Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/874

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FIFTY—FIRST CONGRESS. SEsS. II. Ch. 495. 1891. 82}, For repairs, u holsterin , and ca etin the Academ cha el, one ¤¤¤1>¤1r¤1>¤i¤,·=w- hundred and iifgr dollars.g rp g y P For contingent funds, to be expended under the direction of the conungem runes. Academic Board; for instruments, books, repairs to apparatus, and other incidental expenses not otherwise_prov1ded for, one thousand dollars: Promded, That all technical and scientific supplies for the p,·m,,,_ departments of instruction of the Military Academy shall be ur- recumeu supplies. ghaped by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may dgem es . _ For purchase and repair of instruments for band, to be purchased mg,‘,}‘*°°l *"“*"“‘ in open market on the order of the Superintendent, and to be immediately available, one hundred dollars. _ PUBLIC WORKS. P¤b1i¤ works- For buildings and groimds: For repairing roads and ths, in- nemumgmnem cluding roads and bridges on reservation, Eve hundred dollgrs. For continuing construction of breast—high wall in dangerous wm. places, five hundred dollars. - For water works; Renewal of material in nlter beds; im roving wml- w¤r¤,em. ventilation of filter house and water house- hose for use in dieaning filter beds and water house, and for use in hre service at same; tools, implements, and materials for use of the two keepers, and for repairs of siphon house, Hlter house, and of four and one-half miles of supply pipes; for shed for tools and storage of fuel for keedper at Round ond, and for tool house at filter; for gauges at Roun Pond and Delafield Pond, and stairs for access to same, Eve hundred dollars. For broken stone and gravel for roads, two thousand dollars. sms zu- mms. For maintaining and improving the grounds of the Post Ceme- 0,,m,t0,.,_ tery, including the purchase of trees, plants, tools, and materials, to • be immediately available, five hundre dollars. For repair of cooking utensils and the replacement of worn out omkiugumsne. cooking utensils in the cadet subsistence department, three hundred and twenty-six dollars, to be expended without advertising. For repairs of chairs, tables, and other furniture, and for contin- C0,,u,,g0,,t ,,,00,,,_ gent repairs, fifty dollars. _ For p acing an additional story on the brick building in rear of Mescmployeeadous cadet mess-hall, used as a dormitory for employees of the mess, one “*°°"Y· thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars. For reflooring, repairing, and painting that portion of the annex to the mess bu` ding over the kitchen o the mess, used as a dormito for employees of the mess, four hundred and eighty-one dollars. d Igor repairs of present quarters married enlisted men, five thousand ormms. ollars. For two or more sets of ‘ officers’ quarters to be immediately available. twenty thousand dollars. For twenty sets of quarters for enlisted men and their families, to be built in sets of twos, of brick, each set to contain four rooms, twenty-four thousand dollars. For enlarging the storehouse and workshop of the cadet quarter. $,0,0,,00,0 md masters department, ten thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars v¤r¤¤<>p· and seventy cents. _ _ For painting and repairin(g the exterior and mterior of the present . building occupied by the ca et quartermaster’s department, painting roof, re lacing leaders to same, and for incidental repairs, six hundred and thirty-seven dollars, _ For galleries and repairs, riding hall, two thousand dollars. ·· Ridinglmll For necessary repairs of, and for improving the plumbing and smm-y am sewerage systems at West Point, New York, and putting the same in ”‘°“°° °~'*W°¤’ m a sanitary condition, fifteen thousand dollars, to be expended under