Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/487

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FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 907. 1890. 433 _ Improving outer harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: Continuing micmgm c1¤y,i¤a. improvement, fifty thousand dollars. _ Improving inner harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: Continuing improvement, seven thousand Eve hundred dollars, of which two thousand five hundred dollars may be expended for a new dumpscow. t Imtproying hagbioxil at Calumet, Illinois: Continuing improvement, C¤¤¤¤¤¢*·m— weny thousand oars._ __ _ _ 0nl,¤;1}:;>(;f1?;1(gtl;1a)1;bS<;1;1 gtdghlgzlasgo, Illinois: Contmmng improvement, chicagam. Inippplylmgaharibpr at giipiilcegan, Illinois: Continuing improve- w»»ukeg¤¤,m. men y- ve thousand dollars. improving harbor at Charlevoix and entrance to Pine Lake, 01¤¤r¤<=v¤i¤.Mich. Michigan: ontmuing iipprovement, nine thousand dollars. Irnipigviinlg harbsrdafl rankfort, Michigan: Continuing improve- mm¤¤n,mcn. men , n thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Grand Haven, Michigan: Continuing im- o¤mumve¤,ms¤1¤. provement, seventy-five thousand dollars. _ Improving harbor of refuge at Grand Marais, Michigan: Con- emnammnmscn tmuing improvement, iifpy thousand dollars. _ _ In;p1&};r1ntg1harbo(;·(;a.t]1 amstee, Michigan: Continuing improve- M¢mistee,Mich. men , thousand dollars. Inépiégvliilg harbgrdaiaplack Lake, Michigan: Continuing improve- Black me, niet. men , n thousand dollars. 6`Impr)o1;iinDgi hgrpgst Monroe, Michigan: Continuing improvement, Mmm, mm o . Improving harbor at Muskegon, Michiglanz Continuing improve- muskegmwcn, ment, fifty thousand dollars, thirty-four thousand dollars of which to close gap as recommended by enppeer in charge._ _ _ Improvmlg harbgrdafilgrnwnagon, ichiganz Contmmng improve- 0¤¢<>¤¤¢<>¤.Hich. ment, ten thousand 0 s. _ In·;prov£1::;g;1harb0rdatl Iipntwater, Michigan: Continuing improve- rencwamqmcu. men , eig thousand dollars. Improving harbor olitrteltuge atdP(pr£age Lake, Michigan: Continu- Pomsé L¤kc.Michin im 1·0vement, eig thousand dollars. Impilbving harbor of refuge at Sand Beach, Michigan: For repairs, Send Beach. Mm. cusgogy, an control of har or and dredging the same, thirty thonsan ollars. Improving harbor at Saint Joseph, Michigan: Continuing im- S¤1¤¤J¤¤¤vb.M¤ch. prggement, twgpgy thplpsandtpollprs, Hypgthlousand dpllars ogwlaich sh beexpen on ewa rc anne ingto nton aror.

 at S051tl11IIaven, Michigan: Continuing im- South rm-¤¤,ms¢n.

rovemen , een thousand dollars. · P Improving harbor at White River, Michigan: Continuing im- www mvmmxcn. provement, seventeen thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Marquette, Michigan: Continuing improve- nm-quenauxcu. ment, forty thousand dollars. _ _ Im roving harbor at Thunder Bay, Michigan: To remore four- ·rmmuer1»y,m:c¤- teen-Foot channel, five thousand ive hundred ollars. Improving harzifiioagt I;’}etoskey{dM1Hchigan: For breakwater and P¤¤>s¤·>y,ws¤. h be freuge, I1 thousand oars. almlhgvinlg harbémr ap Ahnapee, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- Aunspeawm e t, six thousand dollars. mllhpiégviplg har b3r;.tlCreen Bay, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- Green sq-,ws¤. t, n thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ mtlllnproving harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsmz Contmmng improve- xemmwa. ment, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars, two thousand five hundred dollalrs 050 the above appropriation to be expended in dredg- ' thr r. mImp$·dxI;$,g hg;-Dbor at Kewaunee, Wisconsin: Continuing improve- K<>w¤¤¤¤¤.Wi¤· ment, twenty thousand dollars. srA·r L-—voL xxv1——-28