hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist, one thousand eight °¤· ' hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist or clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist or clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant entomologist or clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; in all, nine thousand five hundred dollars. DIVISION OF EOON0n1c ORNITHOLOGY AND MAMMALoGY: One or- _ Dlvlsionoflioonomnithologist, two thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant ornithol- ‘“‘* ogist, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant ornithologist one thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant ornitholo ist, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk class one, one idiousand two hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; one clerk, at six hundred and sixty dollars; in all, nine thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars. D1v1s1oN or Pononoev: One pomologist, two thousand five hun- Division ot romoi. dred dollars; one assistant pomologist, one thousand six hundred °"‘ dollars; one clerk, class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; one ellepk, at one thousand dollars, in all, six thousand three hundred , o ars. DIvIsIoN OF MICROSCOPY: One microscopist, two thousand five Division or moms hundred dollars; one assistant microscopist, one thousand two hun- °°¥"· dred dollars; for the employment of adc itional assistants in division of microscopy when necessary, one thousand dollars; in all, four thousand seven hundred dollars. · DIVISION or- Vnonunnn Pxrnonoov: One pathologist, two thou- meson or vogoasand dollars; one assistant pathologist, one thousand four hundred bb P"“‘°‘°gY· dollars; one assistant patholo `st. one thousand two hundred dollarsone clerk, at one thousand dcdlars; in all, five thousand six hundred dollars. DIVISION or CHEMISTRY; One chemist, two thousand five hun- Division or chemisdred dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand eight hundred “"'· dollars; one assistant chemist, one thousand six hun red dollars; one clerk, class one, one thousand two hundred dollars; employment of additional assistants in division of chemistry when necessary, ten ·-.-· thousand dollars; in all, seventeen thousand one hundred dollars. DIVISION OF FORESTRY: Chief of division, two thousand dollars; Divisi0u0fFm·utry. one assistant chief of division, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk class two, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk class one. one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk at nine hundred dollars; one clerk at seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, seven thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars. D1v1sIoN or Rnoonns AND EDITING: Chief of division, two thou- mv-asoo or wm sand dollars; one assistant chief of division, one thousand six hun- '·°‘"‘*”’·*’¥· dred dollars; one stenographer, at one thousand dollars; one clerk