Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/658

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604 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1244. 1890. NE Iggm t factured in bonded-warehouse and exported under any provision of mm duty—contg- law: And provicledfuwher, That when manufactured to acco which “°.§6b,,m_ has been exported without payment of internal-revenue tax shall be re-imported it shall be retained in the custody of the collector of customs until intemal-revenue stamps in payment of the legal duties shall be placed thereon. 494. Asbestos, unmanufactured. " 495. Ashes, wood and lye of, and beet-root ashes. 496. Asphaltum and bitumen, crude. 497. Asafetida. 498. Balm of Gilead. 499. Barks, cinchona or other from which quinine may be ex~ tracted. 500 Baryta, carbonate of, or witherite. 501. Bauxite, or beauxite. 502. Beeswax. 503. Bells, broken, and bell metal broken and fit only to be remanufactured. 504. Birds, stuifed, not suitable for millinery ornaments and bird gkins, prepared for preservation, but not further advanced in manuacture. 505. Birds and land and water fowls. 506. Bismuth. 507. Bladders, including fish-bladders or iish—sounds, crude, and all integnments of animals not specially provided for in this act. 508. lood, dried. 509. Bologna sausages. 510. Bolting—cloths, especially for milling- purposes, but not suitable for the manufacture of wearing appare 511. Bones, crude, or notburned calcined, ground, steamed, or otherwise manufactured, and bone-dust or animal carbon, and bone ash, at only for fertilizing purposes. 512. Boo s, engravings, photographs, bound or unbound etchings, maps, and c arts, which shall have been printed and bound or manufactured more than twenty years at the date of importation. 513. Books and pamphlets printed exclusively in languages other than English; also books and music, in raised print, used exclusively by the blind. 514. Books, engravings, photographs, etchings, bound or unbound, maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for the use of the forary of Congress. 515. Books, maps, lithographic prints, and charts, specially imported, not more t an two copies in any one invoice, in good aith, or the use of any society incorporated or established for e ucational, philosotphical, literary, or religious purposes, or for the encouragement o the fine arts, or for the use or by order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasur shall prescribe. 516. Books, or libraries, or arts of libraries, andy other household eifects of persons or families flxlom foreign countries, if actually used abroad by them not less than one year, and not intended for any other person or persons, nor for sale. 517. Brazil paste. 518. Braids, plaits, laces, and similar manufactures composed of straw, chip, g’I‘8SS, palm-leaf, willow, osier, or rattan, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets. and hoods. 519. Brazilian poipble, uuwrought or unmanufactured. 520. Breccia, in lock or slabs. , 521. Bromine. 522. Bullion, gold or silver. 523. Burgundy itch. 524. Cabinets og) old coins and medals, and other collections of