Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/425

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 820, 837. 1890. 371 NAVY DEPARTMENT. Now ¤>·=v¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤- BUREAU or MEDICINE AND SURGERY: For one clerk of class two; rnndnn of Medicine and one clerk of class one; in all, two thousand six hundred dollars. "dS`"g°"‘ » TREASURY DEPARTMENT. - m'g‘_{g•¤¤ry Donut SECOND AUDITOR’S Orrrcn; For one clerk of class four; one clerk Second Auditors of class three; ono clerk of class two; ono clerk of class one, and six °m°°‘ clerks at one thousand dollars each; in all, eleven thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars and forty-seven cents. · Fomvru AUDITOR’S Omucm; For ono clerk of class ono; and ono Fourth Auditors clerk at ono thousand dollars; in all, two thousand two hundred °m°°' dollars. And no officer, clerk, or employee of any executive depart- 0,§;r{<g>¤;*:;;r¤¤ mont who is also a notary public or other offcer authorized to ad- fees zér oath nr omg? minister oaths, shall charge or receive any fee or compensation for "°°'“P‘°’°°“* administering oaths of office to employees of such department required to be taken on appointment or promotion therein. And the Chief Clerks of the several Executive Departments and of the various bureaus and offices thereof in Washington, District ece., to administer of Columbia, are hereby authorized and directed, on application and °“"‘ °f °m°° "°°· . without compensation horefor, to administer oaths of office to employees rogluired to be taken on their appointment or piomotion. Sec. 2. ereaftor no officer of the Army, Navy or arine Corps Retired omcers or on the retired list shall draw or receive any pension under any law. ;§{','§§,; Approved, August 29, 1890. I'"" CHAP. 837.-An act making appropriations for sundry civil of the August a0, 1890. Government for the Bscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun and ninety~ "‘_;"‘_"‘ one, and for other purposes. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the follow· Sundry civi1_e!P9¤. ing sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects °°"*’*"°¥’"“"°”“· hereinafter expressed, for the iisca year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, namely: UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT, mg-rgamn Deput- PUBLIC BUILDINGS. mbuc buildings. For post-oftico at Alexandria, Louisiana: For purchase of site and Momom. Lo. commencement of building, twenty thousand do lars. For post-office at Allegheny, Pennsylvania: For purchase of site A¤<>eheny,1-d. and commencement of building under present limit, sixty-five thousand dollars. _ _ For post·office at Ashland, Wisconsin: For purchase of site and Aemdnawae. commencement of building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. For post-office at Atchison, Kansas: For purchase of site and com- Ammon, xnnn. mencement of building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars. For post-office at Aurora. Il inois: For purchase of site and com- Aurora. I1!. mencement of building under present limit, thirhtly thousand dollars. For post-ofiice and court-house at Baltimore, aryland; For com- Bdmmore. Md. pletion of building and apiipoaches, twenty thousand dollars. For post-office at Baton ouge, Louisiana: For purchase of site Bemnrwuzena and commencement of building under present limit, thirty thousand dollars.