Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/481

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. 427 Improving harbor at Portland, Maine: Continuing improvement, r¤¤·m¤a,me. forty thousand dollars. _ Imlproving thaliibor at Camden, Maine: Continuing improvement, mmasniie.

six thousand dollars.

Improving harbor at Back Cove, Portland Harbor, Maine: Con- Back cove, rmtiriuing imprcilvement, tévenlty-tive L1/ihousand dollars. 1°°°’M°‘ m roving ar or at oc ort, aine: C letino em t, nockpomm . Jive thousand dollars. Cmp g lmpr V cn G jiflmprpgring Mopspia-bec Bar, Maine: Continuing improvement, Mgi<>¤¤¤·¤-*>¢¢ BM- een thousand dollars. ‘ Improving harbor at Belfast, Maine: Ten thousand dollars. B¤11¤¤¤. Me- _ Imgroving Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire, b removing 1>¤m¤mum,N.n. _Pier ock totdpptlp of tfwelve feletl eil; mean low water : 'llo complete im rovemen 1r een thousand dollars. _ ]Pmproving,harbor of refuge at Little Harbor, New Hampshire: 1.m1¤mmm,1~:.u. ‘CODt1DHlDg improvement, forty thousand dollars. Improvin harbor at Burlington, Vermont: For repairs, twenty Bu:-1i¤gw¤,v¤. rthousand dcglars. t: t te ·,t ars. · mlmpmvhdgxligrbdgr aIt6BoS'tbn,1]d$dsTwchd§g'1lts: Continuing improve- B¤¤w¤,M¤s. ment. one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars, of whic sum sjelyen tliopsand dpllap; to bel 1I1'W1 l1lg Nantaslggt Bplach · anne ; wen y- ve - thousand dollars ine n m main 1p c annel frrapzn its teiémlination ia; tgiegogrthegst cornerdoi Grand 51 unctiog Wha eastwa y towa e re s oint, an wenty thousand _ ·dollars for continuing improvement of Charles River: Provided, P¤w*°· 'That no expenditure, of said twenty thousand dollars shall be made wuntil the draws in the Arsenal street and Market street bridges, shall mwlglim Maxat be made to conform to the projected channel without cost to the U 'ted States. ' Ilmproving harbor at Lvnn, Massachusetts: Continuing improve- Ly¤¤,M¤s¤. =ment, Hf teen thousand dollars, and the engineers in charge shall expend the whole or part of éahis appropriation, at their discretion within nth l' f th Harbor ommissioners. Inigdsdving liarbog attNantuc(ke{1, 1{Wassachusetts: Continuing im- Naucuckemmass. t - . PrI)m(p1I}d)\lr1in;wl$d1:l5i0rv£t N)l§xv?b1ur5§<31?t;sMassachusetts: Continuing Newbnuvpcrminss ·’ ement twenty- ve thousand dollars. ulllmpiovingdiarbor at Plymouth, Massachusetts: Continuing im- riymouenmm. Qprovement and repairs of work on Long Beach, eight thousan dolarldiiproving (titan-bor athProvi1&cgt0w];1, ltgagslaghpsettsz Completing pmvmcmw¤,M.s& = usan ve un r dollars. lcxlgigiguyilngtlsiarddxgtgcituate, Massachusetts: Continuingimprove- scatmmnm. r t, te th d rs. mllmprogingohgibor,(i1taGloucester, Massachusetts: Continuing im- oxoumm-,m¤s provement, nfteen thousand dollars. _ _ _ Improving harpor at 3?V;la1ieham, Massachusetts: Continuing 1m- wm1¤¤m,1vm¤. t ii t n dollars. Prigiiggaig vliarbblisht New Bedford, Massachusetts: Continuing New 1:emm1,M¤. im rovement, ten thousand dollars. _ _ _ Fmprovingi hairlbor atdlgrpgham, Massachusetts: Continuing im- :;:,.,,;,,,.,,,1:;.,., 1; dollars. Prliiifplxlidging llfarllibgsgtiygliiiphrop, Massachusetts: Continuing im- wmmmp,m¤s¤. t, fi t dollars. Prl);`n(pi·ldt1ingv1$arb2>li·S;tI-Idyannis, Massachusetts: Continuing im- nymnmm. provement, eight thousan _ dollars. _ _ Improving harbzr athV111ey31él l{I3·V€11, Massachusetts: Contmu- Msgsmeynrd Haven -’ ’ t, n thousand dollars. _ _ lngmlplilglvqihtgmhgrmi at Wellfleet, Massachusetts: Continuing nn- W¤¤¤w.M¤¤ gprovement, four thousand dollars.