Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/40

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. XII STATUTES II.-—1890—1891. Page. John Grant. An act granting a pension to J ohu Grant. December 15, 1890 .. 1327 Martha A. Foster. An act for the relief of Martha A. Foster. December 15, 1890 . . . . 1327 Charity P. Harrison. An act for the relief of Mrs. Charity P. Harrison. December 15, 189 ‘. . 1327 George R. Wright. An act for the relief of George R. December 15, 1890 ... 1328 James S. Smith. An act for the relief of James S. Smith. mber 15, 1890 1328 James g;6Lathe. An act granting an increase of pension to James W. Lathe. December 15. 1828 1 .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . Gs0E Everio. An act granting a pension to Geor Everts. December 15, 1890 . 1828 Step L. Kearney. An act to increase the pensionfoi Stephen L. Kearney. December 15, 1890. 1329 Jeruchu R Hardi . An act granting a pension to Jerusha P. Harding. December 15, 1890. . .1329 Mary {gg: Bhxcklgge. An act granting a pension 0 Mary Jane Blackledge. December 15, 1329 John An act granting an increase of pension to John S. Ferguson. December 15, 1329 Hannah LB. Shepherd; An act to grant a Bension to Hannah B. Shelpherd. December 15, 1890. 1829 John D; m topension John .Bagby. December 15, 890 .. . .. 1330 Da1qialgM . ·Anb:rct1;o1i8t)h)e relief of Major Daniel N. Bash, paymaster, United States 1330

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Adele Jones. An act granting a pension to Adele Jones December 26, 1890. . . . . 1830 George HZ Rider. An act granting a lnension to George HZ Rider. December 26, 1890 .. 1330 James B. Guthrie. An act for the re 1ef of James B. Guthrie. December 26, 1890 . 1331 S. H. Brooks. An act releasing S. H. Brooks, assistant treasurer of the United States, and his sureties on his official bond. December 27, 1890 . . ... . 1331 Eliza B. Dowance. An act increasingthe pension of Eliza B. Dorrance, widow of the late George W. Dorrance, chaplain, United tates Navy. January 2, 1891 . . . . . . 1331 Henry W Burlingame. An act for the relief of Henry W. Burlin?.me. January 2, 1891 . 1331 John Lindt An act granting a pension to John Lindt. January , 1891 .. 1332 Richard Jackson. An act granting a pension to Richard Jackson. January 6. 1891 ... 1332 Nanqq Rardm. An act granting a pension to Nancy Rarden. Januar? 6, 1891 1882 Lydia Hood. An act granting a pension to Lgdia Hood. January 6, 891 1832 B. S. Roan. Ac act granting a pension to B. .Roan. January 6, 1891 1382 Robert A. England. An act gmndga pension to Robert A. ngland. January 6, 1891 .. 1888 Carroll An act to pension rroll Renfro. January 6, 1 91 .. . . . . ... 1838 Willis Brno s. An act to pension Willis Brooks. January 6, 1891 . . . . 1838 Susan D. Pggn An act to restore the pension of Susan Nelson Page. January 6, 1891 1338 Charles N lton. An act for the relief of Charles N. Felton, formerly assistant treasurer of the United States at San Francisco. California. January 8, 1891 1883 De Bloic and Company. An act directintgghe issue of a du of a lostcheck drawn by A. W. Beard, collector of customs at port of Boston, husetts, in favor of De Blois and Company. January 12, 1891 .. ; .  ; ; .. . . 1334 Mary Jane Martin. An act to pension Mary Jane Martin. January 12, 1891 . 1884 Abraham Lisner. nn act for the relief of Abraham Lisner. January 13, 1891 .. . . 1334 James E. Andrews. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue certain duplicate bonds to James E. Andrews to replace same destoyed by fire. January 10, 1891 . 1385 Stubbs and Lackey. An act for the relief of Stubbs and Lackey. January 19, 1891. . . ... 1335 George] W Hoozkés sggties. An act for the relief of the sureties of George W. Hook, deceased. 1335 anuary 1 . .. . .. . ... E H. Mix et al. ’An act to make payment to E. H. Mix, E. H. Griswold, D. D. Griillth, and C. C. Goodspeed nm erroneous land-enxpayments. January 21, 1891. . . .. 1336 Joseph W Whgm. Anzactiggr the relief of jor Joseph W. Wham, payma¤tor,»United States 1336 Army. anuary , . _ ... . . Mrs. JZ Balcgy. gan act granting a pension to Mrs. E. J. Baldy, widow of W. H. Baldy. 1336 anuary 1, 1 1 . . .. . . . .. . Charlotte Stenger. An act granting a pension to Charlotte Stenger. January 24,-1891, ... 1337 Thomas Richardson. An act granting a_pension to Thomas Richardson. January 24, 1891. . . 1337 Aaron gin Van. An act granting an increase of pension to Aaron H. Le Van. January 24, 1337 1 . ... . ... . . ... Sarah K An act granting an increase of pension to Sarah V. Azfzell. January 24, 1891 . 1337 Amos Gilber . An actior the relief of Amos Gilbert. JanuarL24, 189 .. 1337 Frederick Slawaon. An act granting a pengion to Frederick S wson. January82E, 1891 .. 1388 Johanna Tcubner. An act granting a pension to Johanna Teubner. January , 1891 .. . INS Georgcafbrkhu. An actgrantingapemiontoGeorgeA.Perki¤s. January2Q1U! .. IHS